12. Facilitating Office of Science (SC) Delegations of Nuclear Safety

Management System: Environment, Safety, and Health

Subject Area: Facility Safety Authorization

Procedure 12. Facilitating Office of Science (SC) Delegations of Nuclear Safety

Subject Matter Expert: CAROL SOHN
Management System Owner: PATRICK SMITH
Secondary Management System Owner: KARL MORO

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Issue Date:  09/11/2012
SCMS Revision:  4.0

1.0  Applicability

This procedure provides the Office of Science (SC) with a consistent method to delegate nuclear safety basis authorities and responsibilities to facilitate the approval process.

This procedure applies to SC staff responsible for review and approval of nuclear safety basis documents.

2.0 Required Procedure

Delegations of nuclear safety authorities require clear criteria and a rigorous process to ensure that they are properly implemented. This procedure identifies the expectations relating to this delegation and describes the delegation process and requirements contained in DOE O 450.2, Integrated Safety Management.

For Delegation Letters, go to Step 1.

For Delegation Self‑Assessments, go to Step 5.

Delegation Letters
Step 1

The SC Senior Nuclear Safety Advisor (SNSA) ensures that the delegation is allowed and not prohibited by statute, DOE safety directives, or DOE nuclear safety rules. Current SC Delegation memoranda can be found at the following link: http://scms.sc.doe.gov/Reports/DelegationsList.cfm.

Step 2 The SNSA ensures that nuclear safety delegations are consistent with Appendix A of DOE O 450.2.
Step 3 The SC‑3 Field Coordinator prepares the delegation letter for the appropriate signature that ensures the delegation is consistent with Appendix A of DOE O 450.2.
Step 4 The applicable delegating official either approves or disapproves the delegation letter. This portion of the procedure is concluded.
Delegation Self‑Assessments
Step 5 Once every two years, the SNSA or designee conducts a self‑assessment to verify the individuals and their organizations maintain the necessary capability and capacity to carry out assigned safety responsibilities or delegated safety authorities. For criteria for conducting the self‑assessment, see Appendix A of DOE O 450.2.
Step 6 The SNSA or designee provides the self‑assessment to the DOE HQ SC Deputy Director of Field Operations (SC‑3), the Program Secretarial Officer (PSO), and the SC Central Technical Authority (CTA).
Step 7 The SC Chief of Nuclear Safety independently reviews the self-assessment and identifies any concerns to the CTA. In the event that the SNSA is not independent from the Chief of Nuclear Safety for SC, an independent, qualified, experience person will perform the review and identify any concerns to the SC CTA.
Step 8 The SC CTA will notify SC‑1 of those concerns.
Step 9

Using the results of the self‑assessment, the reviewing official(s), which may consist of SC‑3, SC‑1, or the SC CTA recommends to the applicable delegating official(s) whether to confirm, revise, or rescind delegations or institute compensatory measures and/or corrective actions, as needed.

3.0  References

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Filename: \ORBIT\OrbitSearch\SubjArea\FSA\FSA_Pro12.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 09/11/2012