United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Chronic Heart Failure QUERI Center

Heart Failure Provider Network


The CHF QUERI has formed the Heart Failure (HF) Provider Network - a network of providers interested in improving heart failure care throughout the VA HealthCare System. The HF Network is moderated by CHF QUERI's Paul Heidenreich MD, MS (Director), Barry Massie, MD (Clinical Coordinator) and Anju Sahay, PhD (Implementation Research Coordinator). This initiative is supported by Robert Jesse, MD, PhD, Deputy Principal Under Secretary for Health and John Rumsfeld MD, PhD, Director National Cardiology Program, VA's Patient Care Services. This is a social network with the opportunity for bi-directional flow of information and innovative ideas across all types of providers.


Currently there are over 814 members from 150 VA facilities. Members include Chiefs of Cardiology, Chiefs of Medicine, Chiefs of Staff, nurse practitioners, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, researchers, administrators, and others. This Network operates via bi-monthly web-based meetings/conference calls, an annual in-person meeting, e-mails and web-based surveys.


Goals of the Network are:

  • Share evidence-based HF programs;
  • Understand and help resolve barriers and facilitators to implementation;
  • Establish collaborations/networking;
  • Disseminate findings and implement quality improvement projects; and
  • Provide opportunities to identify/involve opinion leaders and/or local champions.

Members get updates about new research findings; they present HF programs at their facilities focusing on barriers and facilitators; share innovative ideas to improve care; submit research proposals for funding; and network, collaborate and establish new affiliations with other members. The HF Network is also used to implement interventions for quality improvement projects.

Join or Contact HF Network: HF Network