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Photo: A roads worker clears debris from a 2006 storm.
May-June 2008 –
The new Tolt Bridge, the road to history, bus evolution, fuel-saving tips, and Vanpool popularity. After 86 years, the old Tolt Bridge has been removed, and a new span is providing access across the Snoqualmie River. King County is embarking on a quest to identify and preserve historic roads and corridors. About 80 years worth of bus evolution is chronicled. How to save fuel when you drive, and the spike in popularity of Metro's Vanpool program.

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Right to left:Patrick McCurdy, Jim Laing, and Tim Shook.
March-April 2008 –
Metro's finest, Green Festival and bulbs, KCIA's crazy cargo, and some spring building. Big honors for two current and one former Metro deputy. King County DOT participates in the Green Festival's first-ever trip to the northwest, and speaking of green, the Roads Division cuts its energy use in half at its Renton headquarters. Some of the off-beat cargo at KCIA is highlighted, and spring is here, time to do some construction.

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Photo: Ron Sims speaks at opening of Redmond Transit Center.
January-February 2008 –
'Transit Now' turns one, Skykomish crews dig out of the snow, a robotic crawler, and all about roundabouts. 'Transit Now' turned out to have passed right on time with Metro ridership booming. Heavy snowfall in Skykomish had crews scrambling to keep roads clear. How do you check on culvert damage hundreds of feet underground? Watch and see. And, a roundabout way of easing traffic congestion in the county.

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Photo: A roads worker clears debris from a 2006 storm.
November-December 2007 –
'Take Winter By Storm', at your service 24/7, new digs, bus buying, and KCIA's good neighbor effort. With the harsh lessons last winter taught, the King County Road Services division has improved lines of communication with partner agencies to make sure everyone's ready should Mother Nature strike again. Furthermore, learn how the Roads Division is ready to respond to citizen requests 24/7. Metro's Transit Control Center moves into its new digs, Metro analysts describe how they go about selecting which new buses to buy, and KCIA lends a neighborly hand to its surrounding residents.

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Photo: The tunnel reopened on time Sept. 24th.
September-October 2007 –
Light at the end of the tunnel, gridlock avoided, the 'Green' Lead, clean vehicles, porous concrete, and more. After a two-year closure for light rail retrofits and much-needed lighting improvements, the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel is finally back open. The predicted I-5 gridlock during a 19-day lane closure was avoided as commuters packed buses and Metro's Water Taxi. Also, Metro hosts this year's APTA Conference while displaying its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas. And, the Road Services Division lays 'porous' concrete for the first time ever.

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Photo: The tunnel is set to reopen.
July-August 2007 –
Metro prepares to reopen the tunnel, learn how to stay safe in work zones, helicopters turn 100, and goats at Metro's East Base? It's been two years in the making, but Metro and Sound Transit are ready to reopen the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel. With a busy construction season at hand, King County engineers want to stress safe driving around work zones. See the vast array of helicopter services at King County International Airport on the 100th birthday of the flying machine, and see why 270 goats are hanging out at Metro's East Base in Bellevue.

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photo: fleet expansion announcement
May-June 2007 –
Landmark fleet expansion, computers sent abroad, a life's work at KCIA, and the eco-friendly CROW/SWAP program. Metro puts its money where it's mouth is by coordinating the largest bus purchasing contract in North America, also some of King County's surplus computers are being refurbished and delivered abroad by local high school students. Del Bair tells his stories of spending the better part of 30 years at Boeing Field, and what goes down must come up: the county's CROW and SWAP programs recycle 97% of what it gathers off county roads.

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photo: m's first baseman Richie Sexson
March-April 2007 –
M's service, Metro's crime-fighting duo, KCIA's unique planes, and some auction action.
Save yourself the gas and parking money and let Metro get you to Safeco the root for the hometown 9, also Metro's new canine crime-fighting duo of Jones and Stevie are on patrol. King County International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the nation and some of the interesting planes that take off and land are profiled, and finally some sweet deals are waiting for bargain hunters at the Fleet Division's Spot Bid Auction.
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photo: crews still cleaning up after November's whacky weather
January-February 2007 –
Storm cleanup, 'Transit Now', new bike racks, and Mt. Si.
Months after the first major storm event in King County, crews were still picking up after Mother Nature's wrath in early 2007. Also, the first pieces of the Transit Now service additions are in place, and Metro riders who also bike will enjoy new racks being installed on Metro coaches. Plus, want to buy a bridge for a dollar?
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Photo: sanding plows respond to December snow and ice
November-December 2006 –
First snowfall, Preston washout, and hybrid trucks.
The weather hit King County from every angle, whether it was flooding, snow, or the subsequent icy road conditions.  See how King County crews responded.  Plus, Preston residents speak about the major flooding they saw and King County's Fleet Division orders more hybrid vehicles.
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Photo: Learn about King County's Flood Phases
October-November 2006 –
Flooding, I-signals and winter preps.
Find out the resources available to you should you fall victim to all our recent flooding.  Also watch as King County Crews prepare for this year's nasty winter weather, and check out a new bus route that operates on a rather unusual schedule.
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Photo: King County Metro's vanpool is one of the best in the nation
September-October 2006 –
Vanpool and Runway Makeover.
Tim takes a ride with the 'Way Cool Vanpool' from downtown Seattle to REI in Kent.  The King County International Airport's runway gets a big makeover, and Metro's Community Access Program provides vans to eight local agencies.
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Photo: Executive Sims delivers Transit Now proposal
July-August 2006 –
More Transit. King County Executive Ron Sims delivers the Transit Now proposal to the King County Council. 
Reps from different agencies give their views on why more transit options would be good for the environment, reduce traffic, and be good for our health.
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Photo: pavement overlay in rural area
June-July 2006 –
Rural and Urban. Take a look at the services King County's rural residents rely on from the Road Services Division. Meet Metro Transit's MVP's, an update on the summer road and bridge construction plans and King County International Airports film credits.

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Photo: Transit Now press conference
April-May 2006 –
Transit Now. King County Executive Ron Sims releases details of the "Transit Now" proposal that will add more Metro Transit service and buses throughout the county.

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Photo: Dozier clears mudslide
March 2006 –
Winter storm damage. King County survived winters worst, but some of the damage will take a while to repair.  We'll chat with the Road Services Manager about how repairs will be prioritized and paid for.  This months show also looks at the South Park Bridge replacement recommendation, the professional drivers training every Metro bus driver receives and the new Issaquah Highlands Park-and-Ride garage.

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Photo: Road crews in snow
December 2005 –
Waiting on winter. King County Roads crews need to be ready before the snow hits the ground. Find out what it was like when south King County got its first dusting of the season.  This months show also covers a traditional December activity for the Metro Employees Historic Vehicle Association (MEHVA) as well as the Waterfront Streetcar's temporary hiatus.

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Photo: Road closed due to flooding
November 2005 –
Flood season arrives.  A couple of days of steady rain is all it takes to increase flows on several northwest rivers and push them to flood levels. We’ve already had a phase three flood alert on the Snoqualmie River back in September, and there have been six federally declared flood disasters in King County during the last 15 years. So this time of year it’s important to know if you live in a flood prone area and what the different flood phases mean so you can be prepared.

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Photo: New Elliott Bridge
Sept.-Oct. 2005 –
New bridge. There are nearly 200 bridges that fall under the jurisdiction of King County, and that’s not counting some of the most visible bridges in the area, such as the 520 and I-90 bridges, they’re maintained by the state. Many of the King County bridges are in rural or semi-rural areas and are thought of as neighborhood bridges, even though they may support thousands of car crossings everyday. The newest bridge in King County is the new Elliott Bridge over the Cedar River near Renton. The new Elliott Bridge officially opened on September first.

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Photo: Metro bus washing
July-August 2005 –
Water conservation. Whether we have an official drought this summer or not, we always seem to have some dry months. So efforts to conserve or recycle water can go a long way toward making sure there’s enough water for everyone, and conservation saves money. Some long established conservation practices are paying off for the King County Department of Transportation, and a few new ideas are being tried this summer to reduce water consumption even further.

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Photo: Kevin Desmond & Tim O'Leary
May 2005
–Tunnel show.
On September 24, 2005, the downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel will close for up to two years so it can be retrofitted and upgraded for use by both buses and light rail trains.  This show is dedicated to providing information about the tunnel closure and the impact it will have on bus routes, transit riders and the downtown area.

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Photo: Loading bike rack
March 2005 –
  Bikes & buses. Now that the weather is warming up, we see more bicycle riders in King County commuting to work. Some use the bus for part of their commute, and many have to share the road with buses, especially in the busy downtown areas. With that in mind Metro Transit has produced a new video, with the help of bus drivers who are also avid cyclists, that emphasizes bus and bicycle safety. 

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Photo: loading air cargo at KCIA
December 2004 – Busy season.
This is a very busy time of year for King County International Airport. The airport is a hub for hundreds of thousands of packages leaving or arriving in the state of Washington and there is a fast moving seasonal routine that’s taking place at the airport every night.

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Photo: South Park Bridge
October 2004 –
Bridging the gap. The South Park Bridge over the Duwamish River near King County International Airport could be the poster child representing the county’s budget challenges. The 74-year old bridge is due for replacement, but the county doesn’t have the money to build a new bridge by itself, and is looking for solutions while working with the community on the plan to build a better bridge.

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Photo: Porter Mathis
Sept. 2004 –
Top driver. Once every year Metro Transit operators name their operator of the year. This is a person chosen as the top bus driver in the county. The winner this year has 75 commendations for outstanding service, that’s about five times more than the average driver. Soon you’re going to see pictures of Porter Mathis on every Metro bus, congratulating him on being the operator of the year. Porter allowed our camera’s to tag along recently to show what it’s like to be a bus driver, in this segment that we call my job at D-O-T.

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August 2004 –
Fly Quiet. King County International Airport is teaching pilots how to fly more quietly. The new program includes using approaches and departures that take planes over water rather than residential neighborhoods whenever possible, and monitoring noise levels to determine where the trouble spots are.

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June 2004 Bridging the gap.  It took a carefully choreographed effort to move these 105-ton concrete bridge girders into place over the Sammamish River Trail and keep traffic moving on NE 124th Street near Redmond at the same time. See the event unfold and find out what’s next for this project.
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March 2004
Doing the spring "FOD" walk.  King County International Airport Staff are experts at doing the "FOD" walk. "FOD" by the way stands for Foreign Objects and Debris. This important safety walk is conducted several times a year to insure airport infield and other areas are free of anything that is potentially damaging to aircraft.
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February 2004
Construction countdown. The county's newest park-and-ride facility at Eastgate will accommodate 1,700 cars that might otherwise drive right by along the I-90 corridor. Construction crews have topped off, now they're counting down to the June opening.
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Photo: Sims at the Regional Emergency Communications Center
December 2003 Taking winter by storm. We’ve already seen flooding, snow and record winds in 2003. What’s in store for the rest of the winter? The King County Department of Transportation has several tools available to residents to help stay on top of severe weather and to find out the latest road closures and Metro Transit schedule changes.
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Photo:  Preston Bridge
November 2003 Water works. King County's Road Services Division wraps up three construction projects that all have water as a common denominator. The new Preston Bridge, Rock Creek culvert near Maple Valley and the Dockton seawall on Vashon Island.
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Photo: Harold Taniguchi interview
October 2003 RTID Explained. The Regional Transit Investment District is working on a list of road and transit improvement projects, along with ways to finance them. King County Department of Transportation Director Harold Taniguchi explains the department’s role in RTID.
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Photo:  September 2003 service change
September 2003 September service change. The signs are all in place, Metro riders will see some route changes starting September 27th. Find out which areas of King County will experience the most changes and hear from community "Sounding Board" members who helped research and implement the changes.
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Photo:  September 2003 service change
August 2003 — Change, change, change. September’s service change will mean some new routes and drivers. We’ll take a look at the planning and implementation of a service change and talk to Metro Transit General Manager Rick Walsh about the factors that influence it.
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Photo:  King County Metro Transit’s newest Operator of the Year
July 2003 — She's the one!  King County Metro Transit’s newest Operator of the year loves to dance, has a master’s degree in romance linguistics, spends a lot of time on her boat. And, oh yeah, she’s been one of Metro’s safest and friendliest drivers for 29 years!
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Photo:  Gunter, a new hi-tech asphalt grinder.
June 2003 — Welcome to the machine. It’s the start of the summer road construction and repair season and this year King County is counting on a new hi-tech asphalt grinder to complete jobs faster, more cost efficiently and with fewer traffic disruptions.
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Photo:  Cedar Mountain Bridge.
May 2003 — The bridges of King County. No, it's not a follow up to that best selling book that wasn't really about bridges. Inside Transportation takes a look at how King County identifies bridges that need repair or replacement and talks with the county's senior bridge building engineer. Plus, we'll show you the newly completed Cedar Mountain bridge. Learn more

Photo:  Vehicle maintenance manager Jim Boo and a new diesel hybrid-electric bus.
March 2003. King County Metro Transit is testing a new diesel hybrid-electric bus. Vehicle maintenance manager Jim Boon talks about the test results, including energy savings and pollution reduction. Project manager Todd Gibbs leads a walk-around tour of the buses special features. Learn more


Inside Transportation is designed to help you understand how the King County Department of Transportation serves the public and how to take advantage of the transportation options available to you.  It is a presentation of the King County Department of Transportation Public Affairs Unit.

You can request that Inside Transportation be shown for you by contacting KCTV at (206) 296-0300 or e-mailing them at You can view KCTV on these channels:
  • Comcast Cable Services/Millennium Digital Media - Channel 22.


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Updated:  August 14, 2008

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