4. Conducting Hazard Analysis for Office Environments

Management System: Environment, Safety, and Health

Subject Area: Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health (FEOSH)

Procedure 4. Conducting Hazard Analysis for Office Environments

Subject Matter Expert: JENISE MULLINS
Management System Owner: PATRICK SMITH
Secondary Management System Owner: KARL MORO

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Issue Date:  10/01/2012
SCMS Revision:  1.7

1.0  Applicability

This procedure applies to Federal employees reporting under the Office of Science.

Management is responsible for furnishing employees a place of employment, free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm. The work-related hazards faced by the majority of Federal employees fall into two general categories. The first category is hazards most commonly associated with an office environment. The second category includes hazards associated with site visits at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) facilities. Federal employees are required to comply with all site-specific policies and procedures (i.e., training requirements, personal protective equipment, postings, speed limits, etc.).

Hazard analysis is a comprehensive process for identifying existing and potential workplace conditions that may cause employee injury or illness and identifying appropriate controls. This process involves supervisors and employees working in conjunction with safety and health professionals to help foster continuous improvement in hazard control and ensure compliance with requirements.

2.0  Required Procedure

Step 1 The manager/supervisor schedules an office area hazard analysis using appropriate technical staff (i.e., occupational safety, industrial hygiene, fire protection, etc.).

NOTE: Routine job hazard activity-level hazard analysis will be performed, if appropriate for the particular work environment or task.

Step 2

The technical staff performs a hazard analysis of the office area using Recognized Hazards and Controls for Office Type Environments as a guide.

NOTE:  If imminent danger conditions are observed, work is immediately stopped, supervision notified, and corrective actions are taken immediately.
Step 3 The technical staff prepares a hazard analysis report for the manager/supervisor.
Step 4 The manager/supervisor determines appropriate corrective actions to address the hazard analysis and tracks to closure.
Step 5 The manager/supervisor notifies employees, as appropriate.

3.0  References

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Filename: \ORBIT\OrbitSearch\SubjArea\FEOSH\FEOSH_Pro4.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/04/2008