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Inside Transportation logoInside Transportation

King County Civic Television (KCTV)



March-April 2007 Episode:

Inside Transportation airs on KCTV at the following times:

  • Sundays: 6:00 p.m.*
  • Monday: 7:00 a.m.
  • Tuesday: 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday: 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 9:30 p.m.*
  • Saturday: 5:30 p.m.

      (* = rotating)


  Icon:  Multimedia Watch this episode

Photo: County crews pick up debris from December's windstorm

M's and Metro: A great team - At $3 each way, Metro is a great alternative to driving downtown and paying as much as $20 just to park. Beat the traffic and avoid all the headaches by taking advantage of Metro's partnership with the Mariners. Go Metro and Go M's!

Video Transcript

New crime-fighting duo: Jones and Stevie - They may not be as famous as Ponch and Jon, but Metro's new explosive-sniffing dogs are making sure your trips aboard Metro vehicles are as safe as possible.  Watch the two at work.

Video Transcript

Photo: Transit Now will bring added coaches and service

Photo: King County Metro is installing new bike racks on buses
KCIA's unique planes - From the tiny to the titans, King County International Airport pretty much sees it all. Some planes are captivating for their size, and some for their forward thinking. Check out the rich diversity of planes that land at KCIA.

Video Transcript

Going once . . . going twice - Call it a win-win situation. King County's Fleet Division can recoup money for obsolete items, and the public can do a little bargain hunting. From laptops to a 150-year-old sword, it all goes to the highest bidder at the March Spot Bid Auction.

Video Transcript

Photo: The Mt. Si Bridge will be replaced at age 94

Inside Transportation is designed to help you understand how the King County Department of Transportation serves the public and how to take advantage of the transportation options available to you.  It is a presentation of the King County Department of Transportation Public Affairs Unit.

You may request this program be shown for you by contacting KCTV at 206-296-0300 or e-mailing the staff at  KCTV airs on the following channels:

  • Comcast Cable Services/Millennium Digital Media - Channel 22.


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Updated:  June 23, 2008

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