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  Recurring Challenges in Key Aspects of Contingency Contracting Process (From DoDIG Report D-2010-059)". Chart is optimized for 11"x17".
  Fraud Indicators and Poor Practices in Relation to the Contracting Process (From DoD IG Report D-2010-059)

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Completed Audits

DODIG-2012-138 Wholesale Accountability Procedures Need Improvement for Redistribution Property Assistance Team Operations (Project No. D2012-D000JA-0110.000) (1.44MB)

DODIG-2012-135 Mi-17 Overhauls Had Significant Cost Overruns and Schedule Delays (Project No.  D2011-D000AS-0241.000) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

DODIG-2012-134 Contingency Contracting: A Framework for Reform - 2012 Update (Project No. D2012-D000CD-0141.000) (6MB)

DODIG-2012-129 General Purpose Forces Enablers Support to Special Operations Forces Works Effectively, but Opportunities Exist for Improvement (Project No. D2011-D000JA-0272.000) (CLASSIFIED REPORT) To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

DODIG-2012-128 Fees and Surcharges Assessed on Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Orders Need Improved Cost Accounting (2.75MB)

DODIG-2012-117 DoD Needs to Improve Controls Over Economy Act Orders with U.S. Agency for International Development (Project No. D2011-D000FL-0218.000) (2.64MB)

DODIG-2012-115  Improved Oversight, but No Invoice Reviews and Potential Antideficiency Act Violation May Have Occurred on the Kuwait Observer Controller Team Task Orders, August 2, 2012(Project No. D2011-D000AS-0287.000) (3.97MB)

DODIG-2012-106 DoD Needs to Improve the Billing System for Health Care Provided to Contractors at Medical Treatment Facilities in Southwest Asia (Project No. D2011-D000LF-0041.000) (2.9MB)

DODIG-2012-104 DoD Needs to Improve Vocational Training Efforts to Develop the Afghan National Security Forces Infrastructure Maintenance Capabilities, June 18, 2012 (Project No. D2011-D000JO-0137.000) (1.56MB)

DODIG-2012-103 Accountability of Night Vision Devices Procured for the Afghan National Security Forces Needs Improvement, June 18, 2012 (Project No. D2011-D000AT-0221.000) (3.53MB)

DODIG-2012-099 Results in Brief: Adequate Contract Support and Oversight Needed for the Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Maintenance Mission in Kuwait (Project No. D2011-D000JA-0212.000) (40.6KB) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here

DODIG-2012-098 Controls Governing the Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation System Need Improvement June 5, 2012 (Project No. D2010-D000LD-0264.000) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

DODIG-2012-094 Afghan National Police Contract Requirements Were Not Clearly Defined but Contract Administration Improved Project No. D2011-D000AS-0271.000) (4.94MB)

DODIG-2012-093 Improving Army Contract Award and Management for Small Arms Acquired Using Afghanistan Security Forces Funds (Project No. D2011-D000AT-0246.000) (2.69MB)

DODIG-2012-092 Development of Individual Equipment Requirements for the Afghan National Army Needs Improvement (Project No. D2011-D000AT-0222.000) (1.38MB) 

DODIG-2012-089 Better Contract Oversight Could Have Prevented Deficiencies in the Detention Facility in Parwan, Afghanistan (Project No. D2010-D000JO-0229.000)(4.89MB) 

DODIG-2012-083 Additional Guidance and Training Needed to Improve Afghan National Army Pharmaceutical Distribution, May 7, 2012 (Project No. D2011-D000JB-0240.000) (1.14MB)

DODIG-2012-075 (U) DoD Oversight of Private Security Contractors in Iraq Was Sufficient, but Contractors May Not Deter Attacks on Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq Enduring Sites (Project No. D2011-D000JB-0098.000). This report is classified.  To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

DODIG-2012-071 DoD's Management of the Redistribution Property Assistance Team Operations in Kuwait, April 10, 2012 (Project No. D2011-D000JA-0281.000) (1.1MB)

DODIG-2012-058 Distribution of Funds and Mentoring of Finance Officers for the Afghanistan National Army Payroll Need Improvement, February 29, 2012 (2.51MB) (Project No. D2011-D000FR-0089.000)

DODIG-2012-057 Guidance Needed to Prevent Military Construction Projects From Exceeding the Approved Scope of Work, February 27, 2012 (3.6MB) (Project No. D2011-D000JB-0068.000)

DODIG-2012-058 Distribution of Funds and Mentoring of Finance Officers for the Afghanistan National Army Payroll Need Improvement, February 29, 2012 (2.51MB) (Project No. D2011-D000FR-0089.000)

DODIG-2012-036 DoD Needs to Improve Accountability and Identify Costs and Requirements for Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft, January 5, 2012 (Project No. D2011-D000AS-0030.000 The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here. For a public version of the results in brief please click here. A public version of this report will be available at a later date.

DODIG-2012-032 Funding for Enhancements to the Standard Procurement System, December 14, 2011 (2.23MB) (Project No. D2009-D000FB-0112.001)

DODIG-2012-023 Management Improvements Needed in Commander's Emergency Response Program in Afghanistan, November 21, 2011 (2.9MB) (Project No. D2010-D000FL-0276.000)

DODIG-2012-006 Counter Narcoterrorism Technology Program Office Task Orders Had Excess Fees, and the Army Was Incorrectly Billed, November 1, 2011 (D2011-D000AS-0004.000).  The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

DODIG-2012-005 DoD Countermine and Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Systems Contracts for the Vehicle Optics Sensor System, October 28, 2011 (404KB) (Project No. D2011-D000AB-0156.000)

DODIG-2012-004 Changes Are Needed to the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Use Existing DoD Inventory and Control Costs at the Corpus Christi Army Depot, November 3, 2011 (Project No. D2010-D000CH-0077.002) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here. For a public version of the results in brief please click here. A public version of this report will be available at a later date.

D-2011-113 Improved Pricing and Oversight Needed for the Afghan Air Force Pilot and English Language Training Task Order, September 30, 2011 (3.1MB) (Project No. D2011-D000AS-0153.000)

D-2011-112 Counterintelligence Interviews for U.S.-Hired Contract Linguists Could Be More Effective, September 30, 2011 (Project No. D2010-D000JA-0165.001) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request . Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2011-105 Competition for Interrogation Arm Contracts Needs Improvement, September 19, 2011 (2.9MB) (Project No. D2010-D000AE-0139.000

D-2011-104 Pricing and Escalation Issues Weaken the Effectiveness of the Army Contract With Sikorsky to Support the Corpus Christi Army Depot (Project No. D2010-D000CH-0077.001). The report is For Official Use Only. Results in Brief (Unclassified). To request a copy of the report, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here. A public version of this report will be available at a later date.

D-2011-103 (U) Special Operations Forces Plans for the Drawdown and Reset of Property in Iraq, August 18, 2011 (D2010-D000JA-0241.000). This report is classified.  To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

D-2011-102 Afghan National Police Training Program Would Benefit From Better Compliance With the Economy Act and Reimbursable Agreements, August 25, 2011 (4.78MB) (Project No. D-2011-D000JA-0009.002)

D-2011-101 Controls Over Army Deployable Disbursing System Payments Need Improvement, August 17, 2011 (5.33MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FL-0252.003)

D-2011-100 (U) DoD Bi-Directional Flow Agreements and Adequate Tracking Mechanisms on the Northern Distribution Network, August 16, 2011 (D2011-D000JA-0075.000).  This report is classified.  To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

D-2011-095  Afghan National Police Training Program: Lessons Learned During the Transition of Contract Administration, August 15, 2011 (5.74MB) (DoD OIG Project No. D 2011-D000JA-0009.001/Department of State OIG Project No. 11 AUD3001)

D-2011-088 Ballistic Testing for Interceptor Body Armor Inserts Needs Improvement, August 1, 2011 (1.53MB) (Project No. D2008-D000CD-0256.003)

D-2011-090 Cost of War Data for Marine Corps Contingency Operations Were Not Reliable, July 22, 2011 (2.48MB) (Project No. D2009-D000FG-0183.000)

D-2011-087 Procurement of High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles and Troop Enclosures for the Afghan National Security Forces, July 20, 2011 (1.04MB) (Project No. D2011-D000AS-0133.000)

D-2011-086 U.S. Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command Needs to Improve Controls Over Financial Transactions, July 20, 2011 (1.82MB) (Project No. D2009-D000FN-0301.000)

D-2011-080 DoD and DOS Need Better Procedures to Monitor and Expend DoD Funds for the Afghan National Police Training Program, July 7, 2011 (7.3MB) (Project No. D2011-D000JA-0009.000)

D-2011-078 Contracts Supporting Base Operations in Kuwait Need Stronger Management and Administration, June 30, 2011 (2MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0266.003)

D-2011-073 Audit of the Afghanistan National Army Equipment Maintenance Apprenticeship and Services Program Contract, June 16, 2011 (720KB) (Project No. D2010-D000JB-0157.000)

D-2011-066 Incomplete Contract Files for Southwest Asia Task Orders on the Warfighter Field Operations Customer Support Contract, June 1, 2011(1.1MB) (Project No. D2010-D000AS-0266.000)

D-2011-063, Antiterrorism Programs for U.S. Forces at Kandahar Airfield, Bagram Airfield, Camp Eggers, and New Kabul Compound Need Improvement, May 6, 2011 (Project No. D2010-D000JA-0091.000). This report is classified.  To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

D-2011-061 Excess Inventory and Contract Pricing Problems Jeopardize the Army Contract with Boeing to Support Corpus Christi Army Depot. The full report is For Official Use Only (FOUO), but to see the publicly releasable "Results in Brief," click here. (Project No. D2010-D000CH-0077.000) (65Kb) To request a copy of the FOUO report, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here. A public version of this report will be available at a later date. Please subscribe to the DoDIG Reports Mailing List to be notified when it is available.

D-2011-059 Army Commercial Vendor Services Offices in Iraq Noncompliant with Internal Revenue Service Reporting Requirements(2.6MB) April 8, 2011 (Project No. D2009-D000FH-0292.000)

D-2011-058 Defense Finance and Accounting Service Has Made Progress in Providing Staffing Levels to Support the Mission in Southwest Asia,
April 7, 2011 (586KB) (Project No. D2010-D000FR-0182.000)

D-2011-056 Consistent Use of Supply Support Activities Could Increase Efficiency of Equipment Drawdown from Iraq, April 14, 2011 (1,005KB) (Project No. D2010-D000JB-0219.000)

D-2011-051 DoD Needs Synchronized Communication Activities and an Integrated Information Operations Capability in Afghanistan, March 21, 2011 (Project No. D2010-D000JA-0138.000) This report is classified.  To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

D-2011-049 Competition Issues and Inherently Governmental Functions Performed by Contractor Employees on Contracts to Supply Fuel to U.S. Troops in Iraq, March 15, 2011 (Project No. D2009-D000CH-0244.000) The report is For Official Use Only. Results in Brief (Unclassified). To request a copy of the report, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here. A public version of this report will be available at a later date. Please subscribe to the DoDIG Reports Mailing List to be notified when it is available.

D-2011-047 Improvements Needed in Contract Administration of the Subsistence Prime Vendor Contract for Afghanistan (Project No. D2009-D000LD-0126.000) (3.7MB) (Redacted Version) To request the unredacted For Official Use Only (FOUO) version, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2011-043 Improvements Needed on the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Sigonella, Ship Maintenance Contracts in Southwest Asia, February 22, 2011 (5MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0163.002)

D-2011-037 Marine Corps Response to Nonlethal Laser Dazzler Urgent, Request February 9, 2011 (1.5MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AE-0210.000)

D-2011-036 Competition Should Be Used for Instructor Services for the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, February 3, 2011 (1.1MB) (Project No. D2009-D000CK-0100.001)

D-2011-033 DoD Needs to Improve the Management and Oversight of Operations at the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office-Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, January 12, 2011 (Project No. D2010-D000JA-0054.000) To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2011-032 Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Support Contract Needs to Comply With Acquisition Rules, January 7, 2011 (1.2MB) (Project No. D2010-D000AS-0031.000) (Redacted) 

D-2011-030 Ballistic Testing and Product Quality Surveillance for the Interceptor Body Armor - Vest Components Need Improvement,
January 3, 2011 (3.3MB) (Project No. D2008-D000CD-0256.005)

D-2011-028 Contract Oversight for the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Contract Needs Improvement, December 23, 2010 (3.61MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0247.002

D-2011-019 Live Fire Testing of Light Tactical Wheeled Vehicles was Effective for the Portions Completed, November 24, 2010 (659KB) (Project No. D2009-D000AE-0007.001)

D-2011-014 Weaknesses in Awarding Fees for the Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Contract, November 2, 2010 (3MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0247.001)

D-2010-091 DoD Needs to Improve Management and Oversight of Operations at the Theater Retrograde-Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, September 30, 2010 (6.8MB) (Project No. D2010-D000JA-0055.000)

D-2010-088 Accountability and Disposition of Government Furnished Property in Conjunction with the Iraq Drawdown - Logistics Civil Augmentation, September 30, 2010 (4.1MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JB-0307.000)

D-2010-087 Weaknesses in Oversight of Naval Sea Systems Command Ship Maintenance Contract in Southwest Asia, September 27, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0163.003) (1.4MB) (Redacted Version)

D-2010-085 Kuwait Contractors Working in Sensitive Positions Without Security Clearances or Common Access Cards, September 22, 2010 (1.5MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0266.000)

D-2010-083 Construction of the New Kabul Compound Lacked Planning and Coordination, September 30, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000JB-0241.000) This report is classified.  To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request.

D-2010-082 Implementation of the Predator/Sky Warrior Acquisition Decision Memorandum Dated May 19, 2008, September 10, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000CD-0071.000) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

SDIG-SWA-10-01 Observations from Oversight Organizations Impacting Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Beginning FY 2003 Through FY 2009, August 27, 2010 (3.19MB) (Project No. D2010-D000IG-0073.000)

D-2010-081 Army Use of Time-and-Materials Contracts in Southwest Asia, August 27, 2010 (3MB) (Project No. D2009-D000CF-0095.000)

D-2010-079 Security Provisions in a U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command Contract for Linguist Support, August 13, 2010 (Project No. D2010-D000JA-0165.000) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request . Federal Government requesters: please click here .

D-2010-078 Air Force Use of Time-and-Materials Contracts in Southwest Asia, August 16, 2010 (3MB) (Project No. D2009-D000CF-0095.001)

D-2010-077 Air Force Military Personnel Entitlement Pay in Support of Contingency Operations, August 23, 2010 (938KB) (Project No. D2008-D000FP-0252.000)

D-2010-075 Foreign Allowances and Differentials Paid to DoD Civilian Employees Supporting Overseas Contingency Operations, August 17, 2010 (876KB) (Project No. D2009-D000FC-0199.000)

D-2010-073 Controls Over Unliquidated Obligations for Department of the Army Contracts, July 19, 2010 (2MB) (Project No. D2009-D000FC-0176.000)

D-2010-072 Management of Emergency Supplemental Appropriations at Selected Department of the Army Commands in Response to the Terrorist Attacks, July 12, 2010 (1.7MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FE-0106.001)

D-2010-069 Central Issue Facility at Fort Benning and Related Army Policies, June 21, 2010 (500KB) (Project No. D2008-D000LD-0245.000)

D-2010-068 Government Oversight of Field Service Representative and Instructor Services in Support of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Program, June 17, 2010 (1.8MB) (Project No. D2009-D000CK-0100.000)

D-2010-067 Public-Private Partnerships at Air Force Maintenance Depots, June 10, 2010 (753KB) (Project No. D2009-D000LD-0110.000)

D-2010-066 Oversight of the U.S. Air Forces Central War Reserve Materiel Contract, May 28, 2010 (1.24MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0264.000)

D-2010-064 Army Vessels Maintenance Contracts in Southwest Asia,
May 14, 2010 (7.84MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0163.001)

D-2010-062 Controls Over Funds Appropriated for Assistance to Afghanistan and Iraq Processed Through the Foreign Military Sales Network, May 24, 2010 (1.23MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FD-0198.001)

D-2010-061 Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW) Program, May 21, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0092.000) This report is classified.

D-2010-060 Drawdown and Reset of Equipment in Iraq - Operation Clean Sweep, June 11, 2010 (1.3MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JB-0280.000)

D-2010-059 Contingency Contracting: A Framework for Reform, May 14, 2010 (1.5MB) (Project No. D2010-D000AS-0126.000)

D-2010-056 U.S. European Command Civilian Staffing Process, May 4, 2010 (1MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JB-0109.000)

D-2010-055 Medical/Surgical Prime Vendor Contract Supporting Coalition Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, April 29, 2010 (1.6MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LF-0267.000)

D-2010-052 Efforts to Prevent Sexual Assault/ Harassment Involving DOD Contractors During Contingency Operations, April 16, 2010 (3.8MB) (Project No. D2008-D000CE-0221.000)

D-2010-051 Defense Contract Management Agency Acquisition Workforce for Southwest Asia, April 8, 2010 (2.3MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AB-0266.000)

D-2010-050 Standard Procurement System Synchronization Utility, April 2, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000FB-0112.000) This report is classified.

D-2010-049  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Use of Award Fees on Contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan, April 1, 2010 (911KB) (Project No. D2008-D000AE-0251.000)

D-2010-047 Repair and Maintenance Contracts for Aircraft Supporting Coalition Forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait, March 26, 2010 (2.1MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LH-0249.000)

D-2010-046 Contracting for Tactical Vehicle Field Maintenance at Joint Base Balad, Iraq, March 3, 2010 (1.32MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JB-0254.000)

D-2010-044 Audit of the Information Assurance Controls Over the Outside the Continental of the United States Navy Enterprise Network as Related to the Operations in Southwest Asia, March 2, 2010 (Project No. D2008-D000FN-0230.000). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2010-043 Deferred Maintenance and Carryover on the Army Abrams Tank, March 2, 2010 (Project No. D2008-D000FJ-0210.000). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2010-042 DoD Obligations and Expenditures of Funds Provided to the Department of State for the Training and Mentoring of the
Afghan National Police, February 9, 2010 (4.7MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JB-0230.000)

D-2010-039 Recapitalization and Acquisition of Light Tactical Wheeled Vehicles, January 29, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000AE-0007.000) (3.4MB) (Redacted)

D-2010-038 Identification of Classified Information in an Unclassified DoD System and an Unsecured DoD Facility, January 25, 2010 (Project No. D2007-D000FL-0252.002). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2010-037 Internal Controls Over United States Marine Corps Commercial and Miscellaneous Payments Processed Through the Deployable Disbursing System, January 25, 2010 (1.6MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FL-0252.001)

D-2010-036 Controls Over Navy Military Payroll Disbursed in Support of Operations in Southwest Asia at San Diego-Area Disbursing Centers, January 22, 2010 (2.2MB) (Project No. D2009-D000FC-0165.000)

D-2010-035 Defense Logistics Agency Contracts for M2 Machine Gun Spare Parts in Support of Operations in Southwest Asia, January 11, 2010 (1.6MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FD-0214.000)

D-2010-034 Internal Controls Over the Army, General Fund Cash and Other Monetary Assets Held in Southwest Asia, January 8, 2010 (1.4MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FP-0132.000)

D-2010-033 Information Operations in Iraq, January 21, 2010 (Project No. D2009-D000JA-0108.002) This report is classified.

D-2010-032 DoD Countermine and Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Systems Contracts - Husky Mounted Detection System, December 31, 2009 (Project No. D2009-D000AE-0102.000). The report is For Official Use Only. The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2010-031 The Management and Accountability of Property Purchased at Regional Contracting Centers in Afghanistan, January 6, 2010 (Project No. D2008-D000JC-0273.000). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requesters: please click here.

D-2010-029 DoD Contractor Qualification and Selection Criteria for Body Armor Contracts, December 21, 2009 (Project No. D2008-000CD-0256.001). The report is For Official Use Only. A public version of this report will be available at a later date. Please subscribe to the DoDIG Reports Mailing List to be notified when it is available.

D-2010-028 Rapid Acquisition and Fielding of Materiel Solutions by the Navy, December 15, 2009 (1.77MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AE-0247.000)

D-2010-027   Army's Management of the Operations and Support Phase of the Acquisition Process for Body Armor, December 8, 2009 (4.91MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JA-0106.000)

D-2010-025  Transportation Planning for the Withdrawal of DOD Personnel and Assets from Iraq, December 11, 2009 (550KB) (Project No. D2009-D000LC-0240.001)

D-2010-022 Management of Nontactical Vehicles in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, November 20, 2009 (1.91MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LH-0235.000)

D-2010-021 Using System Threat Assessments in the Acquisition of Tactical Wheeled Vehicles, November 23, 2009 (Project No. D2008-D000AE-0287.000). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2010-005 Information Security at the Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Sigonella, Detachment Bahrain, November 3, 2009 (2.0MB) (Project No. D2009-D000AS-0163)

D-2009-118 Internal Controls Over Naval Special Warfare Command Comptroller Operations in Support of Contingency Operations, September 29, 2009 (1.45 MB) (Project No. D2009-D000FN-0075.000 )

D-2009-117 Controls Over Air Combat Command and Pacific Air Forces Unliquidated Obligations from Department of the Air Force Contracts Supporting Contingency Operations, September 29, 2009 (911KB) (Project No. D2009-D000FC-0121.000)

D-2009-115 Summary of Information Operations Contracts in Iraq, September 29, 2009 (454 KB) (Project No. D2009-D000JA-0108.001)

D-2009-114 Transition Planning for the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program IV Contract, September 25, 2009 (2.89 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AS-0270.000)

D-2009-113 Medical Equipment Used to Support Operations in Southwest Asia, September 30, 2009 (3.92 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LF-0093.000)

D-2009-112 Deferred Maintenance on the Air Force C-130 Aircraft, September 25, 2009 (1.44 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FH-0225.000)

D-2009-109 Contracts Supporting the DOD Counter Narcoterrorism Technology Program Office, September 25, 2009 (7.69 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AS-0255.000)

D-2009-108 U.S. Air Forces Central War Reserve Materiel Contract, September 23, 2009 (4.39 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000CK-0161.000)

D-2009-102 Price Reasonableness Determinations for Contracts Awarded by the U.S. Special Operations Command, September 18, 2009 (3.4 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000CG-0123.000)

D-2009-100 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Phase III - Accountability for Equipment Purchased for the Afghanistan National Police, September 22, 2009 (1.73 MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.006)

D-2009-099 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Phase III - Accountability for Equipment Purchased for the Afghanistan National Army, August 12, 2009 (2.2 MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.002)

D-2009-098 Status of the Defense Emergency Response Fund in Support of the Global War on Terror, July 30, 2009 (1.6 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FE-0106.000)

D-2009-096 Contracts for the U.S. Army's Heavy-Lift VI Program in Kuwait, July 28, 2009 (1.5 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LH-0250.000)

D-2009-095 Contracting for Transportation Services for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Gulf Region Division, July 29, 2009 (545 KB) (Project No. D2008-D000LH-0235.002)

D-2009-093 Ship Utilization in Support of the Global War on Terror, July 15, 2009 (1.71 MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AB-0193.000)

D-2009-091 Information Operations Contracts in Iraq, July 31, 2009
(2.1 MB) (Project No. D2009-D000JA-0108.000)

D-2009-085 Contracting for Nontactical Vehicles in Support of Operation Enduring Freedom, June 8, 2009 (4MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LH-0235.001)

D-2009-083 Logistics Support Contracting for the United States Special Operations Command, May 28, 2009 (6.17MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AS-0248.000)

D-2009-079 Controls Over the Department of the Navy Military Payroll Disbursed in Support of the Global War on Terror, May 7, 2009 (1MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FC-0189.000)

D-2009-078 Health Care Provided by Military Treatment Facilities to Contractors in Southwest Asia, May 4, 2009 (4.4MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LF-0241.000)

D-2009-076 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Phase III-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Real Property Accountability, April 14, 2009 (4.36MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.004)

D-2009-075 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Phase III-Accountability for Weapons Distributed to the Afghanistan National Army, May 21, 2009 (1.7MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.005)

D-2009-073 DoD Components' Use of Global War on Terror Supplemental Funding Provided for Procurement and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, April 8, 2009 (5.2MB) (Project No. D2006-D000AE-0241.001)

D-2009-067 Controls Over Air Force Materiel Command Unliquidated Obligations on Department of the Air Force Contracts Supporting the Global War on Terror, April 3, 2009 (2.1MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FC-0208.000)

D-2009-066 Marine Corps' Management of the Recovery and Reset Programs, April 1, 2009 (1.5MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LD-0129.000)

D-2009-063 Funds Appropriated for Afghanistan and Iraq Processed Through the Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund, March 24, 2009 (4.7MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FD-0198.000)

D-2009-061 Controls Over Reporting Transportation Costs in Support of the Global War on Terror, March 12, 2009 (2.6MB) (Project No. D2008-D000FI-0083.000)

D-2009-058 DoD Cost of War Reporting of Supplemental Funds Provided for Procurement and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, February 27, 2009 (3.7MB) (Project No. D2006-D000AE-0241.001)

D-2009-054 Identification of Classified Information in Unclassified DoD Systems During the Audit of Internal Controls and Data Reliability in the Deployable Disbursing System, February 17, 2009 (1.1MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FL-0252.000)

D-2009-052 Controls Over Excess Defense Articles Provided to Foreign Governments, February 13, 2009 (2MB) (Project No. D2006-D000LG-0136.000)

D-2009-050 Distribution of Funds and the Validity of Obligations for the Management of the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Phase II, February 5, 2009 (800KB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.001)

D-2009-047 DoD Testing Requirements for Body Armor, January 29, 2009 (6MB) (Project No. D2008-D000JA-0263.000)

D-2009-046 Procurement and Delivery of Joint Service Armor Protected Vehicles, January 29, 2009 (Project No. D2007-D000CK-0230.000). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here .

D-2009-042 Hiring Practices Used To Staff the Iraqi Provisional Authorities, January 16, 2009 (7.5MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LC-0051.000)

D-2009-041 Expeditionary Fire Support System and Internally Transportable Vehicle Programs, January 14, 2009 (1.9MB)
(Project No. D2008-D000AB-0091.000) Errata Memo (329KB)

D-2009-033 Controls Over Billing Customers and Collecting Revenue for Work Performed at Corpus Christi Army Depot, December 16, 2008 (1.7MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FI-0164.000)

D-2009-031 Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Phase III-Air Force Real Property Accountability, December 29, 2008 (1.1MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.003)

D-2009-030 Marine Corps Implementation of the Urgent Universal Needs Process for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, December 8, 2008 (Project No. D2008-D000AE-0174.000). The report is For Official Use Only. Results in Brief (Unclassified). To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2009-027 Combat Search and Rescue Helicopter, December 8, 2008 (Project No. D2008-D000AB-0133.000). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2009-007 Procurement and Use of Nontactical Vehicles at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, October 31, 2008 (1.2MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LQ-0063.000)

D-2009-006 Small Arms Ammunition Fund Management in Support of the Global War on Terror, October 20, 2008 (425KB) (Project No. D2008-D000FJ-0014.000)

D-2009-005 Controls Over the Contractor Common Access Card Life Cycle, October 10, 2008 (9MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LA-0199.001)

D-2009-003 Internal Controls Over Army General Fund, Cash and Other Monetary Assets Held Outside of the Continental United States, October 9, 2008 (3MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FP-0122.000)

D-2008-135 Requiring Radio Frequency Identification in Contracts for Supplies, September 29, 2008 (3.5MB) (Project No. D2008-D000AS-0022.000)

D-2008-133 Joint Follow On Evaluation of the Equipment Status of Operation Iraqi Freedom Forces, September 20, 2008 (1.6MB) (Project No. D2008-D000LQ-0111.000)

D-2008-132 Ocean Freight Transportation Payments Using PowerTrack (U), September 26, 2008 (Project No. D2008-D000FJ-0006.000) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2008-131 Security of Radio Frequency Identification Information (U), September 19, 2008 (Project No. D2008-D000AS-0044.000) The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2008-123 Internal Controls Over Navy General Fund, Cash and Other Monetary Assets Held Outside of the Continental United States, August 26, 2008 (2.7MB) (Project No. D2007-D000FN-0142.000)

D-2008-119 Construction Contracting Procedures Implemented by the Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan, September 29, 2008 (7.4MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0261.000)

D-2008-115 Status of Training Vehicles for U.S. Ground Forces Deploying in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, August 6, 2008 (1.6MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LH-0108.001)

D-2008-107 Contracts Issued by TACOM Life Cycle Management Command to BAE Systems Land and Armaments, Ground Systems Division, July 3, 2008 (2.9MB) (Project No. D2007-D000CK-0256.000)

D-2008-098 Internal Controls Over Payments Made in Iraq, Kuwait and Egypt, May 22, 2008 (3.3MB) (Project No. D2006-D000FL-0208.000)

D-2008-089 Planning Armor Requirements for the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (U), May 9, 2008 (Project No. D2006-D000AE-0225.001). The report is For Official Use Only. To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request . Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2008-086 Challenges Impacting Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Reported by Major Oversight Organizations Beginning FY 2003 through FY 2007, July 18, 2008 (1.8MB) (Project No. D2007-D000XA-0249.000)

D-2008-078 Training Requirements for U.S. Ground Forces Deploying in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, April 9, 2008 (1.6MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LH-0108.002)

D-2008-067 DoD Procurement Policy for Body Armor, March 31, 2008 (5MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LA-0054.000)

D-2008-064 Defense Hotline Allegations Concerning the Biometric Identification System for Access Omnibus Contract, (March 18, 2008) (1.6MB) (Project No. D2007-D000AS-0157.000)

D-2008-060 Potable and Non Potable Water Treatment in Iraq, (March 7, 2008) (1.7MB) (Project No. D2006-D000LQ-0254.000)

D-2008-059 Supplemental Funds Used for Medical Support for the Global War on Terror, (March 6, 2008) (2.5MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LF-0032.000)

D-2008-056 Contractor Support To The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization In Afghanistan (March 7, 2008) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0173.000). This report is classified.

D-2008-039 DoD Support to NATO International Security Assistance Force
(February 5, 2008) (Project No. D2007-D000LA-0016.000). The report is For Official Use Only (Contains NATO RESTRICTED Information). To request a copy, file a Freedom of Information Act request. Federal Government requestors: please click here.

D-2008-038 The Army’s Procurement and Conditional Acceptance of Medium Tactical Vehicles, (December 21, 2007) (4.5MB) (Project No. D2006-D000AE-0225.000)

D-2008-033 Training for U.S. Ground Forces at Army Maneuver Combat Training Centers, (December 28, 2007) (808KB) (Project No. D2007-D000LH-0108.000)

D-2008-029 Request for and Use of Emergency Supplemental Funds for the Rapid Fielding Initiative, (December 5, 2007) (1.6MB) (Project No. D2006-D000LD-0062.000)

D-2008-027 Air Force Use of Global War on Terrorism Supplemental Funding Provided for Procurement and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, (November 21, 2007) (1MB) (Project No. D2006-D000AE-0241.000)

D-2008-026 Management of the Iraq Security Forces Fund in Southwest Asia - Phase III, (November 30, 2007) (1.6 MB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0141.000)

D-2008-024 The Inspection Process of the Army Reset Program for Equipment for Units Returning From Operation Iraqi Freedom (January 18, 2008) (945 KB) (Project No. D2006-D000LH-0246.000)

D-2008-012 Distribution of Funds and the Validity of Obligations for the Management of the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund – Phase I, (November 5, 2007) (566KB) (Project No. D2007-D000LQ-0161.000)

D-2007-107 Procurement Policy for Armored Vehicles (June 27, 2007) (2MB) (Project No. D2006-D000CK-0210.000)

D-2007-105 United States Transportation Command Compliance With DoD Policy on the Use of Commercial Sealift (June 21, 2007) (2MB) (Project No. D2006-D000AB-0236.000)

D-2007-090 Managing Prepositioned Munitions in the U.S. European Command (May 3, 2007) (1MB) (Project No. D2006-D000LA-0251.000)

D-2007-064 Implementation of the Commanders' Emergency Response Program in Afghanistan (2/28/2007) (3MB) (Project No. D2006-D000LQ-0165.000)

D-2007-060 Management of the Iraq Security Forces Fund in Southwest Asia - Phase II (2/12/2007) (4MB) (Project No. D2006-D000LQ-0240.000)  

D-2007-049 CLASSIFIED REPORT "Equipment Status of Deployed Forces Within the U.S. Central Command," (1/25/2007) Unclassified Summary (252KB)

D-2007-030 Management of the Iraq Security Forces Fund in Southwest Asia - Phase I (12/08/2006) (492KB) (Project No. D2006-D000LQ-0184.000) Accessible Text

D-2007-025 Acquisition of the Pacific Mobile Emergency Radio System (U) (11/22/06) (Project No. D2006-D000AS-0069.000) The report is For Official Use Only (FOUO).

D-2007-010 The Army Small Arms Program That Relates to Availability, Maintainability, and Reliability of the Small Arms Support for the Warfighter (11/02/2006) (3MB) View Summary Only (Project No. D2005‑D000LH-0232.000) Accessible Text

D-2007-001 CLASSIFIED REPORT “Information Operations Activities in Southwest Asia,” (10/06/2006) View Unclassified Summary

D-2006-010  Contract Surveillance for Service Contracts (10/28/05) 
(3,435KB) View Summary Only (Project No. D2004-D000FCF-0140.000)

D-2006-007  Contracts Awarded to Assist the Global War on Terrorism by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (10/14/05)  (2.96MB) View Summary Only (Project No. D2004-D000CF-0186.000)

D-2005-095 DoD Patient Movement System (7/27/2005) (328KB) View Summary Only (Project No. D2005-D000LF-0082.000)

D-2005-045 FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Funding for the Defense Logistics Agency (5/09/05) (Project No. D2004-D000LA-0203.001) The report is For Official Use Only (FOUO).

D-2005-053 FY 2004 Emergency Supplemental Funding for the Defense Information Systems Agency (U) (4/29/05) (Project No. D2004-D000LA-0203.000) The report is For Official Use Only (FOUO).

D-2005-024 DoD Management of Navy Senior Enlisted Personnel Assignments in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (12/15/04) (140KB) View Summary Only (Project No. D2003-D000LA 0151.001)

D-2004-090 Defense Hotline Allegations Concerning C 130 Aircraft Use in the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility (U) (06/17/04) (Classified)

D-2004-086  Management of Marine Corps Enlisted Personnel Assignments in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (06/16/04)  (489KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2003LA-0151.000)

D-2004-082 DoD Installation Disaster Preparedness and Consequence Management in the U.S. European Command (U) (05/24/04) (Classified)

D-2004-062  Interagency Review of Foreign National Access to Export-Controlled Technology in the United States (04/16/04)  (524KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2003LG-0145.001)

D-2004-061  Export-Controlled Technology at Contractor, University, and Federally Funded Research and Development (03/25/04)  (566KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2003LG-0145.000)

D-2004-057  Contracts Awarded for the Coalition Provisional Authority by the Defense Contracting Command-Washington (03/18/04)  (1,166KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2003CF-0152.000)

D-2004-050  Management Structure of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program (02/05/04)  (433KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2002LG-0219.002)

D-2004-045 Coalition Support Funds (U) (01/16/04) (Classified)

D-2004-039  Cooperative Threat Reduction Construction Projects (12/18/03)  (413KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2002LG-0219.001)

D2004-033  Terrorism Information Awareness Program (12/12/2003) (1.07MB) View Summary Only (Project No. D2003CM-0056.000)

D-2004-007 Force Protection in the Pacific Theater (U) (10/14/03) (Classified)

D-2004-003 Decontamination Operation Preparedness of Continental U.S. Based Navy and Air Force Units (U) (10/0803) (Classified)

D-2003-131  Cooperative Threat Reduction Program: Solid Rocket Motor Disposition Facility Project (9/11/03)  (5,714KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2002LG-0219.000)

D-2003-126 Interagency Summary Report on Security Controls Over Biological Agents (U) (08/27/03) (Classified)

D-2003-121  DoD Fire and Emergency Services Program (8/12/03) 
(2,539KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2002CB-0182.000)

D-2003-102 Office of the Secretary of Defense Disaster Preparedness (U) (06/17/03) (Classified)

D-2003-070 DoD Involvement in Export Enforcement Activities (03/28/03) (FOUO)

D-2003-069 Interagency Review of Federal Export Enforcement Efforts (04/1803) (FOUO)

D-2003-028 Summary Report on Homeland Defense, Chemical/Biological Defense (CBD), and Other Matters Related to Counter-Terrorist Military Operations (U) (11/25/02) (Classified)

D-2003-021 Export Controls Over Biological Agents (U) (11/12/02) (Classified)

D-2003-014 Facility Specific Controls Over Biological Agents (U) (10/25/02) (Classified)

D-2003-012 Controls Over Biological Agents at Contractor Facilities (U) (10/21/02) (Classified)

D-2002-154  Cooperative Threat Reduction Program Liquid Propellant Disposition Project (9/30/02)  (1,766KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2002LG-0119.000)

D-2002-121 Security: Controls Over Biological Agents (U) (06/27/02) (Classified)

D-2002-102 Summary Report on Homeland Defense, Chemical/Biological Defense (CBD), and Counterterrorism (U) (06/11/02) (Classified)

D-2002-095 Chemical/Biological Defense (CBD) Individual Protective Equipment in CENTCOM and EUCOM Areas (U) (05/30/02) (Classified)

D-2002-087  DoD Medical Support to the Federal Response Plan (05/10/02)  (166KB)   View Summary Only (Project No. D2001LF-0200.000)

Deployed Auditors - The top photo in the right column shows a view of Baghdad. Next is Baghdad International Airport, which has become familiar to DoD IG personnel. Below that are other photos of other deployed auditors.

BaghdadBaghdad International Airportdeployed auditorsdeployed auditorsdeployed auditorsdeployed auditors(See caption at the bottom of this page.)
Last updated: December 13, 2011
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