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Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) Offices

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FY 2011 Budget in Brief

Table of Contents

Click Here to download the entire Fiscal Year 2011 Interior Budget in Brief - 22Mbs
  1. Foreword

  2. Departmental Overview

Interior's Budget in Context
Major Budget Initiatives
Other Major Changes by Bureau
Mandatory Proposals
Department of the Interior Facts
  1. Departmental Highlights

Interior's Energy Programs
Renewable Energy
Conventional Energy and Compliance
A Climate Change Adaption High-Priority Performance Goal
Climate Change Actions Underway
The Climate Change Budget
Climate Change Adaptation Initiative By Bureau
Sustain and Manage America's Resources for Tomorrow
Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Geological Survey
California Water Issues
U.S. Geological Survey Science Strategy
The Secretary's Commitment to Youth
The Next Generation of Conservation Leaders
The 2011 Youth in Natural Resources Initiative
The Shorebirds Sister Schools Program
Investing in America - The Land and Water Conservation Fund Investment Criteria
Restoration of America's Great Ecosystems
      -California Bay-Delta
      -Gulf Coast Ecosystem
      -Chesapeake Bay
      -Great Lakes
Protecting, Promoting, and Restoring Treasured Landscapes
Wild Horse and Burro Initiative
Management Efficiency Savings
Acquisition Reform
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Managing for Performance
  1. Bureau Highlights

  1. Appendices