Requirements Decision Record (RDR)
Implementation Flow-Chart

P.L. 93-205
Environment, Safety, and Health
Owner: PATRICK SMITH (17265)

Parsed Unit Owner
Unit Description: All

Environment, Safety, and Health

{ None Identified }

Policies, Procedures & Other
{ No Policies Identified }
4. Implementing Generic Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determinations (NEPA-P4)
5. Following the Environmental Assessment (EA) Process (NEPA-P5)
6. Following the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Process (NEPA-P6)
7. Complying with Floodplain and Wetland Requirements (NEPA-P7)
1. Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Within the Office of Science (SC) (NEPA-P1)
9. Conducting Public Participation Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (NEPA-P9)
11. Complying with the Endangered Species Act (NEPA-P11)
4. Determining Appropriate Levels of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documentation (EA-P4)
{ No Training Identified }