Sustainability Research

The University of North Texas is committed to giving its students the best undergraduate experience in Texas. This goal, along with striving to be a nationally recognized research institution, demands exemplary faculty and innovative teaching and collaboration campus wide. Below is a list of faculty that teach or do research in sustainability related areas at UNT.

Sustainability Faculty

At the University of North Texas, sustainability research is aimed at solving complex problems through interdisciplinary collaboration, creativity, and innovation. UNT’s strategic research plan focuses on advancing cutting edge sciences, and Sustainability Science is one of these areas. The Office of Sustainability works closely with the Office of Research & Economic Development to identify holistic approaches to optimizing research support, program development, and funding opportunities, both private and public. UNT is recognized for its diverse research and sustainability initiatives at the national and international levels, developing the knowledge and innovations that will shape our future while cultivating excellence in the next generation of scholars and leaders for the global community.

eesat wind turbine from smart schools grantSustainability Research Clusters

  • With unprecedented commitment from the UNT community, the Office of Sustainability assists in facilitating and supporting sustainability-focused research clusters to propel the university to the forefront in sustainability research.
  • UNT’s sustainability-focused research clusters bring together collaborative, cross-disciplinary teams comprised of leading researchers, faculty, and students engaged in seminal research and the synergistic exchange of ideas and resources.
  • These research clusters offer an expansive research infrastructure that can be utilized to address extremely complex phenomena within the three dimensions of sustainability—environmental, economic, and social—in addition to a focus on sustainable technologies.

How can we help you?

  • UNT’s Office of Sustainability works closely with leading research faculty, programs, and clusters to identify opportunities, facilitate partnerships, and build cohesion to enhance research on campus and solve challenges in areas of environmental, economic, social, and technological sciences.
  • With recent grant awards exceeding $2 million, the Office seeks to enhance existing and emerging innovative activities on campus and has found success in bringing renowned researchers together to promote new areas of scholarship.