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Having problems logging in?

If you have forgotten your password, or you have locked your account, or you have forgotten your user ID, or any having any other problems logging in, you are in the right place. We have an automated routine that will help you regain access within minutes.

The MIS can use the email address you used when you registered as a user to send you your user ID. We can email you user ID to you, but since your password is encrypted and we cannot see it we cannot send your password.

What we can do is this: to protect your account the system will lock it and send you an e-mail with a clickable link that will unlock your account. When you get the e-mail, click on the link in the e-mail to unlock your account. Note: you have 24 hours from the time the e-mail is sent. After that we will reset your account and you will be able to set a new password.

Enter your user ID (if you remember it) or your e-mail address in the box below, then click the 'Send me my ID and reset my password' button.

User ID or e-mail address:  

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