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Legislation and Policy

Click on the information you wish to see (or tab to it and press enter)

Legislation and Policy

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) develops and administers many areas of policy and legislation that directly affect individuals with disabilities and their families. We also play critical roles both in the development of the regulations that bring policies into effect and in monitoring that these laws and regulations are followed.

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is the major legislative source for programs and initiatives administered by RSA. RSA also administers the Assistive Technology Act of 2004 (AT Act).

RSA issues regulations to clarify, build upon or otherwise implement statutory requirements pertaining to certain programs under the Rehabilitation Act. These "program regulations" establish requirements that grantees (e.g., state agency grantees under the state VR services program) must follow, in addition to following applicable requirements in the Rehabilitation Act.

RSA develops and promulgates a variety of sub-regulatory guidance intended to provide additional direction in support of program legislation and regulations. RSA issues the following guidance: Policy Directives, Technical Assistance Circulars, Information Memoranda, and Memoranda of Understanding.

OSERS' Regulations Page

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is the major legislative source for programs and initiatives administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

Assistive Technology Act of 2004

The Assistive Technology Act of 2004 is the legislative source for the:

  • Assistive Technology State Grant program (ATSG),
  • Alternative Financing program (AFP), and the
  • Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) program, also administered by RSA.

Randolph-Sheppard Act
Helen Keller National Center Act of 1984

Other legislative sources for RSA programs and initiatives are the Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended; and the Helen Keller National Center Act of 1984.

Additional Information

In addition, the Department offers many other sources of information and links referencing rehabilitation and education legislation. Some of those links are listed below.

  • ED's Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs (OLCA) maintains a list of information on the legislative initiatives of the Department of Education since January 1993.

  • Information on other education legislation -- for example, bills and amendments offered by members of Congress --can be viewed at the Library of Congress's Thomas Web site, where you may select from several databases that provide full bill text, bill summaries, and bill status by sponsor, keyword and bill number. Information about the House and Senate current floor action, committees and members' home pages is available via the House and Senate Web sites.

  • FedLaw, a service of the General Services Administration (GSA), offers a select group of references of particular use to those doing federal legal research, including pages of links to the USA.gov.

  • The 1998 Digest of Education Statistics includes a useful chronology of selected federal education legislation from 1787 through 1997.

RSA issues regulations to clarify, build upon or otherwise implement statutory requirements pertaining to certain programs under the Rehabilitation Act. These "program regulations" establish requirements that grantees (e.g., state agency grantees under the state vocational rehabilitation (VR) services program) must follow, in addition to following applicable requirements in the Rehabilitation Act.

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. The CFR online is a joint project authorized by the publisher, the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register, and the Government Printing Office (GPO) to provide the public with enhanced access to Government information. GPO will continue to make the paper editions of the CFR and Federal Register available through its Superintendent of Documents sales service.

Sub-Regulatory Guidance

In 1992, the commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), established a System for Issuing Policy and Information (SIPI). SIPI is one method used by RSA to promulgate policy and technical assistance and disseminate information to state vocational rehabilitation agencies, other grantees and other public and private organizations.

Through SIPI, RSA established policy and prescribes the methods found necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the programs funded under the Acts for which RSA is responsible. These acts are: the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Assistive Technology Act of 2004; the Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended; and the Helen Keller National Center Act of 1984 (the Acts). More information about these Acts is available on the OSERS' Rehabilitation Services Administration Legislation page.

Policy is a formal statement, determined by the RSA commissioner, from among one or more legally supportable options, establishing conditions, relationships or conduct which are held to be necessary for:

  1. implementing or substantiating the letter and/or intent of relevant law and regulations; and

  2. ensuring the proper management by such laws and regulations.

Through the RSA Web site, viewers have access to the following SIPI issuances.

  • Policy Directives
    A Policy Directive (PD) is a formal statement of required action(s) or condition(s) that must be carried out or met by state VR agencies or other RSA grantees in order to be in compliance with the Acts. A PD is legally enforceable because it is based on a statutory or regulatory provision.

  • Technical Assistance Circulars
    A Technical Assistance Circular (TAC) is a formal statement of guidelines and/or suggested methods to satisfy statutory, regulatory or policy requirements. A TAC addresses those areas of program requirements for which state VR agencies or other RSA grantees have flexibility in determining precisely how such requirements are to be met.

  • Information Memoranda
    An Information Memorandum (IM) transmits information to grantees who operate formula or discretionary grant programs authorized by the Acts, and to individuals who are responsible for monitoring these programs.

  • Memoranda of Understanding
    A a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) documents an understanding between RSA and another entity.

Policy Directives: 2013

2013 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).


October 22, 2012
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Annual Report on Appeals Process (RSA-722)"
download files MS Word (120KB) | PDF (536 KB)

Policy Directives: 2012

2012 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).


November 7, 2011
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-509, Annual Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program (PAIR) Report"
download files MS Word (218K) | PDF (1 MB)


November 7, 2011
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report, OMB 1820-0528"
download files MS Word (210K) | PDF (897K)


December 15, 2011
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program Assurances"
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (147K)


December 19, 2011
"RSA-15 – Report of Vending Facility Program"
download files MS Word (207K) | PDF (919K)


February 8, 2012
"Approved the use of the Case Service Report (RSA-911) through November 30, 2014"
download files MS Word (575K) | PDF (1.7M)


February 13, 2012
"Revision of PD-11-02, instructions for completing the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) for the Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants Program"
download files MS Word (135K) | PDF (527K)


March 5, 2012
"Announcement of the OMB Approval for the on-line submission of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (140K)


March 5, 2012
"Announcement of OMB Approval for the on-line submission of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program Improvement Plan"
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (140K)


March 15, 2012
"OMB Approval of the Extension of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (RSA-113)"
download files MS Word (47K) | PDF (306K)


September 4, 2012
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-661, Annual Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Report. "
download files MS Word (338K) | PDF (1.9M)

Policy Directives -- 2011

2011 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 25, 2010
"RSA-15 - Report of Vending Facility Program"
download files MS Word (209K) | PDF (778K)

October 26, 2010
"Revision of PD-10-03 instructions for completing the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) for the Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants Program"
download files MS Word (120K) | PDF (1.9M)

October 26, 2010
"Instructions for completing the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) for other formula grant award programs"
download files MS Word (128K) | PDF (1.9M)

September 26, 2011
"Instructions for completing the Federal Financial Report (SF-425) for the discretionary Centers for Independent Living program"
download files MS Word (173K) | PDF (378K)

Policy Directives -- 2010

2010 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 14, 2009
"RSA-15 - Report of Vending Facility Program"
download files MS Word (229K) | PDF (9.3M)

December 7, 2009
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report, OMB 1820-0528"
download files MS Word (204K) | PDF (8.9M)

December 22, 2009
"Federal Financial Report (FFR) - Standard Form 425"
download files MS Word (128K) | PDF (4.2M)

August 23, 2010
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Changes in the Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Categories on Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report, OMB 1820-0528"
download files MS Word (212K) | PDF (9.6M)

August 23, 2010
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Changes in Race and Ethnicity Categories for the Annual Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Report (form RSA-509), OMB 1820-0627"
download files MS Word (223K) | PDF (10.9M)

August 23, 2010
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Changes in Race and Ethnicity Categories for the Annual Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Report (form RSA-661), OMB 1820-0661"
download files MS Word (340K) | PDF (16.2M)

Policy Directives -- 2009

2009 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

December 9, 2008
"Approved use of the Case Service Report (RSA-911) through October 31, 2011"
download files MS Word (409K) | PDF (390K)

March 5, 2009
"OMB Approval of the Extension of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (RSA-113)"
download files MS Word (71K) | PDF (3.74MB)

March 10, 2009
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Annual Report on Appeals Process (RSA-722)"
download files MS Word (162K) | PDF (5.29MB)

August 31, 2009
"Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report (RSA-2)"
download files MS Word (89K) | PDF (7.5MB)

Policy Directives -- 2008

2008 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

September 16, 2008
"RSA-15 - Report of Vending Facility Program"
download files MS Word (211K) | PDF (166K)

Policy Directives -- 2007

2007 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 5, 2006
"Amendment to PD-06-01, dated October 24, 2005, transmitting instructions for the RSA-911 - Case Service Report"
download files MS Word (429K) | PDF (173K)

October 19, 2006
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2006 Data"
download files MS Word (178K) | PDF (143K)

September 26, 2007
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2007 Data"
download files MS Word (208K) | PDF (69K)

Policy Directives -- 2006

2006 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 24, 2005
"RSA-911 - Case Service Report"
download files MS Word (431K) | PDF (472K)

October 31, 2005
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report"
download files MS Word (166K) | PDF (167K)

December 2, 2005
"Review of Randolph-Sheppard Program Statistical Information."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (18K)

July 17, 2006
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-509, Annual Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program (PAIR) Report."
download files MS Word (176K) | PDF (172K)

July 17, 2006
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report."
download files MS Word (169K) | PDF (149K)

August 10, 2006
"The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the continued use of the Annual Report on Appeals Process (RSA 722) through November 30, 2008."
download files MS Word (99K) | PDF (92K)

August 10, 2006
"The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the continued use of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (RSA-113) through March 31, 2009."
download files MS Word (91K) | PDF (78K)

August 10, 2006
"The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the continued use of the Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report (RSA-2) through April 30, 2009"
download files MS Word (112K) | PDF (97K)

Policy Directives -- 2005

2005 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

March 8, 2005
"Liquidation of Obligations Under RSA’s Formula Grants."
[downloadable files] MS Word (56K) | PDF (37K)

March 14, 2005
"Announcement of OMB Approval for the Annual Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Program Performance Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (337K) | PDF (550K)

April 8, 2005
"State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the State Plan Supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (61K) | PDF (43K)

September 29, 2005
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2005 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (170K) | PDF (295K)

Policy Directives--2004

2004 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 9, 2003
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2003 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (206K) | PDF (215K)

June 17, 2004
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (192K) | PDF (171K)

September 21, 2004
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2004 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (210K) | PDF (232K)

September 30, 2004
“RSA-911 - Case Service Report.”
[downloadable files] MS Word (422K) | PDF (493K)

Policy Directives--2003

2003 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 29, 2002
"Discontinuation of Data Collection Using Form RSA-636 (Annual Supported Employment Caseload Report), OMB Number 1820-0551."
[downloadable files] MS Word (8K) | PDF (24K)

February 11, 2003
"RSA 2 - Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (137K) | PDF (110K)

March 24, 2003
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Collection of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (Form RSA-113)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (50K) | PDF (78K)

April 14, 2003
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Report Form RSA-509, Annual Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program Performance Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (99K) | PDF (181K)

April 14, 2003
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Form RSA-722, Annual Report on Appeals Process."
[downloadable files] MS Word (51K) | PDF (135K)

August 8, 2003
"Whether Centers that do not Receive Title VII, Part C Grants are Included as Centers for Independent Living Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and the Implications for SILC Composition, Network of Centers, and Part B and Part C Funding."
[downloadable files] MS Word (50K) | PDF (55K)

September 25, 2003
"RSA-911 - Case Service Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (400K) | PDF (618K)

Policy Directives--2002

2002 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 11, 2001
"Correction to the September 19, 2001 Issuance of the Form RSA-15, Reporting of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2001 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (153K) | PDF (36K)

October 17, 2001
"Request for Resubmission of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (Form RSA -113, OMB Number: 1820-0013) for the Fourth Quarters of FY 1998 and FY 1999 Using the Revised Format Contained in RSA-PD-99-08."
[downloadable files] MS Word (25K) | PDF (13K)

July 3, 2002
"Satellite Centers for Independent Living."
[downloadable files] MS Word (37K) | PDF (80K)

September 11, 2002
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2002 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (162K) | PDF (496K)

July 23, 2002
[downloadable files] MS Word (66K) | PDF (151K)

Policy Directives--2001

2001 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 26, 2000
"Requirements For Carrying Over Federal Funds and Program Income Under RSA's Formula Grants."
[downloadable files] MS Word (32K) | PDF (17K)

October 26, 2000
"Definition Recognition, and Obligation of Program Income Earned by Grantees Covered Under the Formula Grant Programs Authorized by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended."
[downloadable files] MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

January 17, 2001
"Implementation of Informed Choice."
[downloadable files] MS Word (47K) | PDF (23K)

March 27, 2001
"Promulgation of Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report." pd-01-04.doc
[downloadable files] MS Word (160K) | PDF (91K)

April 25, 2001
"State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) under Chapter 1 of Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended (Act)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (212K) | PDF (123K)

September 19, 2001
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2001 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (27K) | PDF (4K)

September 19, 2001
Form RSA 15 "Report of Vending Facility Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (150K) | PDF (33K)

Policy Directives--2000

2000 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 22, 1999
"Notice of Vendor on List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs."
[downloadable files] MS Word (28K) | PDF (7K)

November 29, 1999
"Announcement of OMB Approval for the Annual Supported Employment Caseload Report (Form RSA-636), OMB Number: 1820-0551."
[downloadable files] MS Word (43K) | PDF (33K)

December 6, 1999
"OMB Approval for Collection of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (Form RSA-113) Extended to 10/31/2002."
[downloadable files] MS Word (63K) | PDF (43K)

December 6, 1999
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Form RSA-722, Annual Report on Appeals Process (Formerly Resolution of Applicant/Client Appeals), OMB Number: 1820-0563."
[downloadable files] MS Word (68K) | PDF (59K)

February 1, 2000
"Promulgation of Report Form RSA-509, Annual Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program Performance Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (138K) | PDF (100K)

March 16, 2000
"Announcement of OMB Approval for the Case Service Report (RSA-911), OMB Number: 1820-0508."
[downloadable files] MS Word (398K) | PDF (261K)

April 17, 2000
"Amendment of RSA-PD-00-06, dated March 16, 2000: Announcement of OMB Approval for the Case Service Report (RSA-911), OMB Number: 1820-0508."
[downloadable files] MS Word (26K) | PDF (9K)

April 27, 2000
"Notice to Remove Vendor from List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs."
[downloadable files] MS Word (22K) | PDF (8K)

June 1, 2000
"Revised RSA 2, Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (27K) | PDF (9K)

September 15, 2000
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 2000 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (210K) | PDF (365K)

Policy Directives--1999

1999 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 8, 1998
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Continued Collection of the Case Service Report (RSA-911), OMB Number: 1820-0508."
[downloadable files] MS Word (22K) | PDF (7K)

December 10, 1998
"Section 704 Annual Performance Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (294K) | PDF (318K)

February 12, 1999
"State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program under Title I, Part B and State Plan Supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program under Title VI, Part B of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended."
[downloadable files] MS Word (244K) | PDF (224K)

January 12, 1999
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Continued Collection of Data Using the Existing Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report (RSA-2), OMB No. 1820-0017."
[downloadable files] MS Word (74K) | PDF (68K)

March 19, 1999
"The Use of Title I Funds for the Maintenance and Repair of Equipment Under the Randolph-Sheppard Act."
[downloadable files] MS Word (73K) | PDF (33K)

May 3, 1999
"Form ED(RSA)-7-OB, Annual Report for Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind."
[downloadable files] MS Word (74K) | PDF (34K)

July 7, 1999
"Discontinuation of Data Collection on Post Employment Services and Annual Reviews using Form RSA-62, OMB Number: 1820-0014."
[downloadable files] MS Word (49K) | PDF (6K)

July 30, 1999
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Collection of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (Form RSA-113)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (75K) | PDF (48K)

September 8, 1999
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Continued Collection of the Case Service Report (RSA-911), OMB Number: 1820-0508."
[downloadable files] MS Word (356K) | PDF (316K)

September 29, 1999
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 1999 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (33K) | PDF (7K)

Policy Directives--1998

1998 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

February 11, 1998
"Promulgation of Report Form RSA-227, Annual Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (22K) | PDF (7K)

February 25, 1998
"Form ED(RSA)-7-OB, Annual Report for Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind."
[downloadable files] MS Word (52K) | PDF (35K)

September 14, 1998
"Revised Provision for the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) under Chapter 1 of Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act) Fiscal Years 1999-2001."
[downloadable files] MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

September 24, 1998
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 1998 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (22K) | PDF (7K)

Policy Directives--1997

1997 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

February 12, 1997
"State Plan For the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program under Title I, Part B and State Plan Supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program under Title VI, Part C of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended - Fiscal Years 1998-2000."
[downloadable files] MS Word (25K) | PDF (12K)

March 12, 1997
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Continued Collection of the Case Service Report (RSA-911) Data, OMB No: 1820-0508."
[downloadable files] MS Word (49K) | PDF (18K)

June 27, 1997
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Collection of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (Form RSA-113)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (31K) | PDF (12K)

August 19, 1997
"Employment Goal for an Individual with a Disability."
[downloadable files] MS Word (43K) | PDF (10K)

September 29, 1997
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 1997 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (25K) | PDF (7K)

Policy Directives--1996

1996 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 23, 1995
"Provision of Financial Assistance to Community Rehabilitation Programs by State VR Agencies Through The Use of the Establishment Authority."
[downloadable files] MS Word (32K) | PDF (12K)

November 17, 1995
"Special Education Programs as ‘Other Rehabilitation’ for Purposes of the Application of the Provisions of Sections 101(a)(1)(B)(i) and (2)(A)(i) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended."
[downloadable files] MS Word (37K) | PDF (20K)

February 20, 1996
"Revised Reporting for RSA-2, Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (27K) | PDF (7K)

May 24, 1996
"Allowability of Use of Indian Child Welfare Funds as Match for Grants Awarded to the Governing Bodies or Consortia of Governing Bodies of Indian Tribes for the Provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to American Indians with Disabilities Residing on Federal or State Recognized Reservations."
[downloadable files] MS Word (27K) | PDF (10K)

July 8, 1996
"Approval of Form RSA-636: The Annual Supported Employment Caseload Report."
[downloadable files] MS Word (56K) | PDF (25K)

September 5, 1996
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 1996 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (25K) | PDF (9K)

September 12, 1996
"Promulgation of Report Form RSA-722, Resolution of Applicant/Client Appeals."
[downloadable files] MS Word (70K) | PDF (9K)

Policy Directives--1995

1995 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 13, 1994
"Form ED(RSA)-7OB, Annual Report for Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind."
[downloadable files] MS Word (88K) | PDF (114K)

February 17, 1995
"State Plan for Independent Living under Chapter 1 of Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended (Act)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (191K) | PDF (254K)

February 17, 1995
"Announcement of OMB Approval for Collection of the Quarterly Cumulative Caseload Report (Form RSA-113)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (32K) | PDF (21K)

May 1, 1995
"Announcement of OMB approval for Collection of Data in the Case Service Report (RSA-911)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (33K) | PDF (15K)

June 22, 1995
"OMB Approval for the Continuation of Data Collection on Post-Employment Services and Annual Reviews (RSA-62 Form)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

July 12, 1995
"’Retirement’ of Policy Issuances."
[downloadable files] MS Word (82K) | PDF (115K)

September 29, 1995
"Form RSA-15, Report of Vending Facility Program for Reporting Fiscal Year 1995 Data."
[downloadable files] MS Word (28K) | PDF (16K)

Policy Directives--1994

1994 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

June 1, 1994
"Obligation Requirements for Formula Grants."
[downloadable files] MS Word (39K) | PDF (18K)

August 10, 1994
"Obligation Requirements for Formula Grants."
[downloadable files] MS Word (34K) | PDF (23K)

Policy Directives--1993

1993 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 10, 1992
"Changes to the Case Service Report System (RSA-911): Disability Codes Established for Deaf-Blindness and Traumatic Brain Injuries and New Codes for Computer-Related Occupations."
[downloadable files] MS Word (30K) | PDF (12K)

Policy Directives--1992

1992 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 21, 1991
"Provision of Financial Assistance for Post-Secondary Education by State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies."
[downloadable files] MS Word (34K) | PDF (20K)

December 6, 1991
"Use of Program Income: Payments from Social Security Administration, Insurance Carriers, Workers Compensation, Fees for Services and Income from State Operated Rehabilitation Facilities."
[downloadable files] MS Word (31K) | PDF (14K)

January 31, 1992
"Requirements for Granting Waivers for Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Under the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended."
[downloadable files] MS Word (42K) | PDF (22K)

Policy Directives--1991

1991 Policy Directives from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 16, 1990
"Policy Statement on Rehabilitation Engineering." (See also RSA-TAC-91-01)
[downloadable files] MS Word (35K) | PDF (16K)

January 11, 1991
"Verification, Reinstatement and/or Retirement of RSA Program Policy Directives."
[downloadable files] MS Word (23K) | PDF (8K)

March 7, 1991
"Definition of Application for Vocational Rehabilitation Services or Independent Living Rehabilitation Services."
[downloadable files] MS Word (33K) | PDF (21K)

August 9, 1991
"Role of Client Assistance Programs in Relation to the Americans with Disabilities Act."
[downloadable files] MS Word (28K) | PDF (11K)

Technical Assistance Circulars: 2013

2013 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

January 30, 2013
"Federal Requirements Governing the Roles and Responsibilities of Statewide Independent Living Councils"
download files MS Word (85KB) | PDF (349KB)

Technical Assistance Circulars: 2012

2012 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 20, 2011
"Federal Requirements Governing the Composition and Membership of, and Appointments to, the State Rehabilitation Councils"
download files MS Word (35KB) | PDF (778KB)

February 22, 2012
"Submission of the FY 2013 State Plan for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (425KB) | PDF (1.5MB)

April 16, 2012
"Organizational Structure and Non-Delegable Responsibilities of the Designated State Unit for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. "
download files MS Word (110KB) | PDF (566KB)

June 11, 2012
"Provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to an Individual by More Than One Agency"
download files MS Word (44KB) | PDF (214KB)

Technical Assistance Circulars -- 2011

2011 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

January 21, 2011
"Determining Eligibility for Persons with Borderline Intellectual Functioning under the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program"
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (778K)

August 16, 2011
"Sources of Non-Federal Share for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program"
download files MS Word (51K) | PDF (261K)

Technical Assistance Circulars -- 2007

2007 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

April 2, 2007
"Ensuring the appropriateness of loans to individuals with disabilities through the Access to Telework Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (54K) | PDF (240K)

Technical Assistance Circulars -- 2006

2006 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 21, 2005
"Factors State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies Should Consider When Determining Whether a Job Position Within a Community Rehabilitation Program is Deemed to be in an "Integrated Setting" for Purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (83K) | PDF (61K)

September 7, 2006
"Ensuring the appropriateness of loans to individuals with disabilities through Alternative Financing Programs (AFPs)."
[downloadable files] MS Word (64K) | PDF (64K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--2005

2005 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

January 10, 2005
"Guidelines for Assessing the Functional Capacities of an Individual with Specific Learning Disabilities to Determine Significance of Disability for Order of Selection Purposes."
[downloadable files] MS Word (64K) | PDF (96K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--2002

2002 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

February 11, 2002
"Assessments of Individuals with Significant Disabilities Under the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (39K) | PDF (28K)

September 26, 2002
"Documents to Submit when Requesting a Waiver or Modification of the State's Maintenance of Effort Requirements under the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (42K) | PDF (41K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--2001

2001 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

August 8, 2001
"Supplementary Instructions for Completing the SF-269 Financial Status Report, Under the Basic Support Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (45K) | PDF (20K)

August 8, 2001
"Supplementary Instructions for Completing the SF-269 Financial Status Report, For the Independent Living Services Program, Part B, Independent Living, Part C, Centers for Independent Living Program (If Administered by a State Agency Pursuant to Section 723), Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program, Chapter 2, Supported Employment Program, Client Assistance Program, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (46K) | PDF (22K)

August 30, 2001
"Clarification of Items in RSA-PD-00-06."
[downloadable files] MS Word (52K) | PDF (35K)

August 30, 2001
"Work Status at Closure."
[downloadable files] MS Excel (108K)

August 30, 2001
"Work Status at Closure."
[downloadable files] MS Excel (39K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--2000

2000 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

February 8, 2000
"Guidance on Determining Eligibility Under the Projects With Industry Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (36K) | PDF (23K)

July 24, 2000
"Self-employment, Telecommuting, and Establishing a Small Business as Employment Outcomes."
[downloadable files] MS Word (34K) | PDF (18K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1998

1998 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 3, 1997
"Support Services for Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities and Others Who Need Assistance in Implementing Informed Choice."
[downloadable files] MS Word (73K) | PDF (34K)

February 6, 1998 (Revised Date: April 30, 1998)
"Establishing and continuing working relationships between State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies and Community Rehabilitation Programs."
[downloadable files] MS Word (24K) | PDF (15K)

September 29, 1998
"Clarification of Data Requested on the RSA-722."
[downloadable files] MS Word (29K) | PDF (15K)

September 29, 1998
"Responsibility of State VR Agencies in the Provision of Rehabilitation Technology."
[downloadable files] MS Word (29K) | PDF (15K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1997

1997 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

February 24, 1997
"What a Designated Client Assistance Program Agency Must Do to Satisfy the Mediation Procedures Requirement."
[downloadable files] MS Word (57K) | PDF (24K)

May 30, 1997
"Performance Standards for the State Business Enterprise Program Under the Randolph-Sheppard Act."
[downloadable files] MS Word (37K) | PDF (12K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1996

1996 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

February 23, 1996
"Conduct of Review and Analysis of the Effectiveness of and Consumer Satisfaction with Functions Performed and Vocational Rehabilitation Services Provided by Public and Private Entities."
[downloadable files] MS Word (52K) | PDF (21K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1995

1995 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 27, 1994
"Supplementary Instructions for Completing the Standard Form 269 Under the Section 110 Program."
[downloadable files] MS Word (51K) | PDF (22K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1994

1994 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

December 16, 1993
"The Use and Reporting of Program Income By Rehabilitation Services Administration's (RSA) Discretionary Program Grantees."
[downloadable files] MS Word (42K) | PDF (25K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1993

1993 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 2, 1992
"The Implications of §504 and the ADA Regarding Client Placement Services and Pre-employment Inquiries by Employers."
[downloadable files] MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

May 12, 1993
"Implementation of Part C of Title I, Innovation and Expansion Grants, of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended."
[downloadable files] MS Word (63K) | PDF (49K)

June 2, 1993
"State Rehabilitation Advisory Council."
[downloadable files] MS Word (73K) | PDF (41K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1992

1992 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

April 30, 1992
"Documentation of Eligibility for Services from Projects With Industry."
[downloadable files] MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

July 16, 1992
"Guidance for Preparation of Attachment 10.6(b)A: Designated State Unit's Plans, Policies, and Methods Relating to Transitioning."
[downloadable files] MS Word (45K) | PDF (16K)

Technical Assistance Circulars--1991

1991 Technical Assistance Circulars from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 16, 1990
"Rehabilitation Engineering Technology. (See also RSA-PD-91-03)"
[downloadable files] MS Word (42K) | PDF (28K)

Information Memoranda—2012

2012 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

May 1, 2012
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (70K)

Information Memoranda — 2011

2011 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 22, 2010
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (60M)

February 18, 2011
"Submission of the FY 2012 State Plan for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (423K) | PDF (1.5M)

May 17, 2011
"Announcement of the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s FY 2011 National Financial Management Conference"
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (82K)

July 27, 2011
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (49K)

Information Memoranda — 2010

2010 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

March 1, 2010
"Submission of the FY 2011 State Plan for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (551K) | PDF (16M)

March 2, 2010
"Announcement of the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s 2010 Randolph-Sheppard National Training and Leadership Conference"
download files MS Word (46K) | PDF (1M)

April 20, 2010
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (44K) PDF (812K)

May 5, 2010
"Procedures for the Recovery of Disallowed Costs Identified through Program Monitoring Activities"
download files MS Word (62K) | PDF (3.2M)

July 13, 2010
"Announcement of the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s 2010 National Employment Conference"
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (737K)

Information Memoranda -- 2009

2009 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 16, 2008
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (28K)

January 9, 2009
"Submission of the FY 2010 State Plan for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (51K) | PDF (17.1M)

January 21, 2009
"Guidance on Federal Employment of People with Disabilities"
download files MS Word (255K) | PDF (4.57M)

April 23, 2009
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (681K)

May 19, 2009
"Research highlights from An Assessment of Transition Policies and Practices in State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies"
download files MS Word (57K) | PDF (2.47M)

July 13, 2009
"FY 2009 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 "
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (962KB)

Information Memoranda -- 2008

2008 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 2, 2007
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (92K)

December 21, 2007
"Submission of the FY 2009 State Plan for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (66K) | PDF (23K)

February 20, 2008
"Noncontinuation of Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program Grants"
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (16K)

June 24, 2008
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2007"
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (42K)

July 16, 2008
"FY 2008 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act "
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (605K)

Information Memoranda -- 2007

2007 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 23, 2006
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (23K)

February 2, 2007 (revised February 22, 2007)
"Submission of the Fiscal Year 2008 State Plan for the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services Program"
download files MS Word (219K) | PDF (116K)

May 24, 2007
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (14K)

June 20, 2007
"FY 2007 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act"
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (21K)

June 27, 2007
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2006"
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (24K)

July 2, 2007
"New Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Regulation: Excepted Service -- Appointment of Persons with Disabilities and Career and Career-Conditional Employment Regulation"
download files MS Word (134K) | PDF (185K)

July 9, 2007
"Reporting Employment Status at Closure for Code 7, "Employment with Supports in Integrated Setting," in the RSA-911, Case Service Report, Transmitted by PD-07-01"
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (22K)

July 23, 2007
"Transition Programs & Services: High School/High Tech & Vocational Rehabilitation"
download files MS Word (57K) | PDF (42K)

Information Memoranda -- 2006

2006 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 24, 2005
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the Thirty-Second Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Primary Study Groups"
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (51K)

November 23, 2005
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (45K)

November 21, 2005
"Information to Assist Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies in the Provision of Services to Individuals with Disabilities Affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita."
download files MS Word (39K) | PDF (54K)

December 20, 2005
"Fiscal Year 2007 Updates and Amendments of the State Plan for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the State Plan Supplement for the State Supported Employment Services Program."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (55K)

May 15, 2006
"Update of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (37K)

May 15, 2006
"Submission Requirements for Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Alternative Financing Program (AFP) Grants."
download files MS Word (57K) | PDF (34K)

May 15, 2006
"Fiscal Year 2006 Updates and Amendments to the State Plan for Assistive Technology (State Plan for AT)."
download files MS Word (55K) | PDF (37K)

June 22, 2006
"FY 2006 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (50K) | PDF (25K)

August 3, 2006
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2005."
download files MS Word (42K) | PDF (44K)

September 25, 2006
"Reallotment in the Supported Employment Program — FY 2006."
download files MS Word (17K) | PDF (30K)

September 26, 2006
"Reallotment in the Basic Support Program — FY 2006."
download files MS Word (19K) | PDF (32K)

Information Memoranda -- 2005

2005 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 20, 2004
"Fiscal Year 2005 First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (25K)

October 20, 2004
"Timeliness of RSA-2 and RSA-113 Form."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (18K)

October 27, 2004
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the Thirty-First Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) Primary Study Groups."
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (38K)

November 22, 2004
"State Rehabilitation Council Training Programs."
download files MS Word (55K) | PDF (57K)

January 21, 2005
"Dissemination of Information Regarding Data Collection for Projects With Industry (PWI) Grantees."
download files MS Word (84K) | PDF (70K)

February 22, 2005
"Call for Topics - Thirty-Second Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (2005 2006)"
download files MS Word (75K) | PDF (39K)

April 22, 2005
"Fiscal Year 2005 Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)"
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (25K)

May 31, 2005
"Request for Nominations for the Thirty-Second Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Primary Study Groups"
download files MS Word (104K) | PDF (80K)

June 10, 2005
"FY 2005 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act"
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (23K)

September 14, 2005
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2004"
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (38K)

September 22, 2005
"Reallotment in the Supported Employment Program - FY 2005"
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (12K)

September 22, 2005
"Reallotment in the Independent Living Older Blind Program - FY 2005"
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (12K)

September 27, 2005
"FY 2005 Annual Appropriation Levels and Annual Allotment Tables for State Grants for Assistive Technology"
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (45K)

Information Memoranda -- 2004

2004 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 1, 2003
"Fiscal Year 2004 First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (20K)

November 20, 2003
"Developing Public Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Relationships with Associations, Agencies, and Membership Organizations Dedicated to a Diverse and Qualified Workforce."
download files MS Word (39K) | PDF (24K)

January 16, 2004
"Call for Topics--Thirty-First Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (2004-2005)."
download files MS Word (74K) | PDF (51K)

January 16, 2004
"Announcement of the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s 2004 National Employment Conference."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (20K)

February 2, 2004
"Findings and Implications of the First and Second Final Reports of the Longitudinal Study of the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (48K) | PDF (42K)

February 9, 2004
"Final Evaluation Report on the Centers for Independent Living (CIL) Program."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (43K)

February 11, 2004
"Final Evaluation Report on the Projects With Industry (PWI) Program."
download files MS Word (64K) | PDF (42K)

February 13, 2004
"FY 2004 Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (1.1M) | PDF (941K)

February 25, 2004
"FY 2004 Annual Appropriation Levels and Annual Allotment Tables for the Basic Support (Title I), Supported Employment (SE), Independent Living, Part B (IL), Client Assistance (CAP), Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR), and Independent Living Older Blind (IL-OB)"
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (16K)

June 8, 2004
"Fiscal Year 2004 Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (23K)

June 18, 2004
"Request for Nominations for the Thirty-First Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Primary Study Groups."
download files MS Word (92K) | PDF (67K)

June 22, 2004
"FY 2004 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (24K)

July 1, 2004
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2003."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (31K)

August 11, 2004
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 2002 Annual Report"
download files MS Word (73K) | PDF (86K)

August 11, 2004
"Vending Facility Program Summary National Trends, FYS 1997-2002 and RSA-15 Tables 2-22"
download files MS Excel (99K)

August 27, 2004
"Independent Living Older Blind Program Annual Report"
download files MS Word (1.7M) | PDF (2.1M)

September 30, 2004
"Reallotment for the Basic Support and Supported Employment Programs- FY 2004."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (18K)

Information Memoranda -- 2003

2003 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 4, 2002
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the Twenty-Ninth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) Primary Study Groups."
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (17K)

October 21, 2002
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Distance Education: Opportunities and Issues for Public Vocational Rehabilitation Programs," developed by the Twenty-Eighth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (12K)

October 28, 2002
"Fiscal Year 2003 First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (14K)

November 5, 2002
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Succession Planning: Building a Successful Organization in a Dynamic Environment," developed by the Twenty-Eighth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (14K)

November 13, 2002
"Formation of the National Alliance for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Vocational Rehabilitation (NAMSFVR)."
download files MS Word (59K) | PDF (28K)

December 5, 2002
"Retirement of Technical Assistance Circular 94.01."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (7K)

March 10, 2003
"Call for Topics - Thirtieth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (2003-2004)."
download files MS Word (85K) | PDF (31K)

April 25, 2003
"Fiscal Year 2003 Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (10K)

May 8, 2003
"FY 2003 Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (1.1M) | PDF (980K)

May 21, 2003
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 2001 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (69K) | PDF (82K)

May 21, 2003
"VR Program Data Summary."
download files MS Excel

May 27, 2003
"FY 2003 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (24K)

June 19, 2003
"Request for Nominations for the Thirtieth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Primary Study Groups."
download files MS Word (80K) | PDF (70K)

July 11, 2003
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2002."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (41K)

July 21, 2003
"Correction to Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2002."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (50K)

September 22, 2003
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the Thirtieth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) Primary Study Groups."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (32K)

September 26, 2003
"Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 2003."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (16K)

Information Memoranda -- 2002

2002 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 1, 2001
"Information on the Provisions of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Individuals with Significant Speech and Language Impairments.
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (23K)

October 11, 2001
"Fiscal Year 2002 First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (14K)

October 18, 2001
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the 28th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) Prime Study Groups."
download files MS Word (49K) | PDF (16K)

November 5, 2001
"Multiple Chemical Sensitivity."
download files MS Word (60K) | PDF (35K)

November 19, 2001
"Independent Living Questions and Answers No. 1."
download files MS Word (54K) | PDF (28K)

November 20, 2001
"FY 1999 Standards and Indicators Work Tables."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (10K)

November 20, 2001
General/Combined Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 1.1: Number of Individuals with Employment Outcomes Indicator 1.2: Individuals Receiving Services under an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and Percentage with Employment Outcomes
download files MS Word (244K) | PDF (38K)

November 20, 2001
1998 and 1999 RSA General/Combined Agencies Data. Indicator 1.3: Competitive Employment Outcomes as a Percentage of All Employment Outcomes Indicator 1.4: Competitive Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Significant Disabilities as a Percentage of all Individuals with Competitive Employment Outcomes
download files MS Word (336K) | PDF (58K)

November 20, 2001
General/ Combined Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 1.5: Ratio of Average VR Hourly Wage to Average State Hourly Wage
download files MS Word (159K) | PDF (28K)

November 20, 2001
General/Combined Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998 Indicator 1.6: Percentage of Individuals Achieving Competitive Employment Outcomes Reporting Own Income as Primary Source of Support at Application and Closure
download files MS Word (253K) | PDF (36K)

November 20, 2001
1998 and 1999 General/Combined Agencies RSA 911 Data Indicator 2.1: Access to Services for Minorities
download files MS Word (330K) | PDF (36K)

November 20, 2001
Blind Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 1.1: Number of Individuals with Employment Outcomes Indicator 1.2: Individuals Receiving Services under an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and Percentage with Employment Outcomes
download files MS Word (135K) | PDF (26K)

November 20, 2001
Blind Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 1.1: Number of Individuals with Employment Outcomes Indicator 1.2: Individuals Receiving Services under an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and Percentage with Employment Outcomes
download files MS Word (230K) | PDF (31K)

November 20, 2001
Blind Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 1.5: Ratio of Average VR Hourly Wage to Average State Hourly Wage
download files MS Word (99K) | PDF (21K)

November 20, 2001
Blind Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 1.6: Percentage of Individuals Achieving Competitive Employment Outcomes Reporting Own Income as Primary Source of Support at Application and Closure
download files MS Word (143K) | PDF (20K)

November 20, 2001
Blind Agencies' Performance, 1999 and 1998. Indicator 2.1: Access to Services for Minorities
download files MS Word (187K) | PDF (21K)

November 26, 2001
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "The Family as a Critical Partner in the Achievement of a Successful Employment Outcome," developed by the Twenty-Sixth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (11K)

January 10, 2002
"Measuring and comparing the performance of Community Rehabilitation programs: The National Results Council model."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (13K)

January 8, 2002
"The General Accounting Office (GAO) release of a report titled: "Welfare Reform: More Coordinated Federal Effort Could Help States and Localities Move TANF Recipients With Impairments Toward Employment."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (9K)

February 21, 2002
"Public Meetings and Request for Comments on Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended."
download files MS Word (47K) | PDF (19K)

February 21,2002
"Interactive Satellite Telecasts on Final Regulations Implementing The Ticket to Work and Self-sufficiency Program."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (9K)

March 4, 2002
"Dissemination of the Publication entitled: Putting Creativity to Work: Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (7K)

February 28, 2002
"FY 2002 Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (644K) | PDF (303K)

March 7, 2002
"Call for Topics - 29th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (2002-2003)."
download files MS Word (69K) | PDF (29K)

March 13, 2002
"RSA Procedures for the Conduct of the Institute on Rehabilitation Issues."
download files MS Word (51K) | PDF (32K)

April 9, 2002
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2001."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (13K)

April 18, 2002
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 2000 Annual Report (Information Memorandum)."
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (6K)

April 18, 2002
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 2000 Annual Report (Annual Report)."
download files MS Word (163K) | PDF (46K)

April 18, 2002
VR Program Data Summary
download files MS Excel (89K) | PDF (159K)

May 3, 2002
"Fiscal Year 2002 Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (16K)

May 20, 2002
"FY 2002 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (12K)

March 24, 2002
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Providing Vocational Rehabilitation in a Workforce Environment," developed by the Twenty-Seventh Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (10K)

June 24, 2002
"Technical Amendments affecting the Selection of Members and the Appointment of the Chairperson of the Statewide Independent Living Council and the State Rehabilitation Council."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (9K)

July 9, 2002
"Request for Nominations for the Twenty-Ninth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Primary Study Groups."
download files MS Word (68K) | PDF (32K)

July 12, 2002
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Effective Strategies for Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Chronic Kidney Disease," developed by the Twenty-Seventh Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (10K)

July 25, 2002
"Launching of a new Web site on Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities, developed by Quest: Arts for Everyone."
download files MS Word (95K) | PDF (22K)

September 4, 2002
"An Evaluation of the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program (AIVRS), Final Report (Information Memorandum)."
download files MS Word (148K) | PDF (28K)

June 30, 2002
"Evaluation of the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files PDF (146K)

September 4, 2002
"First Final Report of the Longitudinal Study of the Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR) Program: How Consumer Characteristics Affect Access to, Receipt of, and Outcomes of VR Services."
download files MS Word (146K) | PDF (12K)

July 2002
"Longitudinal Study, Report 1: How Consumer Characteristics Affect Access to, Receipt of and Outcomes of VR Services."
download files PDF (506K)

September 6, 2002
"Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 2002."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (11K)

Information Memoranda -- 2001

2001 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 3, 2000
"RSAs First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 2001."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (32K)

October 17, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (16K)

October 18, 2000
"Distribution of New Gold Dollar Coins."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (11K)

October 20, 2000
"Revised Computer Edits for the RSA-911."
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (12K)

October 26, 2000
"OMB Circular No. A-133, Audits Of States, Local Governments, Non-Profit Organizations, and Institutions of Higher Education: Audit Coverage of RSA Programs."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (38K)

October 26, 2000
"Liquidation of Obligations Under RSA's Formula Grants."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (20K)

October 26, 2000
"Definition and Documentation of "Expenditures from Non-Federal Sources Under the State Plan" in the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (37K)

October 26, 2000
"Accountability for Unliquidated Obligations Under All RSA Formula Grant Programs."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (36K)

October 26, 2000
"Procurement Policies and Practices in State VR Agencies that Facilitate the Provision of Services and Promote Consumer Choice."
download files MS Word (217K) | PDF (218K)

November 14, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants Awarded under the Continuing Resolution for the Basic Support and Supported Employment Programs."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (39K)

November 15, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants for the State Independent Living Services Program Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (15K)

November 15, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants for the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (15K)

November 15, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants for the Client Assistance Program Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (15K)

November 15, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants for Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (15K)

December 1, 2000
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the 27th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) Prime Study Groups."
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (42K)

December 4, 2000
"FY 2001 Grants for the Basic Support Program Awarded under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (21K) | PDF (30K)

December 20, 2000
"Transmittal of Tape titled, 'Enable, People with Disabilities and Computers' with the Flying Karamazov Brothers."
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (18K)

December 18, 2000
"Development of National Registry for the Deaf-Blind."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (21K)

June 8, 2001
"FY 2001 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (28K)

January 19, 2001
"Information on the Title I State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation Services."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (52K)

January 19, 2001
"FY 2001 Allotment and Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (35K)

January 22, 2001
"FY 2001 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Supported Employment Services Program."
download files MS Word (21K) | PDF (30K)

January 22, 2001
"FY 2001 Annual Grant Award and the Annual Allotment Table for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (93K) | PDF (19K)

January 22, 2001
"FY 2001 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the State Independent Living Services Program (Title VII, Part B of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended)."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (6K)

February 28, 2001
"Call for Topics, 28th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI), 2001-2002."
download files MS Word (101K) | PDF (32K)

January 22, 2001
"FY 2001 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program."
download files MS Word (130K) | PDF (6K)

January 22, 2001
"FY 2001 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program (Title VII, Chapter 2 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended)."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (6K)

February 28, 2001
"Availability of the publication entitled: "Using the Internet as a Resource to the Work of the State VR Counselor," developed by the Twenty-Sixth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (18K) | PDF (9K)

March 26, 2001
"A Summary of Representative Linkages Between Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Programs."
download files MS Word (47K) | PDF (34K)

March 27, 2001
"Results of the RSA Longitudinal Study: The Potential Value of Basic Skills Training Among Consumers of Vocational Rehabilitation Services."
download files MS Word (132K) | PDF (64K)

March 30, 2001
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1999 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (61K) | PDF (37K)

April 24, 2001
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 2000."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (13K)

April 26, 2001
"Fiscal Year 2001 Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs)."
download files MS Word (49K) | PDF (17K)

May 1, 2001
"FY 2001 Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (494K) | PDF (227K)

June 11, 2001
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Effective Strategies to Improve the Achievement of Employment of Individuals Who Are SSI/SSDI Participants," developed by the Twenty-Sixth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (10K)

June 20, 2001
"Briefing on the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program, Part 361 Final Regulations - Washington, DC, July 16, 2001."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (9K)

July 17, 2001
"Request for Nominations for the Twenty-Eighth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Prime Study Groups."
download files MS Word (68K) | PDF (45K)

August 20, 2001
"Information Regarding the Speech-to-Speech Telephone Relay Service and its Potential Benefit to Certain VR Consumers."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (10K)

August 21, 2001
"First Reallotment for the Basic Support and the Supported Employment Programs - FY 2001."
download files MS Word (13K) | PDF (7K)

August 30, 2001
"FY 1998 and FY 1999 Standards and Indicators Work Tables."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (26K)

August 31, 2001
"FY 2001 Reallotment for Client Assistance (CAP), Independent Living, Part B (IL), Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind (IL-O/B) and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Programs."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (6K)

September 27, 2001
"Second Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 2001."
download files MS Word (126K) | PDF (7K)

September 25, 2001
"Basic Information and Resources Available Regarding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
download files MS Word (141K) | PDF (14K)

September 25, 2001
"Applicability of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 to the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (12K)

Information Memoranda -- 2000

2000 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 19, 1999
"FY 2000 Grants Awarded Under the First Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (17K) | PDF (9K)

October 28, 1999
"RSA's First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 2000."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (25K)

November 5, 1999
"FY 2000 Grants Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution for the State Independent Living Services and Supported Employment Programs."
download files MS Word (17K) | PDF (9K)

November 6, 1999
"FY 2000 Grants Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution for the State Basic Support Program"
download files MS Word (121K) | PDF (8K)

November 12, 1999
"Notice of GSA Depot Closures and It's Impact on JWOD Employment."
download files MS Word (10K) | PDF (8K)

December 10, 1999
"FY 2000 Grants Awarded Under the Continuing Resolution for the State Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (120K) | PDF (8K)

December 14, 1999
"Selection of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies for FY 2000 Periodic On-Site Monitoring."
download files MS Word (23K) | PDF (17K)

December 17, 1999
"A Guide for Developing Memoranda of Understanding with Local Workforce Investment Boards as Required by the Workforce Investment Act."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (29K)

January 3, 2000
"Passage and Signing of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-170)."
download files MS Word (182K) | PDF (106K)

January 10, 2000
"FY 2000 Allotment and the Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program.
download files MS Word (13K) | PDF (9K)

January 10, 2000
"Final Report: An Evaluation of the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program."
download files MS Word (127K) | PDF (15K)

January 10, 2000
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: Serving Individuals Who Are Low-Functioning Deaf, developed by the Twenty-Fifth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (446K) | PDF (758K)

January 13, 2000
"FY 2000 Annual Grant Award and the Annual Allotment Table for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (15K) | PDF (8K)

January 13, 2000
"FY 2000 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Supported Employment Services Program."
download files MS Word (16K) | PDF (9K)

January 13, 2000
"FY 2000 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program."
download files MS Word (16K) | PDF (8K)

January 13, 2000
"FY 2000 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the State Independent Living Services Program (Title VII, Part B of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended)."
download files MS Word (13K) | PDF (8K)

January 27, 2000
"Forum Regarding Employment of Native American Women with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (17K) | PDF (13K)

February 8, 2000
"Call for Topics, 27th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI), 2000-2001."
download files MS Word (56K) | PDF (77K)

February 25, 2000
"FY 2000 Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (16K)

March 28, 2000
"Information on the Provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Individuals with Hearing Loss (Deaf and Hard of Hearing)."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (36K)

March 22, 2000
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Achieving Employment Outcomes Through VR Counselors Who Meet the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) Requirements," developed by the Twenty-Fifth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (22K) | PDF (19K)

March 22, 2000
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: "Meeting Future Workforce Needs," developed by the Twenty-Fifth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (17K)

April 14, 2000
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1999."
download files MS Word (17K) | PDF (15K)

April 25, 2000
"FY 2000 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program (Title VII, Chapter 2 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended)."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (28K)

April 28, 2000
"RSA's Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 2000."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (131K)

May 8, 2000
"FY 2000 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (131K) | PDF (20K)

May 16, 2000
"Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Section 188 Interim Final Rule and Accessibility Checklists for One-Stop Service Delivery Systems."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (43K)

June 9, 2000
"Availability of Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Enhance the Employability, Employment and Career Advancement of People with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (21K) | PDF (28K)

June 30, 2000
"Retirement" of Certain Policy Issuances.
download files MS Word (143K) | PDF (574K)

August 23, 2000
"Longitudinal Study Reports on Transitional Youth and Supported Employment."
download files MS Word (140K) | PDF (33K)

August 24, 2000
"First Reallotment for The Basic Support Program - FY 2000."
download files MS Word (136K) | PDF (15K)

August 28, 2000
"First Reallotment for the Supported Employment Services Program - FY 2000."
download files MS Word (125K) | PDF (8K)

August 30, 2000
"Request for Nominations for the Twenty-Seventh Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Prime Study Groups."
download files MS Word (73K) | PDF (81K)

September 7, 2000
"Executive Orders #13163 and #13164: Federal Hiring of Individuals with Disabilities and Accommodation of Federal Employees with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (52K) | PDF (45K)

September 28, 2000
"Second Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 2000."
download files MS Word (15K) | PDF (12K)

Information Memoranda -- 1999

1999 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 15, 1998
"RSA's First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1998."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (12K)

October 15, 1998
"The Third Interim Report of the Longitudinal Study of the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (21K) | PDF (18K)

November 6, 1998
"FY 1999 Allotment and the Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (17K) | PDF (11K)

November 16, 1998
"FY 1999 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Supported Employment Program."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (9K)

November 16, 1998
"FY 1999 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program."
download files MS Word (15K) | PDF (8K)

November 16, 1998
"FY 1999 Annual Grant Award and the Annual Allotment Table for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (10K)

November 23, 1998
"FY 1999 Annual Grant Award and Annual Allotment Table for the State Independent Living Services Program (Title VII, Part B of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended)."
download files MS Word (15K) | PDF (9K)

December 14, 1998
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: Field Service Managers and Supervisors: Strategic Leadership in Achieving Employment Outcomes, developed by the Twenty-Fourth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (18K) | PDF (14K)

December 30, 1998
"Information regarding "Project EMPLOY", an initiative begun by the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (the President's Committee)."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (34K)

January 12, 1999
"Revised Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the Client Assistance Program (CAP)."
download files MS Word (156K) | PDF (217K)

February 5, 1999
"Revised Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program."
download files MS Word (289K) | PDF (213K)

February 9, 1999
"Workforce Implementation Training."
download files MS Word (123K) | PDF (10K)

February 17, 1999
"Fact Sheets."
download files MS Word (46K) | PDF (48K)

February 17, 1999
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: Achieving Successful Employment Outcomes With the Use of Technology, developed by the Twenty-Fourth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (126K) | PDF (16K)

March 5, 1999
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: People with Disabilities Developing Self-Employment & Small Business Opportunities, developed by the Twenty-Fourth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (126K) | PDF (16K)

March 5, 1999
"Section 704 Annual Performance Report Analysis of Fiscal Year 1997 Narrative Sections."
download files MS Word (114K) | PDF (118K)

March 17, 1999
"Listing of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Projects for American Indians with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (121K) | PDF (9K)

March 24, 1999
"Forums Regarding Employment of Women with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (16K) | PDF (13K)

April 15, 1999
"Fact Sheet on the State Rehabilitation Council."
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (44K)

April 16, 1999
"FY 1999 Self-Assessment and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files Text (5K) | WordPerfect 6.1 (20K)

April 19, 1999
"Fact Sheet on the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (39K) | PDF (34K)

April 29, 1999
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1998."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (15K)

May 3, 1999
"An Evaluation of Choice Demonstration Projects, Final Report."
download files MS Word (131K) | PDF (23K)

June 16, 1999
"RSAs First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs) and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1999."
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (38K)

June 11, 1999
"FY 1999 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (136K) | PDF (21K)

June 11, 1999
"Request for Nominations for the Twenty-Sixth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues Prime Study Groups."
download files MS Word (83K) | PDF (64K)

June 24, 1999
"Changes to the Federal Schedule B Hiring Authority Pertaining to Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities."
download files MS Word (18K) | PDF (12K)

June 24, 1999
"U.S. Postal Service Randolph-Sheppard Initiative."
download files MS Word (14K) | PDF (10K)

July 13, 1999
"FY 1999 Fourth Quarter Grant Award and the Revised Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (125K) | PDF (8K)

July 15, 1999
"Revisions in Comprehensive System of Personnel Development Requirements."
download files MS Word (62K) | PDF (73K)

August 25, 1999
"FY 1997 National Data Tables."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (35K)

August 26, 1999
"Selection of Chairpersons and Members for the 26th Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) Prime Study Groups."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (28K)

August 26, 1999
"First Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 1999."
download files MS Word (126K) | PDF (8K)

August 26, 1999
"First Reallotment for the Supported Employment Services Program - FY 1999
download files MS Word (126K) | PDF (9K)

Information Memoranda -- 1998

1998 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 20, 1997
"RSAs First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1997."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (19K)

October 30, 1997
"FY 1998 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Second Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (12K) | PDF (27K)

November 4, 1997
"Advice, Information and Choice."
download files MS Word (53K) | PDF (66K)

November 20, 1997
"Section 704 Annual Performance Report Analysis of Fiscal Year 1996 Narrative Sections."
download files MS Word (334K) | PDF (154K)

November 21, 1997
"FY 1998 Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files Text (3K) | MS Word (24K)

December 4, 1997
"FY 1998 Initial Grant Award and the Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (32K)

December 4, 1997
"FY 1998 Annual Grant Award and the Annual Allotment Table for the Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Programs."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (44K)

January 29, 1998
"Justin Dart, Jr., Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (22K)

February 11, 1998
"Revised Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide for the Client Assistance Program (CAP)."
download files MS Word (216K) | PDF (248K)

February 25, 1998
"An Evaluation of Choice Demonstration Projects, Interim Report #2."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (16K)

March 10, 1998
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: 'Assuring an Outstanding Public Vocational Rehabilitation Program in the 21st Century Eliminating Barriers to Effective service Delivery,' developed by the Twenty-Third Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (30K)

March 12, 1998
"Dissemination of the publication entitled: 'Developing Effective Partnerships With Employers as a Service Delivery Mechanism,' developed by the Twenty-Third Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI)."
download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (17K)

May 5, 1998
"President's Executive Order for Increasing the Employment of Adults with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (33K)

April 28, 1998
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1997."
download files MS Word (18K) | PDF (31K)

May 19, 1998
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1998."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (34K)

July 7, 1998
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (29K)

July 7, 1998
"FY 1998 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (23K)

July 7, 1998
"Informed Choice and Service Provider Issues."
download files MS Word (125K) | PDF (137K)

August 24, 1998
"First Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 1998."
download files MS Word (21K) | PDF (12K)

August 17, 1998
"The Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998."
download files MS Word (47K) | PDF (40K)

August 24, 1998
"First Reallotment for the Supportive Employment and Independent Living, Part B Programs - FY 1998."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (11K)

August 25, 1998
"Reallotment for the Client Assistance and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Programs - FY 1998."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (11K)

August 21, 1998
"Implementation of the Provisions of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998."
download files MS Word (49K) | PDF (46K)

August 31, 1998
"Notice of Orientation on the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 - Chicago, Illinois, September 17, 1998."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (12K)

Information Memoranda -- 1997

1997 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 9, 1996
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1996."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (21K)

October 9, 1996
"FY 1997 Basic Support Program Grant Award and the Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (13K)

October 9, 1996
"FY 1997 Annual Allotment and the Annual Allotment Table for the Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Programs."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (13K)

February 12, 1997
"2nd Interim Report of the Longitudinal Study."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (29K)

February 25, 1997
"Transmittal of Final Regulations for the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

May 5, 1997
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1997."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (19K)

June 12, 1997
"FY 1998 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (22K)

June 23, 1997
"RSA Demonstration Projects to Increase Client Choice."
download files Text (64K) | WordPerfect (136K)

June 30, 1997
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1996."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (18K)

August 22, 1997
"The First Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 1997."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (12K)

August 22, 1997
"Cancellation of the Reallotment for the Supported Employment and Independent Living, Part B Programs."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

September 10, 1997
"Reallotment for the Client Assistance and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Programs."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (11K)

September 22, 1997
"Second Reallotment for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (12K)

October 9, 1997
"FY 1998 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (14K)

October 9, 1997
"FY 1998 Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (20K) | PDF (14K)

Information Memoranda -- 1996

1996 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 12, 1995
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1995."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (17K)

October 20, 1995
"FY 1996 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-31."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

October 24, 1995
"FY 1996 Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacacy of Individuals Rights Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-31."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (12K)

November 20, 1995
"Transmittal of Letter from the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (10K)

December 5, 1995
"FY 1996 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Second Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-56."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

December 12, 1995
"FY 1996 Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Grant Awards Under the Second Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-56."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (16K)

January 24, 1996
"FY 1996 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Third Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-94."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

January 24, 1996
"FY 1996 Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Grant Awards Under the Third Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-94."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (12K)

February 9, 1996
"FY 1996 Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-99."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

February 9, 1996
"FY 1996 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-99."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

March 20, 1996
"Provision for Reimbursement to States Under the Specified Activities Appropriations Act, FY 1996 (P.L. 94-102)."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (14K)

April 24, 1996
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1995."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (18K)

April 24, 1996
"FY 1996 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution through April 24, 1996."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (14K)

April 24, 1996
"FY 1996 Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (17K)

April 30, 1996
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1996."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (21K)

May 28, 1996
"FY 1996 Allotment and the Annual Allotment Table for the Independent Living, Part B, Supported Employment, Client Assistance, and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Programs."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (17K)

May 28, 1996
"FY 1996 Allotment and the Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (16K)

June 20, 1996
"Sixtieth Anniversary of the Randolph-Sheppard Act 1936-1996."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (18K)

June 26, 1996
"The 'Newsline' Network, a National Newspaper Service for Individuals who are Blind."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (13K)

July 8, 1996
"FY 1996 Allotment and the Annual Allotment Table for the Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (17K)

July 11, 1996
"FY 1996 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (27K)

July 31, 1996
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1995 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

August 12, 1996
"The First Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 1996."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (23K)

August 12, 1996
"Cancellation of the Reallotments for the Client Assistance, Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights and Independent Living, Part B Programs."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (13K)

August 12, 1996
"Reallotment for the Supported Employment Program - FY 1996."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (23K)

September 24, 1996
"Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 1996."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (14K)

September 30, 1996
"Third Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - FY 1996."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

Information Memoranda -- 1995

1995 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 6, 1994
"Initial Allotment for the Basic Support Program and the Annual Allotment Table - FY 1995."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (17K)

October 14, 1994
"Annual Allotment Table and Grant Award for the Client Assistance and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Programs for FY 1995."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

October 14, 1994
"Annual Allotment Table and Grant Award for the Independent Living Part B and Supported Employment Programs for FY 1995."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (12K)

October 18, 1994
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1994."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (29K)

January 9, 1995
"FY 1996 Basic Support Program Grant Awards Under the Second Continuing Resolution, P.L. 104-56."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

February 28, 1995
"Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1993."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (14K)

February 28, 1995
"Caseload Highlights and Summary Through Fiscal Year 1993."
download files MS Word (52K) | PDF (35K)

February 28, 1995
"Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1993: Table of Contents."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (18K)

February 28, 1995
"Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1993: National Caseload Activity and Historical Trends."
download files MS Word (78K) | PDF (108K)

April 6, 1995
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1994."
download files MS Word (37K) | PDF (38K)

April 18, 1995
"RSA First Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1995."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (25K)

June 8, 1995
"FY 1995 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (24K)

June 26, 1995
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1994 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (69K) | PDF (100K)

August 11, 1995
"The First Reallotment - Fiscal Year 1995."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (13K)

September 18, 1995
"The Second Reallotment for the Basic Support Program -Fiscal Year 1995."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (12K)

Information Memoranda -- 1994

1994 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 15, 1993
"First Quarter Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution for the Client Assistance Program - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

October 15, 1993
"First Quarter Grant Awards Under the Continuing Resolution for the Basic Support Program - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

October 19, 1993
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1993."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (34K)

November 5, 1993
"Annual Allotment Table and First Quarter Grant Awards for the Basic Support Program - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

November 12, 1993
"Annual Allotment Table and Annual Grant Awards for the Independent Living Part B Program - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

November 16, 1993
"Annual Allotment Table and Annual Grant Awards for the Client Assistance Program - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

November 16, 1993
"Annual Allotment Table and Annual Grant Awards for the Supported Employment Program - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

December 21, 1993
"National Report on the State-of-the Art of Placement/Marketing Activities in State VR Agencies."
download files MS Word (95K) | PDF (111K)

January 5, 1994
"Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (12K)

January 5, 1994
"Caseload Trends Through Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (32K)

January 5, 1994
"The Caseload Status System."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (18K)

January 5, 1994
"Rehabilitation Data through FY 1992."
download files MS Word (81K) | PDF (59K)

January 5, 1994
"Table of Contents: Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (19K)

March 3, 1994
"Annual Grant Awards for the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program (PAIR) - FY 1994."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

March 23, 1994
"Access to the RSA Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS)."
download files MS Word (52K) | PDF (36K)

April 20, 1994
"RSA First Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) and Manual Transmittals (MTs) for Fiscal Year 1994."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (30K)

May 6, 1994
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1993."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (38K)

June 1, 1994
"FY 1994 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (26K)

July 25, 1994
"Final Report and Recommendations of The Joint Vocational Rehabilitation Referral Task Force."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (11K)

July 29, 1994
"Cancellation of the First Reallotment for the Supported Employment and Independent Living, Part B Programs."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (15K)

July 29, 1994
"Cancellation of the First Reallotment for the Client Assistance (CA) and Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Programs."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (13K)

August 8, 1994
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1993 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (63K) | PDF (73K)

August 26, 1994
"The First Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - Fiscal Year 1994."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (13K)

September 15, 1994
"RSA Long-Term Training Scholarship Requirement Information for Students and Grantees."
download files MS Word (99K) | PDF (109K)

September 21, 1994
"Cancellation of the Second Reallotment for the Independent Living, Part B, Client Assistance and Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights Programs."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (13K)

September 21, 1994
"The Second Reallotment for the Supported Employment Program - Fiscal Year 1994."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (12K)

September 27, 1994
"The Second Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - Fiscal Year 1994."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (12K)

Information Memoranda -- 1993

1993 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

November 5, 1992
"The FY 1993 Allotment Table and First Quarter Grant Award for the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (13K)

November 5, 1992
"FY 1993 Allotment Table and Grant Award for the Supported Employment Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (13K)

November 5, 1992
"FY 1993 Allotment Table and Grant Award for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (12K)

November 6, 1992
"FY 1992 Employment Initiative and the Involvement of the Private Sector."
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (24K)

November 16, 1992
"FY 1993 Allotment Table and Grant Award for the Independent Living, Part B Program."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (16K)

November 16, 2004
"Final Report - 1992 Survey of Personnel Shortages and Training Needs in Vocational Rehabilitation."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (14K)

November 18, 1992
"National Cooperative Agreement for the Rehabilitation of Persons Who are Deaf-Blind."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (16K)

January 2, 1993
"New Fiscal Requirements for Formula Grants Under the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (27K)

February 23, 1993
"Fiscal Year 1991 Report on Services Funded through the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) for Persons Who are Blind or Visually Impaired."
download files MS Word (182K) | PDF (222K)

February 23, 1993
"Revised FY 1993 Allotment Table and Grant Award for the Supported Employment Program (Title VI, Part C)."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (17K)

February 23, 1993
"Charts Containing Information for FY 1993 Derived from Title I State Plans and Plan Attachments."
download files MS Word (69K) | PDF (52K)

March 25, 1993
"Interactive Satellite Telecast on the 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (19K)

April 15, 1993
"State Rehabilitation Services to OWCP Clients."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (21K)

April 15, 1993
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (36K)

April 28, 1993
"RSA Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) and Manual Transmittals (MTs) for Fiscal Year 1993."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (38K)

May 11, 1993
"Eligibility for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended."
download files MS Word (45K) | PDF (25K)

May 27, 1993
"Changes in Economic Functioning Experienced by Individuals Rehabilitated in FY 1990 and Quality of Supporting Data, by State VR Agency."
download files MS Word (57K) | PDF (36K)

June 3, 1993
"Financial Status Report (SF-269) for FY 1992."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (16K)

June 22, 1993
"FY 1993 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (25K)

July 12, 1993
"Impact of Automated Suspension of Funds and M-Account Legislation on RSA's Formula Grant Programs."
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (30K)

July 30, 1992
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1992 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (64K) | PDF (78K)

August 9, 1993
"References to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Contained in the 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973."
download files MS Word (44K) | PDF (40K)

August 10, 1993
"Cancellation of the First Reallotment for the Client Assistance, Supported Employment, and Independent Living, Part B Programs."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (16K)

August 12, 1993
"Fiscal Year 1992 Report on Services Funded through the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) for Persons Who are Blind or Visually Impaired."
download files MS Word (186K) | PDF (226K)

August 13, 1993
"FY 1993 Maintenance of Effort (MOE) and Match Levels in the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (14K)

September 2, 1993
"Cancellation of the Second Reallotment for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (13K)

September 20, 1993
"Second Reallotment for the Independent Living, Part B and Supported Employment Programs for FY 1993."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (13K)

September 27, 1993
"The Second Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - Fiscal Year 1993."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (14K)

Information Memoranda -- 1992

1992 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 15, 1991
"RSA Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) and Manual Transmittals (MTs) for Fiscal Year 1991."
download files MS Word (43K) | PDF (38K)

October 18, 1991
"Transmittal of FY 1992 First Quarter Awards for the Basic Support."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

October 24, 1991
"Transmittal of FY 1992 First Quarter Awards for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

October 24, 1991
"RSA Procedures for the Recovery of Disallowed Costs Identified Through Program Monitoring Activities."
download files MS Word (63K) | PDF (51K)

October 29, 1991
"Transmittal of FY 1992 First Quarter Awards for the Independent Living, Part A Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

November 1, 1991
"Transmittal of FY 1992 First Quarter Awards for the Supported Employment Program."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

November 25, 1991
"Supplement to IM-91-24, dated July 2, 1991."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (15K)

December 23, 1991
"Annual Allotment - Client Assistance Program - FY 1992."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

December 26, 1991
"Annual Allotment - Supported Employment and Independent Living, Part A Program - FY 1992."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (11K)

December 31, 1991
"One-Time Waiver -- Use of Program Income."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (13K)

January 14, 1992
"Second Quarter Allotment - Basic Support Program - FY 1992."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

January 16, 1992
"Guidelines for Cooperative Agreements Among State Employment Services Agencies, State Job Training Partnership Act Entities, Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies and Governors' Committees on Employment of People with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (24K)

April 23, 1992
"Exemplary School to Work Program to Increase Competitive Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (39K) | PDF (22K)

April 29, 1992
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1991."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (21K)

May 18, 1992
"FY 1992 Maintenance of Effort Level in the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (14K)

June 1, 1992
"RSA Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) and Manual Transmittals (MTs) for Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (40K) | PDF (34K)

June 26, 1992
"Coordination of Financial Assistance of Vocational Rehabilitation Students."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (10K)

June 26, 1992
"Correction to the FY 1992 Allotment in the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (14K)

July 8, 1992
"Electronic Access to RSA Policy Issuances."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (13K)

July 21, 1992
"FY 1992 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (20K)

July 23, 1992
"Transmittal of Report: Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1991."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (14K)

July 30, 1992
"Fiscal Year 1990 Summary of Services Funded through the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) for Persons Who are Blind or Visually Impaired."
download files MS Word (187K) | PDF (174K)

August 4, 1992
"Cancellation of the First Reallotment for the Supported Employment and Independent Living, Part A Programs - FY 1992."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

August 4, 1992
"Cancellation of the First Client Assistance Reallotment - FY 1992."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

August 12, 1992
"State Agencies Responsible for Administering Vocational Rehabilitation Programs."
download files MS Word (98K) | PDF (71K)

August 13, 1992
"Central Intelligence Agency Student Programs."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (12K)

August 20, 1992
"The First Reallotment for the Basic Support Program - Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (15K)

September 1, 1992
"RSA Long-Term Training Scholarship Requirement Information for Students."
download files MS Word (60K) | PDF (41K)

September 2, 1992
"The Second Reallotment Under the Client Assistance Program - Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

September 18, 1992
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1991 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (65K) | PDF (65K)

September 22, 1992
"Annual Report to Congress on Supported Employment."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

September 30, 1992
"The Second Scheduled Reallotment for the Supported Employment Program for Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

September 30, 1992
"The Second Scheduled Reallotment -- Independent Living, Part A Program -- Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (25K) | PDF (10K)

September 30, 1992
"RSA Second Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) and Manual Transmittals (MTs) for Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (41K) | PDF (35K)

September 30, 1992
"The Final Reallotment for the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program for Fiscal Year 1992."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (13K)

Information Memoranda -- 1991

1991 Information Memoranda from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).

October 5, 1990
"Uniform Monitoring Instruments for the Client Assistance Program."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (10K)

October 5, 1990
"Report of RSA Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs) Issuances for Fiscal Year 1990."
download files MS Word (36K) | PDF (27K)

October 16, 1990
"Exemplary Projects, Programs, Practices and Approaches to Increase Competitive Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (30K) | PDF (14K)

October 26, 1990
"Transmittal of Report Comparing Economic Gains Attained by Persons Rehabilitated in Fiscal Year 1988, by Severity of Disability."
download files MS Word (80K) | PDF (54K)

November 21, 1990
"First Quarter Allotment - Basic Support Program."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (13K)

November 27, 1990
"Coordination with State Welfare Agencies on the Family Support Act of 1988."
download files MS Word (38K) | PDF (17K)

November 27, 1990
"Transmittal of Report: 'Characteristics of Persons Rehabilitated and Reasons for Case Closures in Fiscal Year 1988.'"
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (11K)

November 29, 1990
"Transmittal of FY 1991 Client Assistance Program Grant Awards and State Table."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

November 28, 1990
"Transmittal of FY 1991 Independent Living, Part A Grant Awards and State Table."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

December 10, 1990
"Transmittal of FY 1991 Supported Employment Grant Awards and State Table."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

January 2, 1991
"Letter from the Secretary of Education on the Grantback Process."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (10K)

March 26, 1991
"Replacement of Information Memorandum - RSA-IM-91-14 FY 1991 Reallotment Schedule for Formula Grants under the Rehabilitation Act."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (23K)

April 12, 1991
"Definition and Documentation of 'Expenditures from Non-Federal Sources Under the State Plan' in the Title I Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (34K) | PDF (20K)

April 16, 1991
"Summary of Statistical Information of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program for Fiscal Year 1990."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (22K)

April 17, 1991
"Submission of Financial Status Reports (SF-269) and Calculation of Maintenance of Effort (MOE)."
download files MS Word (39K) | PDF (26K)

April 23, 1991
"RSA Semi-Annual Index of Information Memoranda (IMs), Policy Directives (PDs), and Technical Assistance Circulars (TACs) for Fiscal Year 1991."
download files MS Word (35K) | PDF (28K)

April 30, 1991
"Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by the Americans with Disabilities Act (P.L. 101-336)."
download files MS Word (33K) | PDF (17K)

May 16, 1991
"Publication: 'Jobs, Training, & Independence'."
download files MS Word (27K) | PDF (10K)

June 5, 1991
"Accountability for Unliquidated Obligations under State Vocational Rehabilitation Programs."
download files MS Word (32K) | PDF (15K)

June 21, 1990
"Financial Status Report (SF-269) for Fiscal Year 1990."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (18K)

July 2, 1991
"Replacement To IM-89-35 and IM-89-26 - Liquidation of Obligations."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (13K)

July 9, 1991
"FY 1991 Maintenance of Effort (MOE) and Match Levels in the Title 1 Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Program."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (13K)

July 23, 1991
"Exemplary Projects, Programs, Practices and Approaches to Increase Competitive Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities."
download files MS Word (61K) | PDF (47K)

July 23, 1991
"National Training Needs Analysis and Summary -- 1990."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

July 23, 1991
"Transmittal of Report: Caseload Statistics, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, Fiscal Year 1990."
download files MS Word (31K) | PDF (14K)

Agust 9, 1991
"Cancellation of the First Client Assistance Reallotment."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

August 13,1991
"OMB Circular No. A-133, Audits of Institutions of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Institutions: Audit Coverage of RSA Programs."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (14K)

August 23, 1991
"The First Reallotment for the Basic Support, Supported Employment, and Independent Living, Part A Programs - Fiscal Year 1991."
download files MS Word (29K) | PDF (14K)

September 3, 1991
"The Second Reallotment under the Client Assistance Program - FY 1991."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

September 19, 1991
"Results of the Second and Final Reallotment under the Supported Employment Program - FY 1991."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (21K)

September 20, 1991
"State Plan Procedures Manual."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (10K)

September 20, 1991
"The Second and Final Reallotment for the Independent Living, Part A Program - FY 1991."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (20K)

September 26, 1991
"The Second and Final Reallotment under the Basic Support Program - FY 1991."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

September 27, 1991
"RCEPs' Reports on Human Resource Development/Human Resource Management (HRD/HRM) Activities."
download files MS Word (28K) | PDF (12K)

September 27, 1991
"Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program, FY 1990 Annual Report."
download files MS Word (70K) | PDF (68K)

September 30, 1991
"Annual Report to Congress on Supported Employment."
download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (11K)

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