Policy Memorandum #14

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Employment Program

IMHM-EE                                                                                           1 August 2012         


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #14,
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Employment Program

1. The proponency for this policy is the Equal Employment Opportunity Office.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. This policy applies to all US civilian employees, applicants for employment, and managers/supervisors of US civilians of United States Army Garrison Humphreys.

4. EEO is the policy of the US Government and the Department of the Army, and is in accordance with the basic American principles of human dignity and fair treatment. I express my personal support for the commitment to ensuring that EEO is an operational management process that is a practical reality in United States Army Garrison Humphreys and tenant units.

5. I expect all Commanders, Directors, managers, and supervisors to demonstrate proactive support for EEO.  Good management practices will result in a work place atmosphere that is conducive to upward mobility and professional growth regardless of race, color, sex (including pregnancy), religion, national origin, age (40+), equal pay/compensation, genetic information, disability (mental or physical impairments), or reprisal for involvement in equal employment opportunity activity.  It is the policy of this command to provide equal employment for all employees as well as applicants for employment.

6. The realization of equal opportunity in employment can be achieved through continuing programs of affirmative employment at every management level within this command.  This requires leaders to examine their workforce to ensure equitable representation of women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities.  Leaders will identify inequalities in workforce composition and work toward providing a balance.

7. Management Directive 715 (MD 715) requires agencies to take appropriate steps to ensure that all employment decisions are free from discrimination.  The MD 715 sets standards for Title VII and the Rehabilitation Act Program, also known as a Model EEO Program.  A Model EEO Program consists of six essential elements:

a. Integration of EEO into the strategic mission.

b. Management and program accountability.

c. Proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination.

d. Efficiency.

e. Responsiveness and legal compliance.

All commanders, managers, and supervisors are responsible and held accountable for demonstrating a firm commitment to all six essential elements of MD 715, Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Rehabilitation Act program.  I am totally committed to United States Army Garrison Humphreys having a Model EEO Program.

8. I hold all managers and supervisors (military and civilian) within your area of responsibility for leadership and implementation of EEO as required by law and to undertake the goals of affirmative employment with the same leadership and zeal as other organizational responsibilities.  Adherence to the principles of EEO exemplifies prudent leadership and is the right thing to do.  I expect performance evaluations of military and civilian supervisors to reflect the level of success in compliance with this policy.  I also expect leaders to coordinate EEO compliance issues and policy matter with my EEO manager.

9. Point of contact is USAG Humphreys EEO Manager, DSN 753-6753.


                                                                              DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                              COL, SF


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Date last updated: 11/23/2012 11:15:01 AM