Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF5.100 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.105 Other Federal requirements.
TEXT PDF5.107 Audit requirements for non-profit organizations.
TEXT PDF5.108 Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federally Funded Construction Projects.
TEXT PDF5.110 Waivers.
TEXT PDF5.210 Purpose, applicability, and Federal preemption.
TEXT PDF5.212 Compliance with the Privacy Act and other requirements.
TEXT PDF5.214 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.216 Disclosure and verification of Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers.
TEXT PDF5.218 Penalties for failing to disclose and verify Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers.
TEXT PDF5.230 Consent by assistance applicants and participants.
TEXT PDF5.232 Penalties for failing to sign consent forms.
TEXT PDF5.234 Requests for information from SWICAs and Federal agencies; restrictions on use.
TEXT PDF5.236 Procedures for termination, denial, suspension, or reduction of assistance based on information obtained from a SWICA or Federal agency.
TEXT PDF5.238 Criminal and civil penalties.
TEXT PDF5.240 Family disclosure of income information to the responsible entity and verification.
TEXT PDF5.300 Purpose.
TEXT PDF5.303 Exclusion for animals that assist persons with disabilities.
TEXT PDF5.306 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.309 Prohibition against discrimination.
TEXT PDF5.312 Notice to tenants.
TEXT PDF5.315 Content of pet rules: General requirements.
TEXT PDF5.318 Discretionary pet rules.
TEXT PDF5.321 Lease provisions.
TEXT PDF5.324 Implementation of lease provisions.
TEXT PDF5.327 Nuisance or threat to health or safety.
TEXT PDF5.350 Mandatory pet rules for housing programs.
TEXT PDF5.353 Housing programs: Procedure for development of pet rules.
TEXT PDF5.356 Housing programs: Pet rule violation procedures.
TEXT PDF5.359 Housing programs: Rejection of units by applicants for tenancy.
TEXT PDF5.360 Housing programs: Additional lease provisions.
TEXT PDF5.363 Housing programs: Protection of the pet.
TEXT PDF5.380 Public housing programs: Procedure for development of pet rules.
TEXT PDF5.400 Applicability.
TEXT PDF5.403 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.500 Applicability.
TEXT PDF5.502 Requirements concerning documents.
TEXT PDF5.504 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.506 General provisions.
TEXT PDF5.508 Submission of evidence of citizenship or eligible immigration status.
TEXT PDF5.510 Documents of eligible immigration status.
TEXT PDF5.512 Verification of eligible immigration status.
TEXT PDF5.514 Delay, denial, reduction or termination of assistance.
TEXT PDF5.516 Availability of preservation assistance to mixed families and other families.
TEXT PDF5.518 Types of preservation assistance available to mixed families and other families.
TEXT PDF5.520 Proration of assistance.
TEXT PDF5.522 Prohibition of assistance to noncitizen students.
TEXT PDF5.524 Compliance with nondiscrimination requirements.
TEXT PDF5.526 Protection from liability for responsible entities and State and local government agencies and officials.
TEXT PDF5.528 Liability of ineligible tenants for reimbursement of benefits.
TEXT PDF5.601 Purpose and applicability.
TEXT PDF5.603 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.609 Annual income.
TEXT PDF5.611 Adjusted income.
TEXT PDF5.613 Public housing program and Section 8 tenant-based assistance program: PHA cooperation with welfare agency.
TEXT PDF5.615 Public housing program and Section 8 tenant-based assistance program: How welfare benefit reduction affects family income.
TEXT PDF5.617 Self-sufficiency incentives for persons with disabilities--Disallowance of increase in annual income.
TEXT PDF5.628 Total tenant payment.
TEXT PDF5.630 Minimum rent.
TEXT PDF5.632 Utility reimbursements.
TEXT PDF5.634 Tenant rent.
TEXT PDF5.653 Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Admission--Income-eligibility and income-targeting.
TEXT PDF5.655 Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Owner preferences in selection for a project or unit.
TEXT PDF5.657 Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Reexamination of family income and composition.
TEXT PDF5.659 Family information and verification.
TEXT PDF5.661 Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Approval for police or other security personnel to live in project.
TEXT PDF5.701 Applicability.
TEXT PDF5.703 Physical condition standards for HUD housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair (DSS/GR).
TEXT PDF5.705 Uniform physical inspection requirements.
TEXT PDF5.801 Uniform financial reporting standards.
TEXT PDF5.850 Which subsidized housing is covered by this subpart?
TEXT PDF5.851 What authority do I have to screen applicants and to evict tenants?
TEXT PDF5.852 What discretion do I have in screening and eviction actions?
TEXT PDF5.853 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.854 When must I prohibit admission of individuals who have engaged in drug-related criminal activity?
TEXT PDF5.855 When am I specifically authorized to prohibit admission of individuals who have engaged in criminal activity?
TEXT PDF5.856 When must I prohibit admission of sex offenders?
TEXT PDF5.857 When must I prohibit admission of alcohol abusers?
TEXT PDF5.858 What authority do I have to evict drug criminals?
TEXT PDF5.859 When am I specifically authorized to evict other criminals?
TEXT PDF5.860 When am I specifically authorized to evict alcohol abusers?
TEXT PDF5.861 What evidence of criminal activity must I have to evict?
TEXT PDF5.901 To what criminal records and searches does this subpart apply?
TEXT PDF5.902 Definitions.
TEXT PDF5.903 What special authority is there to obtain access to criminal records?
TEXT PDF5.905 What special authority is there to obtain access to sex offender registration information?
TEXT PDF5.1001 Applicability.
TEXT PDF5.1003 Use of a universal identifier for organizations applying for HUD grants.
