Robert Pirtle


Department : 
Biological Sciences
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Pirtle’s overall research interests are in molecular biology, genetic engineering, and nucleic acids biochemistry, directed at the analysis of plant and mammalian gene structure, organization and expression.

Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Lousiville Health Sciences Center, Louisville, KY, 1973
B.S., Applied Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 1967


BIOC 3621: Elementary Biochemistry
BIOC 3510: Cell Biology


Zhang, D., Pirtle, I. L., Park, S. J., Nampaisansuk, M., Neogi, P., Wanjie, S. W., Pirtle, R. M., & Chapman, K. D. (2008). Identification and expression of a new delta-12 fatty acid desaturase (fad2-4) gene in upland cotton and its functional expression in yeast and arabidopsis thaliana plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 47, 492-471. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2008.12.024.

Wilkinson, J. R., Spradling, K. D., Yoder, D. W., Pirtle, I. L., & Pirtle, R. M. (2005). Molecular cloning and analysis of a cotton gene cluster of two genes and two pseudogenes for the pr5 protein osmotin. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 67, 68-72.

Huynh, T. T., Pirtle, R. M., & Chapman, K. D. (2002). Expression of a gossypium hirsutum cdna encoding a fatb palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterase in escherichia coli. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 40, 1-9.

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Zhang, D., Pirtle, I.L., Park, S., Wanjie, S., Chapman, K., & Pirtle, R.M. (2007, March). Expression analysis of fatty acid desaturase 2 (fad2) from gossypium hirsutum. Annual meeting of the southern section of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Mobile, AL.

Wilkinson, J. R., Spradling, K. D., Yoder, D. W., Pirtle, I. L., & Pirtle, R. M. (2004, January). Expression of two isoforms of the antifungal protein osmotin from a cotton gene cluster. Annual Beltwide Conference of the Cotton Foundation and the National Cotton Council of America, San Antonio, TX.

Pirtle, I.L., Park, S., Zhang, D., Nampaisansuk, M., Wanjie, S., Chapman, K. D., & Pirtle, R. M. (2004, January). Analysis and functional expression of a gene for a cotton fatty acid desaturase (fad2-4). Annual Beltwide Conference of the Cotton Foundation and the National Cotton Council of America, San Antonio, TX.

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