United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Chronic Heart Failure QUERI Center

Heart Failure Provider Network: Schedule

Schedule of Sessions:

Session Format Time/Place Presentation Slides
* Slides are in PDF format
1st Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 9, 2006
(Seattle, WA)
Live Meeting / Conference Call November 6, 2006 Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)

Live Meeting / Conference Call March 2, 2007 VA Heart Failure NetworK (Heidenreich)

A Comprehensive HF Program from Portland VA (Larsen)

Live Meeting / Conference Call May 1, 2007

VA Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)

Assessment of Implantable Monitoring Devices for HF Patients (Massie)

National Heart Failure Training for Improved HF Care: N-HeFT(Pina)

Live Meeting / Conference Call July 9, 2007 VA Heart Failure and IHI's 5 Million Lives Campaign(Heidenreich)

VISN 23 Chronic Disease Collaborative(Dickson)

2nd Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 17, 2007
(Washington, DC)
Improving Early Follow-up Following HF Hospitalization (Heidenreich)

Live Meeting / Conference Call November 8, 2007 Increasing Early Follow-up Following HF Hospitalization (Heidenreich)

Effectiveness of Controlled-Release Metoprolol versus Carvedilol as Prescribed for Veterans with Heart Failure (Rector)

Live Meeting / Conference Call January 22, 2008 VA Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)

Get with the Guidelines-Heart Failure (Fonarow)

Live Meeting / Conference Call March 12, 2008 VA Heart Failure Network(Heidenreich)

Live Meeting / Conference Call May 9, 2008 Impact of Group Heart Failure Clinic on Patient Outcomes in Veterans Population(Angell)

Re-Inventing the HF Program at Tucson VA (Juneman)

Live Meeting / Conference Call July 31, 2008 Recent Trends in Heart Failure Treatment and Outcomes (Heidenreich)

Heart Failure Disease Management in the North Florida/South Georgia VHS (Schofield)

3rd Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 22, 2008
(Toronto, Canada)
Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)
Live Meeting / Conference Call November 4, 2008 Minneapolis VAMC HF Telehealth Clinic (Anand)

Long Distance Titration of Heart Failure Medications by Telephone Calls (Anand)
Live Meeting  / Conference Call January 28, 2009
  The Transitional Care Model: Translating Research into Practice (Naylor)
View Video (54:32 min)
Live Meeting  / Conference Call March 19, 2009
 Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich, Jesse)
View Video (53:31 min)
Live Meeting/ Conference Call May 5, 2009 Shared Medical Appointments: A pathway to improve care for heart failure in the community (Pina)

VA Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)

View Video (60.1 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call July 21, 2009
Heart Failure Disease Management (Vernalis)

VAPHS CHF Program (Thompson)

View Video (51.17 min)
4th Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 14, 2009
(Boston, MA)


Live Meeting / Conference Call November 4, 2009
Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)

Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: An Emergency Department Pathway (Nemeth)

View Video (57:54 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call March 23, 2010
QI in Heart Failure for VA Cleveland Facilities: An Implementation Plan (Pina)

View Video (49.09 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call May 10, 2010
VA Trends Heart Failure Care and Outcome (Heidenreich)

The VASDHS Heart Failure Performance Improvement Team Creates a New System (Maisel)

View Video (58:38 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call July 7, 2010
HF Network (Heidenreich)

Effect of Patient Activation on Self-Management in Patients with Heart Failure (Shively)

HF Program at the Durham VA (Roberts)

View Video (56 min)
5th Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 13, 2010
(San Diego, CA)
HF Network (Heidenreich)

Improving Chronic Heart Failure Care in the VA: The Role of Nurse-Physician Co-Leadership (Wholey)
Live Meeting / Conference Call November 10, 2010
PACT! and heart failure-how can we optimize care delivery for our patients(Kirsh)

View Video (111 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call January 19, 2011
Hospital to Home (H2H) Excellence in Transitions (Heidenreich)

North Point VAMC (Oberstein)

Reducing the CHF Length of Stay and 30 Day Readmission (Hale)

View Video (62:19 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call March 8th and 9th 2011
All slides posted on the link: http://www.queri.research.va.gov/chf/products/h2h/
Live Meeting / Conference Call May 26,2011

HF Network (Heidenreich)

Examining the Role of Communication in a CHF Care Coordination Home Telehealth (CCHT) Service (Pope)

Delivering Specialty Care in the 21st Century VHA (Graham)

View Video (60 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call August 19, 2011

Redesigning Care Coordination to Improve Self Management of Patients With Heart Failure (Neugaard)

Cognitive Impairment in Heart Failure (Silvet)

View Video (53.35 min)
6th Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 19, 2011

HF Network (Heidenreich)
Live Meeting / Conference Call November 8, 2011

Hospital to Home (H2H) Excellence in Transitions (Heidenreich)

Building Clinical Decision Support and Automated Performance Measures for Heart Failure (Goldstein)

Tools to Facilitate Assessment of 30-Day  Readmissions at Your VA Medical Center (Rector)

View Video (51.44 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call March 14, 2012 VA Heart Failure Network CHF QUERI (Heidenreich)

Creating a Hub and Satellite Heart Failure Providers Network (Ooi)

Adherence to Quality Measures and Mortality among Veterans with Congestive Heart Failure (Wu)
Live Meeting / Conference Call May 16, 2012 Implementing H2H in the Implementing H2H in the VA Health Care System (Heidenreich)

Reducing CHF Readmissions Through Effective Transitions (McKee)

Huntington VAMC CHF Order Set

View Video (56.37 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call July 11, 2012

"Scan" Tastic Innovations in Heart Failure (Gee, Ortiz)

Trajectory of CHF Patients (Alemi)

View Video (59.28 min)
7th Annual HF Network Meeting (in-person) / Conference Call September 10, 2012

VA Heart Failure Network (Heidenreich)
Live Meeting / Conference Call November 28, 2012

Implementation of Transition of Care Model in CHF to Reduce Rehospitalization Rates (Wu)

Hospital to Home Initiative (Dev)

View Video (57.42 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call January 29, 2013

RRP 11-367: Systematic Assessment of Readmissions of Veterans with Heart Failure (Rector)

Improvement of beta-blocker prescribing in heart failure: a cluster-randomized trial (RRP 09-136) (McCarren)

View Video (59.58 min)
Live Meeting / Conference Call March 2013
