[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 24, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 24CFR5.655]

[Page 87-89]
 Subpart F_Section 8 and Public Housing, and Other HUD Assisted Housing 
  Serving Persons with Disabilities: Family Income and Family Payment; 
      Occupancy Requirements for Section 8 Project-Based Assistance
Sec. 5.655  Section 8 project-based assistance programs: Owner preferences 
in selection for a project or unit.

    (a) Applicability. This section applies to the section 8 project-
based assistance programs. The section describes requirements concerning 
the Section 8 owner's selection of residents to occupy a project or 
unit, except for the moderate rehabilitation and the project-based 
certificate or voucher programs.
    (b) Selection. (1) Selection for owner's project or unit. Selection 
for occupancy of a project or unit is the function of the Section 8 
owner. However, selection is subject to the income-eligibility

[[Page 88]]

and income-targeting requirements in Sec. 5.653.
    (2) Tenant selection plan. The owner must adopt a written tenant 
selection plan in accordance with HUD requirements.
    (3) Amount of income. The owner may not select a family for 
occupancy of a project or unit in an order different from the order on 
the owner's waiting list for the purpose of selecting a relatively 
higher income family. However, an owner may select a family for 
occupancy of a project or unit based on its income in order to satisfy 
the targeting requirements of Sec. 5.653(c).
    (4) Selection for particular unit. In selecting a family to occupy a 
particular unit, the owner may match family characteristics with the 
type of unit available, for example, number of bedrooms. If a unit has 
special accessibility features for persons with disabilities, the owner 
must first offer the unit to families which include persons with 
disabilities who require such features (see Sec. Sec. 8.27 and 100.202 
of this title).
    (5) Housing assistance limitation for single persons. A single 
person who is not an elderly or displaced person, a person with 
disabilities, or the remaining member of a resident family may not be 
provided a housing unit with two or more bedrooms.
    (c) Particular owner preferences. The owner must inform all 
applicants about available preferences and must give applicants an 
opportunity to show that they qualify for available preferences.
    (1) Residency requirements or preferences. (i) Residency 
requirements are prohibited. Although the owner is not prohibited from 
adopting a residency preference, the owner may only adopt or implement 
residency preferences in accordance with non-discrimination and equal 
opportunity requirements listed at Sec. 5.105(a).
    (ii) A residency preference is a preference for admission of persons 
who reside in a specified geographic area (``residency preference 
    (iii) An owner's residency preference must be approved by HUD in one 
of the following methods:
    (A) Prior approval of the housing market area in the Affirmative 
Fair Housing Marketing plan (in accordance with Sec. 108.25 of this 
title) as a residency preference area;
    (B) Prior approval of the residency preference area in the PHA plan 
of the jurisdiction in which the project is located;
    (C) Modification of the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan, in 
accordance with Sec. 108.25 of this title,
    (iv) Use of a residency preference may not have the purpose or 
effect of delaying or otherwise denying admission to a project or unit 
based on the race, color, ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, 
or age of any member of an applicant family.
    (v) A residency preference must not be based on how long an 
applicant has resided or worked in a residency preference area.
    (vi) Applicants who are working or who have been notified that they 
are hired to work in a residency preference area must be treated as 
residents of the residency preference area. The owner may treat 
graduates of, or active participants in, education and training programs 
in a residency preference area as residents of the residency preference 
area if the education or training program is designed to prepare 
individuals for the job market.
    (2) Preference for working families. (i) The owner may adopt a 
preference for admission of working families (families where the head, 
spouse or sole member is employed). However, an applicant shall be given 
the benefit of the working family preference if the head and spouse, or 
sole member, is age 62 or older, or is a person with disabilities.
    (ii) If the owner adopts a preference for admission of working 
families, the owner must not give a preference based on the amount of 
earned income.
    (3) Preference for person with disabilities. The owner may adopt a 
preference for admission of families that include a person with 
disabilities. However, the owner may not adopt a preference for 
admission of persons with a specific disability.
    (4) Preference for victims of domestic violence. The owner should 
consider whether to adopt a preference for admission of families that 
include victims of domestic violence.
    (5) Preference for single persons who are elderly, displaced, 
homeless or persons

[[Page 89]]

with disabilities over other single persons. The owner may adopt a 
preference for admission of single persons who are age 62 or older, 
displaced, homeless, or persons with disabilities over other single 

[65 FR 16720, Mar. 29, 2000]