Tom LaPoint


Department : 
Biological Sciences

Areas of Expertise
Dr. LaPoint has primary research and teaching interests in ecological risk assessment, contaminant effects on freshwater aquatic communities (specifically in how metals and organic contaminants affect benthic population dynamics and freshwater fisheries). In addition, research on the consequences to fish and aquatic invertebrates of urbanizing watersheds, including consequences of water reuse. Aspects of water reuse include the use of return flows from agriculture and municipalities.

Ph.D., Aquatic Biology, Idaho State University, 1980
M.S., Population Biology, University of Houston, 1975
B.S., Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, 1971


BIOL 1132: Environmental Science
BIOL 4650: Environmental Field Course
BIOL 4720: Sediment Toxicology
BIOL 4800/5860: Biological Sciences Seminar Series
BIOL 5050: Foundations of Ecological Theory
BIOL 6400: Ecological Risk Management


Paulos, P., Runnalls, T. J., Nallani, G., LaPoint, T., Scott, A. P., Sumpter, J. P., & Huggett, D. B. (2010). Reproductive responses in fathead minnow and Japanese Medaka following exposure to a synthetic progestin, norethindrone. Aquatic Toxicology.

Wolverton, S., Lyman, R. L., Kennedy, J. H., & LaPoint, T. (2009). The terminal pleistocene extinctions in North America, hypermorphic evolution, and the dynamic equilibrium model. Journal of Ethnobiology, 28-63. doi:

Coogan, M. A., & LaPoint, T. (2008). Snail bioaccumulation of triclocarban, triclosan, and methyltriclosan in a North Texas, USA, stream affected by wastewater treatment plant runoff. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(8), 1788-1793.

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Hart, A., Farrar, D., Urban, D., Fischer, D., Romlin, K., Ferson, S., & LaPoint, T. (2010). Introduction and objectives. In W. Warren-Hicks & A. Hart (Eds.), Application of Uncertainty Analysis to Ecological Risks of Pesticides. Pensacola, FL: SETAC Press.

Joerman, G., Burns, L. A., Carbone, J. P., DeLorme, P. D., Ferson, S., Moore, D. R. J., Traas, T. P., & LaPoint, T. (2010). How to detect and avoid pitfalls, traps, and swindles. In W. Warren-Hicks & A. Hart (Eds.), Application of Uncertainty Analysis to Ecological Risks of Pesticides. Pensacola, FL: SETAC Press.

Kennedy, J. H., Stanley, J. K., Balci, P., & LaPoint, T. (2008). Aquatic ecosystems for ecotoxicological research: Considerations in design analysis for fish. In R. DiGiuio & D. Hinton (Eds.), The Toxicology of Fishes. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

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