2. Releasing Radiological Materials from Custody

Management System: Environment, Safety, and Health

Subject Area: Monitoring and Controlling Radiological Releases and Materials

Procedure 2. Releasing Radiological Materials from Custody

Subject Matter Expert: MARGARET MARKS
Management System Owner: PATRICK SMITH
Secondary Management System Owner: KARL MORO

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Issue Date:  10/11/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.0

1.0  Applicability

This procedure is applicable to all Office of Science (SC) Site Office Managers and SC Site Office Staff who authorize work that involves the generation, shipment, and disposal of radiological waste associated with SC Federal and contractor operations and projects.

2.0  Required Procedure

Step 1 The SC Site Office Staff receives a request for the release of radioactive materials from the contractor.
Step 2 The SC Site Office Staff reviews the request to determine if it meets the requirements of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) O 458.1, Admin. Change 2, Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment.

NOTE: This requirement:

  • Provides the pre‑approved authorized release limits of radiological materials,

  • Is based on appropriate dose and activity considerations, and

  • Determines if any moratorium on disposal or recycling applies.

The objectives of this requirement:

  • Conduct DOE radiological activities so that exposure to members of the public is maintained within the established dose limits;

  • To control the radiological clearance of DOE real and personal property;

  • To ensure that potential radiation exposures to members of the public are as low as is reasonably achievable;

  • To ensure that DOE sites have the capabilities, consistent with the types of radiological activities conducted, to monitor routine and non-routine radiological releases, and to assess the radiation dose to members of the public; and

  • To provide protection of the environment from the effects of radiation and radioactive material.

NOTE:  All exemptions to the requirements of DOE O 458.1, Admin. Change 2, are to be conducted on a case-by-case basis. Exemptions are to be directed through the DOE HQ SC Office of the Deputy Director for Field Operations (SC‑3) and to the DOE HQ Office of Health, Safety and Security (HS‑1) for final consideration and approval. Exemptions for DOE O 458.1, Admin. Change 2, are granted consistent with the provisions of DOE O 251.1C, Departmental Directives Program. Central Technical Authority (or designee) concurrence is required for both exemptions and equivalencies to this Order for nuclear facilities.
Step 3 The SC Site Office Staff recommends the approval of the request to the SC Site Office Manager or returns it to the contractor for revision.
Step 4

The SC Site Office Manager approves contractor’s applications for Authorized Limits by written documentation. This documentation is transmitted to the contractor and defines the scope of activities that are authorized to be conducted.

The Authorized Limits for real property require DOE Management approval in consultation with the HS-1.  This approval includes any restrictions or conditions on future use of personal property under the conditions described in DOE O 458.1, Admin. Change 2.

Step 5 The SC Site Office Staff maintains the appropriate records necessary to document compliance with this procedure.

NOTE: For action steps that effectively accomplish the management of records (i.e., retention, security, and classification), see SC Records Management Subject Area.

Step 6

The SC Site Office Staff verifies that compliance with the requirements of DOE O 458.1, Admin. Change 2, concerning the management of the release of radiological materials are met.

NOTE:  For action steps that effectively accomplish the verification with the requirements of the specified DOE Order and other applicable standards (i.e., assessments, operational awareness, performance trending and issues management), see SC Quality Assurance and Oversight Management System Description.

3.0  References

This is the online OFFICIAL SCMS COPY of this file. Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the Last Major Revision and Last Minor Revision dates (at the bottom of each document) on the SCMS Web site.

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Filename: \ORBIT\OrbitSearch\SubjArea\RRM\RRM_Pro2.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 10/11/2012