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Inside Transportation for August 2003

Inside Transportation is a half-hour program designed to help you understand and better use the transportation options available to you.  It is a presentation of the King County Department of Transportation Public Affairs Unit. The show airs on King County Civic Television (CTV) Tuesday nights at 5 p.m., Wednesday mornings at 5 a.m., and various other times during the week.

Icon:  Multimedia Watch the streaming video! (RealVideo file)

Photo:  September service change Change, change, change. September’s service change will mean some new routes and drivers. We’ll take a look at the planning and implementation of a service change and talk to Metro Transit General Manager Rick Walsh about the factors that influence it.

Online Day tripping. Wondering if you can really take a bus to where you want to go? Metro Online’s "Trip Planner" can tell you. Find out why this is one of Metro’s most used web tools.
Photo:  Metro Online's Trip Planner

Photo:  King County Airport 75th anniversary Cleared for takeoff. King County International Airport, also known as Boeing Field, celebrates its 75th anniversary. Meet new airport Director Bob Burke and buckle up as we fly through 75 years of aviation history.

Island life. We start off looking at repairs to the Dockton seawall, and wind up being schooled on life on Vashon Island from a native, King County Roads Supervisors, point of view.
Photo:  Vashon Ferry and bus

You can request this program be shown for you by contacting CTV at 206-296-0300 or e-mailing them at You can view CTV on these channels:
  • AT&T Cable Services — Channel 22 in most areas of King County
  • Millennium Digital Media — Channel 72 or 80 in downtown Seattle and lower Queen Anne.

Previous Inside Transportation shows

Updated: August 5, 2003

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