Environment, Safety, and Health

Management System Description:

Environment, Safety, and Health

Management System Owner:  PATRICK SMITH
Secondary Management System Owner:   KARL MORO
Point of Contact:   PATRICK SMITH

| SCMS Home Page | Purpose | Responsibilities | Requirements | Subject Areas | Program Descriptions | Guidance Documents | References | Delegations | Revision History |

Issue Date:  08/08/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.10

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this Management System is to provide for the Office of Science (SC) a consistent method to effectively and efficiently oversee and manage work and operations in a manner that ensures the health and safety of all Federal and contractor personnel and the protection of the environment and the public. In addition, this Management System will aid in the implementation of the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) programs in SC, which include Environmental Management Systems (EMS). This Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) Management System Description (MSD) outlines the processes and procedures required for SC Federal employees to implement SC ES&H responsibilities. Subject Areas and procedures for this Management System are listed in Section 5.0.

2.0 Responsibilities

The table below represents the high‑level responsibilities of SC managers and employees for ES&H aspects in their work.

The table below represents roles and responsibilities specific to this Management System. For a detailed description of SCMS roles and responsibilities, please see the SCMS R2A2.



Director, Office of Science (SC‑1)

  • The Senior SC Line Manager responsible for the ES&H performance of the entire Office of Science. As such, SC-1 is directly accountable to the Under Secretary for Science for the safety and protection of Federal and contractor employees, the environment, and the public at all SC locations and operations. In this capacity, SC-1 has authorities and responsibilities delegated from the Secretary of Energy for establishing ES&H policy and expectations, as well as assuring performance. The Director of Science accomplishes these responsibilities through further delegations within the organization, as described below.

Deputy Director for Science Programs (SC‑2)

  • Utilizing specific authorities delegated from SC-1, SC-2 is the SC Line Manager responsible and accountable to SC-1 for the safety and protection of Federal employees assigned to SC-2.

  • Assures ES&H performance within previously established policy and clearly stated expectations within assigned organizational responsibilities.

  • Develops and implements corrective actions, as appropriate, and routinely communicates with SC-1, as well as the Deputy Director for Field Operations, on ES&H matters and performance.

Deputy Director for Field Operations (SC‑3)

  • Utilizing specific authorities delegated from SC-1, SC-3 is the SC Line Manager responsible and accountable to SC-1 for the safety and protection of Federal and support contractor/laboratory employees assigned to SC-3.

  • Assures ES&H performance within previously established policy and clearly stated expectations within assigned organizational responsibilities (e.g., assigned Forrestal/Germantown staff, SC Chicago and SC Oak Ridge Offices, and all SC Site Offices).

  • Routinely communicates with SC-1, as well as SC-2, on all ES&H matters and performance and develops and implements corrective actions, as appropriate.

  • Serves as the champion for the SC Management System Owner (MSO) and thus recommends final policy to SC-1 on matters affecting ES&H performance within SC.

Associate Directors for Programs (ADs)

  • Utilizing specific authorities delegated from SC-2, the ADs are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable for the safety and protection of the Federal employees assigned to them.

  • Within their programmatic responsibilities, the ADs assure SC’s budget is properly formulated to adequately support ES&H at SC’s laboratory sites, including funding for infrastructure and maintenance needs.

  • ADs communicate directly with SC Site Office Managers regarding performance expectations for laboratory operations and major construction projects.

  • As program sponsors for major construction projects at SC laboratory sites, ADs charter independent project assessments that include ES&H matters.

Associate Director for Safety, Security, and Infrastructure (SC‑31)

  • On behalf of SC-1, the Associate Director for SC-31 develops SC‑specific policies related to ES&H and ensures their effective and consistent implementation across the SC complex.

  • Works closely with the ES&H MSO to champion SC interests regarding the development of ES&H policies, requirements, and initiatives by the Department, other Executive Branch agencies, or Congress.

  • Reviews, evaluates, and recommends SC-3 approval of ES&H plans that support the operation of SC facilities.

  • Provides the SC National Environmental Policy Act Compliance Officer.

  • Benchmarks ES&H performance of SC facilities against industry and other Government industries to support SC efforts to continually enhance its Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS).

SC Site Office Managers

  • Utilizing specific authorities delegated from SC-3, SC Site Office Managers are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable for the safety and protection of Federal and contractor employees, the environment, and the public at SC’s National Laboratory sites.

  • Set contract ES&H expectations and assure performance.

  • Routinely communicate with SC-1, as well as SC-3, on all ES&H matters and performance.

  • Develop and implement corrective actions, as appropriate.

  • In conjunction with the appropriate ADs, evaluate ES&H performance under their respective Management and Operating (M&O) contracts.

SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Managers*

  • Utilizing specific authorities delegated from SC-3, the ISC Managers are the SC Line Managers responsible and accountable for the safety and protection of Federal employees assigned to them.

  • Provide specific ES&H technical and subject matter experts (SMEs) to SC-3, SC Site Office Managers, or ADs to support their responsibilities, as contained herein.

*The SC Chicago Office Manager serves in the role of an SC Site Office Manager for ES&H oversight of the New Brunswick Laboratory (a government-owned government-operated facility).

ES&H Management System Owner (MSO)

  • The single point of contact within SC for evaluating ES&H requirements, developing SC corporate positions and recommending implementing approaches. As such, is responsible and accountable to SC-3 for developing and maintaining this MSD, its Subject Areas, and its implementing procedures.

  • Responsible for utilizing a robust cross section of SMEs within SC to accomplish these responsibilities.

  • Interacts with other SCMS MSOs on ES&H issues that interconnect with other SC Management Systems.

  • Proposes the adoption and changes to this Management System to the SC Management Council, as appropriate.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

  • SC employees knowledgeable in ES&H matters and issues and recognized by the MSO to participate in the development and maintenance of SC’s ES&H Management System, including processes, practices, and procedures.

Contracting Officer (CO) and Contracting Officer Representative (COR)

  • Based upon delegated authority from the SC Head of Contracting Authority (SC-3), the CO awards, administers, and terminates contracts, including the establishment of appropriate ES&H requirements. For purposes of this Management System, the CO and COR are responsible for formally informing the contractor of any ES&H concerns/deficiencies.

SC Supervisors

  • Responsible for the administrative supervision of Federal employees formally assigned to them, including, but not limited to,

    • Establishing appropriate ES&H standards in annual employee plans,

    • Remedying ES&H deficiencies,

    • Assuring performance in accordance with clearly established expectations, and

    • Conducting an annual Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health assessment of their assigned work space, as noted herein.

SC Employees

  • Responsible for understanding and complying with ES&H requirements and expectations relevant to their assigned duties, including their own immediate personal safety as well as the safety of their colleagues in the course of daily operations.

3.0 Management System Operation

3.1 Overview

The Office of Science implements environment, safety, and health programs and activities to protect its workers, the public, and the environment, utilizing the principles and functions of ISM. Federal SC staff: (1) ensure that applicable ES&H requirements are followed by SC personnel; (2) ensure that appropriate ES&H requirements are placed into contracts; (3) provide oversight of contractor ES&H work, planning, and controls; (4) integrate continuous feedback and improvement mechanisms into their work; and (5) perform the necessary oversight/assessments of the Federal SC staff.

This Management System provides the processes and procedures to ensure that SC ES&H expectations and requirements are identified, communicated, and implemented by both SC Federal staff and contractors. Effective implementation of this Management System will help ensure the safety and health of SC Federal staff, contractor personnel, and the public, and protection of the environment. This is accomplished by (1) the oversight, assessment, and evaluation of both Federal SC staff and contractor performance and (2) reporting of ES&H performance data to SC and other entities (e.g., U.S. Department of Energy [DOE] and, as appropriate, Federal, state, and local governments).

3.2 Key Functions/Services and Processes of Environment, Safety, and Health

3.2.1 Environment, Safety, and Health for Federal Office of Science Staff

SC ES&H functions, responsibilities, and authorities for the Federal SC staff are included in the SC Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual (FRAM). The SC ISM System Description establishes a program whereby Federal SC staff plan, perform, assess, and improve the safe conduct of work and protection of the environment. ISM is institutionalized through DOE directives that establish the Department‑wide safety management objectives, guiding principles, and core functions. The Guiding Principles provide overall direction and guidance for instituting ISM. The five Core Functions provide the necessary structure and are applied as a continuous cycle with the degree of rigor appropriate to address the activity and hazards involved.

SC is committed to an appropriately trained workforce to ensure the proper implementation of ES&H requirements in mission activities. SC personnel shall have and maintain competencies commensurate with their ES&H responsibilities. The general processes for meeting ES&H training and qualification expectations are found in the Human Resources Services (HRS) MSD and the Quality Assurance and Oversight Management System. SC organizations are expected to maintain a performance assurance process to ensure that Federal SC staff are implementing their ES&H requirements and responsibilities. Headquarters and Field performance assessments are used to measure SC performance collectively, as well as SC organizations’ ES&H performance against mission, goals, and objectives, and to provide feedback and improvement mechanisms for needed improvements and corrective actions. The assurance process will help ensure SC compliance with program requirements (e.g., Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health [FEOSH], National Environmental Policy Act [NEPA]) and line management oversight of ES&H responsibilities. DOE staff will not always agree on ES&H matters. To ensure that resolution of differences is accomplished, a process of Differing Professional Opinions (DPO) will be used. DPO may be found in the HRS MSD.

3.2.2 Environment, Safety, and Health Management and Oversight of Contractors

A principal responsibility of SC is to administer its contracts and maintain oversight of its contractors to ensure the performance of work in a safe, reliable, and environmentally compliant manner. SC is responsible for ensuring that contract work is (1) planned, authorized, and executed in accordance with applicable ES&H Federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and DOE and SC directives and (2) that contractor ES&H performance and self‑assessment programs are evaluated. Oversight is performed by trained and qualified Federal SC staff members through interfaces with contractor counterparts, attendance at meetings, periodic walkthroughs of work spaces and facilities, and by performing scheduled and/or required assessments of contractor programs and performance. Federal oversight is used as a basis for providing feedback to the contractor. Federal SC staff oversight of contracts ensures that the integrity of the contractors’ ISMS programs is maintained. This process helps to ensure that contractors maintain their ISM programs and make the appropriate adjustments as lessons are learned and budgets and missions change.

The following processes are included in the M&O Contracting Management System: (1) adding ES&H requirements in contracts, including the ISMS and the EMS; (2) addressing contractor ES&H performance expectations; and (3) developing contractor Performance Evaluation Management Plans, which include ES&H objectives and metrics. Waivers, exemptions, variances, and exceptions to requirements are addressed in the Requirements Management System.

4.0 Requirements

4.1 Primary Responsibility

This Management System has primary responsibility for ("owns") the following requirements:

Requirement Decision Record
DOE-STD-1066-2012 Fire Protection Pending Acceptance
DOE-STD-1196-2011 Derived Concentration Technical Standard In Progress
DOE-STD-1212-2012 Explosives Safety Completed
7 CFR 657 Prime and Unique Farmlands Completed
7 CFR 658 Farmland Protection Policy Act Completed
10 CFR 71 Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material Completed
40 CFR 104 Public Hearings on Effluent Standards for Toxic Pollutants Completed
40 CFR 123 State Program Requirements Completed
10 CFR 820 Procedural Rules For DOE Nuclear Activities Completed
10 CFR 830 Nuclear Safety Management Completed
10 CFR 830, Subpart B Safety Basis Requirements Completed
10 CFR 835 Occupational Radiation Protection Completed
10 CFR 850 Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program Completed
10 CFR 851 Worker Safety and Health Completed
10 CFR 1021 National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures Completed
10 CFR 1022 Compliance with Floodplain and Wetland Environmental Review Requirements Completed
15 CFR 922 National Marine Sanctuary Program Regulations Completed
15 CFR 930 Federal Consistency with Approved Coastal Management Programs Completed
29 CFR 1904 Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Completed
29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Completed
29 CFR 1960 Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health Programs and Related Matters Completed
36 CFR 60 National Register of Historic Places Completed
36 CFR 62 National Natural Landmarks Program Completed
36 CFR 63 Determinations of Eligibility for Inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places Completed
36 CFR 65 National Historic Landmarks Program Completed
36 CFR 68 The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties Completed
36 CFR 78 Waiver of Federal Agency Responsibilities Under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act Completed
36 CFR 79 Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections Completed
36 CFR 251 Land Use Completed
36 CFR 261 Prohibitions Completed
36 CFR 294 Special Areas Completed
36 CFR 297 Wild and Scenic Rivers Completed
36 CFR 800 Protection of Historic Properties Completed
40 CFR 61 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Completed
40 CFR 93, Subpart B Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans Completed
40 CFR 105 Recognition Awards under the Clean Water Act Completed
40 CFR 108 Employee Protection Hearings Completed
40 CFR 109 Criteria for State, Local and Regional Oil Removal Contingency Plans Completed
40 CFR 110 Discharge of Oil Completed
40 CFR 112 Oil Pollution Prevention Completed
40 CFR 113 Liability Limits for Small Onshore Storage Facilities Completed
40 CFR 116 Designation of Hazardous Substances Completed
40 CFR 117 Determination of Reportable Quantities for Hazardous Substances Completed
40 CFR 121 State Certification of Activities Requiring a Federal License or Permit Completed
40 CFR 122 EPA Administered Permit Programs: The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Completed
40 CFR 124 Procedures for Decision Making Completed
40 CFR 125 Criteria and Standards for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Completed
40 CFR 129 Toxic Pollutant Effluent Standards Completed
40 CFR 130 Water Quality Planning and Management Completed
40 CFR 131 Water Quality Standards Completed
40 CFR 132 Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System Completed
40 CFR 133 Secondary Treatment Regulation Completed
40 CFR 135 Prior Notice of Citizen Suits Completed
40 CFR 136 Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Completed
40 CFR 140 Marine Sanitation Device Standard Completed
40 CFR 141 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Completed
40 CFR 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Implementation Completed
40 CFR 143 National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations Completed
40 CFR 144 Underground Injection Control Program Completed
40 CFR 145 State UIC Program Requirements Completed
40 CFR 146 Underground Injection Control Program: Criteria and Standards Completed
40 CFR 147 State Underground Injection Control Programs Completed
40 CFR 148 Hazardous Waste Injection Restrictions Completed
40 CFR 149 Sole Source Aquifers Completed
40 CFR 165 Pesticide Management and Disposal Completed
40 CFR 166 Exemption of Federal and State Agencies for Use of Pesticides Under Emergency Conditions Completed
40 CFR 167 Registration of Pesticide and Active Ingredient Producing Establishments, Submission of Pesticide Reports Completed
40 CFR 168 Statements of Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Completed
40 CFR 169 Books and Records of Pesticide Production and Distribution Completed
40 CFR 170 Worker Protection Standard Completed
40 CFR 171 Certification of Pesticide Applicators Completed
40 CFR 172 Experimental Use Permits Completed
40 CFR 173 Procedures Governing the Rescission of State Primary Enforcement Responsibility for Pesticide Use Violations Completed
40 CFR 174 Procedures and Requirements for Plant-Incorporated Protectants Completed
40 CFR 176 Time-limited Tolerances for Emergency Exemptions Completed
40 CFR 178 Objections and Requests for Hearing Completed
40 CFR 179 Formal Evidentiary Public Hearings Completed
40 CFR 180 Tolerances and Exemptions from Tolerances for Pesticide Chemicals in Food Completed
40 CFR 191 Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Management and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes Completed
40 CFR 239 Requirements for State Permit Program Determination of Adequacy Completed
40 CFR 240 Guidelines for the Thermal Processing of Solid Wastes Completed
40 CFR 243 Guidelines for the Storage and Collection of Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Solid Waste Completed
40 CFR 246 Source Separation for Materials Recovery Guidelines Completed
40 CFR 247 Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials Completed
40 CFR 254 Prior Notice of Citizen Suits Completed
40 CFR 255 Identification of Regions and Agencies for Solid Waste Management Completed
40 CFR 256 Guidelines for Development and Implementation of State Solid Waste Management Plans Completed
40 CFR 257 Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal facilities and Practices Completed
40 CFR 258 Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Completed
40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management System: General Completed
40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Completed
40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste Completed
40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste Completed
40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Completed
40 CFR 265 Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Completed
40 CFR 266 Standards for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities Completed
40 CFR 267 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Facilities Operating Under a Standardized Permit Completed
40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions Completed
40 CFR 270 EPA-Administered Permit Programs: The Hazardous Waste Permit Program Completed
40 CFR 271 Requirements for Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Programs Completed
40 CFR 272 Approved State Hazardous Waste Management Programs Completed
40 CFR 273 Standards for Universal Waste Management Completed
40 CFR 278 Criteria for the Management of Granular Mine Tailings (CHAT) In Asphalt Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete in Transportation Construction Projects Funded in Whole or Part by Federal Funds Completed
40 CFR 279 Standards for the Management of Used Oil Completed
40 CFR 280 Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Completed
40 CFR 281 Approval of State Underground Storage Tank Programs Completed
40 CFR 282 Approved Underground Storage Tank Programs Completed
40 CFR 300 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Completed
40 CFR 302 Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification Completed
40 CFR 350 Trade Secrecy Claims for Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Information: And Trade Secret Disclosures to Health Professionals Completed
40 CFR 355 Emergency Planning and Notification Completed
40 CFR 370 Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Community Right-To-Know Completed
40 CFR 372 Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Community Right-To-Know Completed
40 CFR 374 Prior Notice of Citizen Suits Completed
40 CFR 451 Application Procedure Completed
40 CFR 452 Consideration of Application by the Secretary Completed
40 CFR 453 Endangered Species Committee Completed
40 CFR 700 General Completed
40 CFR 702 General Practices and Procedures Completed
40 CFR 704 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements Completed
40 CFR 707 Chemical Imports and Exports Completed
40 CFR 710 TSCA Chemical Inventory Regulations Completed
40 CFR 712 Chemical Information Rules Completed
40 CFR 716 Health and Safety Data Reporting Completed
40 CFR 717 Records and Reports of Allegations That Chemical Substances Cause Significant Adverse Reactions to Health or the Environment Completed
40 CFR 720 Premanufacture Notification Completed
40 CFR 721 Significant New Uses of Chemical Substances Completed
40 CFR 723 Premanufacture Notification Exemptions Completed
40 CFR 725 Reporting Requirements and Review Processes for Microorganisms Completed
40 CFR 745 Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention In Certain Residential Structures Completed
40 CFR 747 Metalworking Fluids Completed
40 CFR 749 Water Treatment Chemicals Completed
40 CFR 750 Procedures for Rulemaking Under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act Completed
40 CFR 761 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution In Commerce, and Use Prohibitions Completed
40 CFR 763 Asbestos Completed
40 CFR 766 Dibenzo-Para-Dioxins/Dibenzofurans Completed
40 CFR 1500 Council on Environmental Quality; Purpose, Policy, and Mandate Completed
40 CFR 1501 Council on Environmental Quality, NEPA and Agency Planning Completed
40 CFR 1502 Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Impact Statement Completed
40 CFR 1503 Council on Environmental Quality, Commenting Completed
40 CFR 1504 Council on Environmental Quality, Predecision Referrals to the Council of Proposed Federal Actions Determined to be Environmentally Unsatisfactory Completed
40 CFR 1505 Council on Environmental Quality, NEPA and Agency Decision Making Completed
40 CFR 1506 Council on Environmental Quality, Other Requirements of NEPA Completed
40 CFR 1507 Council on Environmental Quality, Agency Compliance Completed
40 CFR 1508 Council on Environmental Quality, Terminology and Index Completed
43 CFR 3 Preservation of American Antiquities Completed
43 CFR 7 Protection of Archaeological Resources Completed
43 CFR 10 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Regulations Completed
48 CFR 970.5223-1 Integration Of Environment, Safety, And Health Into Work Planning And Execution (Also Called The ISMS Clause) Completed
49 CFR 105 Transportation; Hazardous Material Program Definitions and General Procedures Completed
49 CFR 106 Transportation; Rulemaking Procedures Completed
49 CFR 107 Transportation; Hazardous Materials Program Procedures Completed
49 CFR 110 Transportation; Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and Planning Grants Completed
49 CFR 130 Transportation; Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plans Completed
49 CFR 171 Transportation; General Information, Regulations, and Definitions Completed
49 CFR 172 Transportation; Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Material Communications, Emergency Response Information, and Training Requirements Completed
49 CFR 173 Transportation; Shippers--General Requirements for Shipments and Packaging's Completed
49 CFR 174 Transportation; Carriage by Rail Completed
49 CFR 175 Transportation; Carriage by Aircraft Completed
49 CFR 176 Transportation; Carriage by Vessel Completed
49 CFR 177 Transportation; Carriage by Public Highway Completed
49 CFR 178 Transportation; Specifications for Packaging's Completed
49 CFR 179 Transportation; Specifications for Tank Cars Completed
49 CFR 180 Transportation; Continuing Qualification and Maintenance of Packaging's Completed
49 CFR 350-397 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Completed
50 CFR 10 General Provisions Completed
50 CFR 13 General Permit Procedures Completed
50 CFR 18 Marine Mammals Completed
50 CFR 21 Migratory Bird Permits Completed
50 CFR 22 Eagle Permits Completed
40 CFR 152 Pesticide Registration and Classification Procedures Completed
40 CFR 153 Registration Policies and Interpretations Completed
40 CFR 154 Special Review Procedures Completed
40 CFR 155 Registration Standards and Registration Review Completed
40 CFR 156 Labeling Requirements for Pesticides and Devices Completed
40 CFR 157 Packaging Requirements for Pesticides and Devices Completed
40 CFR 158 Data Requirements for Pesticides Completed
40 CFR 159 Statements of Policies and Interpretations Completed
40 CFR 160 Good Laboratory Practice Standards Completed
40 CFR 161 Data Requirements for Registration Completed
40 CFR 162 State Registration of Pesticide Products Completed
40 CFR 164 Rules of Practice Governing Hearings, Under the Fed Insecticides, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Arising from Refusals to Register Cancellations of Registrations, Changes of Classifications, Suspensions of Registrations and Other Hearings Called Pursua Completed
50 CFR 216 Regulations Governing the Taking and Importing of Marine Mammals Completed
50 CFR 402 Interagency Cooperation -- Endangered Species Act of 1973, as Amended Completed
50 CFR 450 General Provisions Completed
50 CFR 600 Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions Completed
DEAR 970.5223-1 Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health into Work Planning and Execution Completed
DOE P 140.1 Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cooperation and Integration Completed
DOE P 141.1 Department Of Energy Management Of Cultural Resources Completed
DOE O 225.1B Accident Investigations Completed
DOE O 231.1B, Admin. Change 1 Environment, Safety and Health Reporting Completed
DOE O 232.2 Occurrence Reporting And Processing Of Operations Completed
DOE O 410.1 Central Technical Authority Responsibilities Regarding Nuclear Safety Requirements Completed
DOE P 420.1 Department Of Energy Nuclear Safety Policy Completed
DOE O 420.1C Facility Safety Pending Acceptance
DOE O 420.2C Safety of Accelerator Facilities Completed
DOE O 425.1D Verification of Readiness to Start Up or Restart Nuclear Facilities Completed
DOE P 434.1 Conduct And Approval Of Select Agent And Toxin Work At Department Of Energy Sites Completed
DOE O 435.1, Change 1 Radioactive Waste Management
DOE M 435.1-1, Admin. Change 2 Radioactive Waste Management Manual Completed
DOE O 440.1B, Change 1 Worker Protection Program for DOE (Including the NNSA) Federal Employees Completed
DOE O 440.2C, Admin. Change 1 Aviation Management And Safety Completed
DOE M 441.1-1 Nuclear Material Packaging Manual Completed
DOE O 450.2 Integrated Safety Management Completed
DOE P 450.4A Integrated Safety Management Policy Completed
DOE O 451.1B, Admin. Change 3 National Environmental Policy Act Compliance Program Completed
DOE P 456.1 Secretarial Policy Statement On Nanoscale Safety Completed
DOE O 456.1, Admin. Change 1 The Safe Handling Of Unbound Engineered Nanoparticles Pending Acceptance
DOE O 458.1, Admin. Change 3 Radiation Protection Of The Public And The Environment Pending Acceptance
DOE O 460.1C Packaging And Transportation Safety Completed
DOE M 460.2-1A Radioactive Material Transportation Practices Manual Completed
DOE O 460.2A Departmental Materials Transportation And Packaging Management Completed
DOE O 461.1B Packaging and Transportation for Offsite Shipment of Materials of National Security Interest Completed
DOE O 461.2 Onsite Packaging and Transfer of Materials of National Security Interest Completed
DOE O 462.1 Import And Export Of Category 1 And 2 Radioactive Sources And Aggregated Quantities Completed
DOE-STD-1020-2012 Natural Phenomena Hazards Analysis and Design Criteria for DOE Facilities Pending Acceptance
E.O. 11514 Protection And Enhancement Of Environmental Quality (Amended by E.O. 11541 and E.O. 11991) Completed
E.O. 11593 Protection And Enhancement Of The Cultural Environment Completed
E.O. 11738 Providing for Administration of the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act With Respect to Federal Contracts, Grants, or Loans Completed
E.O. 11988 Floodplain Management (Amended by E.O. 12148) Completed
E.O. 11990 Protection Of Wetlands (Amended by E.O. 12608) Completed
E.O. 12114 Environmental Effects Abroad Of Major Federal Actions Completed
E.O. 12196 Occupational Safety And Health Programs For Federal Employees (Continued by E.O. 13511) Completed
E.O. 12261 Gasohol in Federal Motor Vehicles Completed
E.O. 12699 Seismic Safety Of Federal And Federally Assisted Or Regulated New Building Construction (Amended by E.O. 13286) Completed
E.O. 12941 Seismic Safety Of Existing Federally Owned Or Leased Building Completed
E.O. 13007 Indian Sacred Sites Completed
E.O. 13043 Increasing Seat Belt Use In The United States Completed
E.O. 13045 Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks Completed
E.O. 13058 Protecting Federal Employees and the Public From Exposure to Tobacco Smoke in the Federal Workplace Completed
E.O. 13112 Invasive Species (Amended by E.O. 13286) Completed
E.O. 13158 Marine Protected Areas Completed
E.O. 13175 Consultation And Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments Completed
E.O. 13186 Responsibilities Of Federal Agencies To Protect Migratory Birds Completed
E.O. 13211 Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy, Supply, Distribution, or Use Completed
E.O. 13212 Actions to Expedite Energy-Related Projects (Amended by E.O. 13286 and E.O. 13302) Completed
E.O. 13296 Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks, Amendments to Executive Order 13045 Completed
E.O. 13335 Incentives for the Use of Health Information Technology Completed
E.O. 13432 Cooperation Among Agencies in Protecting the Environment With Respect To Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Motor Vehicles, Nonroad Vehicles, And Nonroad Engines Completed
E.O. 13513 Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving Completed
E.O. 13547 Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes Completed
OMB Circular A-119 Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, Subject: Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities Completed
P.L. 74-292 Historic Sites Act of 1935, As Amended Completed
P.L. 86-523 Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act, as Amended Completed
P.L. 85-624 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Completed
P.L. 89-272 Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) Completed
P.L. 89-665 National Historic Preservation Act Completed
P.L. 91-190 National Environmental Policy Act Completed
P.L. 91-224 Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970 Completed
P.L. 91-596 Occupational Safety And Health Act Completed
P.L. 91-604 Clean Air Act of 1970 Completed
P.L. 93-205 An Act To Provide For The Conservation Of Endangered And Threatened Species Of Fish, Wildlife, And Plants, And For Other Purposes. Completed
P.L. 93-291 A Bill To Amend The Act of June 27, 1960 (74 Stat. 220), Relating to the Preservation of Historical and Archeological Data Completed
P.L. 95-341 Joint Resolution American Indians Religious Freedom Completed
P.L. 96-95 An Act to Protect Archaeological Resources On Public Lands and Indian Lands, and for Other Purposes Completed
P.L. 96-510 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Completed
P.L. 99-499 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Completed
P.L. 101-508 Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 Completed
P.L. 101-601 To Provide for the Protection of Native American Graves, and for Other Purposes Completed
P.L. 102-383 Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCA) of 1992 Completed
P.L. 104-119 Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act of 1996 Completed
P.L. 104-303 Water Resources Development Act Of 1996 Completed
SC Aviation Management and Safety Program Description SC Aviation Management and Safety Program Description Completed
16 U.S.C., Chapter 33 Congressional Findings Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 469 Preservation Of Historical And Archeological Data Threatened By Dam Construction Or Alterations Of Terrain Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 661 Declaration of Purpose; Cooperation of Agencies; Surveys and Investigations; Donations Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 662 Impounding, Diverting, or Controlling of Waters Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 663 Impoundment or Diversion of Waters Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 664 Administration; Rules and Regulations; Availability of Lands to State Agencies Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 665 Investigations as to Effect of Sewage, Industrial Waste; Reports Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 666 Authorization of Appropriations Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 668 Protection of Bald and Golden Eagles; Bald and Golden Eagles Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 668a Protection of Bald and Golden Eagles; Taking and Using of the bald and golden eagle for scientific, exhibition, and religious purposes. Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 668b Protection of Bald and Golden Eagles; Enforcement provisions Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 668c Protection of Bald and Golden Eagles; Definitions Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 668d Protection of Bald and Golden Eagles; Availability of appropriations for Migratory Bird Treaty Act Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 703 Migratory Bird Treaty; Taking, Killing, or Possessing Migratory Birds Unlawful Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 704 Migratory Bird Treaty; Determination as to When and How Migratory Birds May be Taken, Killed, or Possessed Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 705 Migratory Bird Treaty; Transportation or Importation of Migratory Birds, when unlawful Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 706 Migratory Bird Treaty; Arrests, Search Warrants Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 707 Migratory Bird Treaty; Violations and Penalties; Forfeitures Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 708 Migratory Bird Treaty; State or Territorial Laws or Regulations Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 709 Migratory Bird Treaty; Omitted (Authorization of Appropriations) Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 710 Migratory Bird Treaty; Partial Invalidity, short title Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 711 Migratory Bird Treaty; Breeding And Sale For Food Supply Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1361 Marine Mammal Protection; Congressional Findings and Declaration of Policy Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1362 Marine Mammal Protection; Definitions Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1371 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Moratorium on Taking and Importing Marine Mammals and Marine Mammal Products Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1372 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Prohibitions Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1373 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Regulations on Taking of Marine Mammals Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1374 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Permits Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1375 Conversation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Penalties Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1376 Conversation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Seizure and Forfeiture of Cargo Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1377 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Enforcement Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1378 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; International Program Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1379 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Transfer of Management Authority Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1380 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Marine Mammal Research Grants Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1381 Conservation and Protection Marine Mammals; Commercial Fisheries gear Development Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1382 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Regulations and Administration Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1383 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Application to other Treaties and Conventions Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1384 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Authorization of Appropriations Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1385 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Dolphin Protection Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1386 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Stock Assessments Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1387 Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals; Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1401 Marine Mammal Commission; Establishment Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1402 Marine Mammal Commission; Duties of Commission Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1403 Marine Mammal Commission; Committee of Scientific Advisors on Marine Mammals Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1404 Marine Mammal Commission; Omitted Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1405 Marine Mammal Commission; Coordination with other Federal Agencies Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1406 Marine Mammal Commission; Administration Completed
16 U.S.C., Section 1407 Marine Mammal Commission; Authorization of Appropriations Completed
25 U.S.C., Chapter 32 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Completed
33 U.S.C., Section 404 Establishment Of Harbor Lines; Conditions To Grants For Extension Of Piers, etc. Completed
42 U.S.C., Section 4321 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Completed
42 U.S.C., Section 4371 Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970 Completed
42 U.S.C. 7401 Clean Air Act, Section 309 Completed
42 U.S.C., Chapter 23 Development and Control of Atomic Energy Completed
42 U.S.C., Section 1996 Protection and Preservation of Traditional Religions of Native Americans Completed
42 U.S.C., Section 9620 (h)(3)(A)-© Federal Facilities - Property Transferred by Federal Agencies Completed

4.2 Parsed Responsibility

This Management System is responsible for a part of the following high-level requirements:

Parsed Unit RDR Status
10 CFR 830, Subpart AQuality Assurance Requirements Completed
48 CFR 970.5215-3Conditional payment of fee, profit, and other incentives—facility management contracts Completed
DEAR 970.5204-2Laws, Regulations, and DOE Directives (DEC 2000) (Also Called The Laws Clause) — Not specified Completed
DOE O 436.1Departmental Sustainability — Partial Completed
E.O. 12898Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice In Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations (Amended by E.O. 12948) Completed
E.O. 13287Preserve America — Not specified Completed
E.O. 13423Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, And Transportation Management Completed

5.0 Subject Areas, Program Descriptions, and Guidance Documents

The following Subject Areas are maintained by this Management System:

The following Program Descriptions are maintained by this Management System:

The following Guidance Documents are maintained by this Management System:

6.0 References

7.0  Delegations

NOTE: The Basis/Source column below reflects requirements active at the time of the delegation.
These requirements may have been superceded or canceled and may not be currently active.
For the official active requirement list, please reference the SCMS Management System Descriptions.

The following delegations affect this Management System:
Date IssuedDelegated By Delegated To Topic (Click to view the Delegation) Basis/Source
10/25/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Livengood (ASO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 221.3A
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

01/22/2010 Chu, Steven (S-1) Deputy Secretary (S-2)
Personnel Actions, Legal Hearings and Proceedings, CFO, Management Functions, Energy Services, Emergency Authorities, ES&H, Security Operations  
08/25/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Moore (ORSO)
Delegations of Authority for the Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 426.2
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Kelly (OR)
Delegations of Authority for the Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
DEAR 917.74
DOE O 430.1B, Change 2

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Purucker (CH)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
10 CFR 835
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 433.1
DOE O 433.1B
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Golan (SSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B

01/26/2012 Brinkman, W. F. (SC-1) McBrearty (SC-3)
Operations, Safety, Security 10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
10 CFR 835
10 CFR 851
DOE M 231.1-2
DOE M 470.4-6, Change 1
DOE O 225.1B
DOE O 231.1A, Administrative Change 1
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 426.2
DOE O 433.1B
DOE O 440.1B
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.2B
01/24/2012 Poneman, Daniel (S-2) Sohn (SC-3)
Markham (SC-31)
Differing Professional Opinions DOE O 442.2
07/11/2012 Poneman, Daniel (S-2) Brinkman (SC-1)
D’Agostino (NA-1)
Podonsky (HS-1)
Sandalow (S-3)
Roles and Responsibillities for CTA, CNS/CDNS, and COOs DEAR 970.5204-2
DOE O 410.1
08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Snyder (PNSO)
Delegations of Authority for the Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
10 CFR 830
10 CFR 830, Subpart A
10 CFR 830, Subpart B
10 CFR 835
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 420.1B
DOE O 420.1B, Change 1
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 425.1D
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 450.2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Richards (BSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Baebler (AMSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Crescenzo (BHSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Arango (TJSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR
10 CFR 600
10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917-74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Dikeakos (PSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

08/17/2012 McBrearty, Joseph (SC-3) Weis (FSO)
Delegations of Authority for Office of Science Operations and Safety, Property Management, and Safeguards and Security 10 CFR 600.321
DEAR 952.217-70
DOE O 205.1B
DOE O 232.2
DOE O 361.1B
DOE O 414.1D
DOE O 422.1
DOE O 430.1B, Admin. Change 2
DOE O 470.4B
DOE O 473.3
DOE O 474.2, Admin. Change 1
DOE O 580.1A
10 CFR 600.132
10 CFR 600.231
10 CFR 835 Subpart B
DEAR 917.74

05/18/2012 Chu, Steven (S-1) Under Secretary of Science (S-4)
Condemnation Proceedings, Comm. Applications of Energy Tech., Suspension of Nuclear Operations, Program Opportunity Notices, Altering Organization Units, Fed. Advisory Committee Members, AMSE, Sales/Lease Real Propery, Cost-Sharing, Reduction in Cost Sharing, Intervention of utility matters, and Operate DOE Isotope Program 42 USC 2011
42 USC 5907
42 USC 7234
42 USC 7252
42 USC 7253
5 USC App.2
50 USC 2811
Public Law 101-101
Public Law 103-316
Public Law 106-554
Public Law 109-58
Public Law 93-577

05/18/2012 Chu, Steven (S-1) Director, Office of Science (SC-1)
New Energy Technologies; Program Opportunity notices, Establish Organizational units, Nominate Federal Advisory Committees, AMSE, Leasing space, Sale and lease of real property, Intervention of utility matters, Operate DOE Isotope Program 18 U.S.C., Section 208
P.L. 95-91
42 USC 2011
42 USC 5907
42 USC 7234
42 USC 7252
42 USC 7253
5 USC App.2
50 USC 2811
Public Law 101-101
Public Law 103-316
Public Law 106-554
Public Law 93-577

Last Annual Review: 09/04/2012
Annual Review Period: Third Quarter

This is the online OFFICIAL SCMS COPY of this file. Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the Last Major Revision and Last Minor Revision dates (at the bottom of each document) on the SCMS Web site.

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Filename: /OrbitSearch/MSD/ESH/ESH_MS.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 08/06/2007