Policy Memorandum #43

Registration of 2nd Privately Owned Vehicle (POV)

IMHM-ES                                                                                                    1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  USAG Humphreys Policy Letter #43, Registration of 2nd Privately Owned Vehicle (POV)

1. The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Emergency Services.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

 a. USFK Reg 190-1, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision, dated 27 Apr 05.

 b. USFK Reg 190-7, Installation Access Control, dated 1 Oct 08.

4. Applicability.  This policy applies to all personnel who request an exception to policy for registering a 2nd POV within USAG Humphreys and Area III.

5. Purpose.  This memorandum establishes policy and procedures for the registration of a 2nd POV.

6. USFK’s current policy is one vehicle per sponsor may be registered with an USFK motor vehicle recorder.  Families claiming dual sponsorship will provide documents used to bring the persons to Korea (orders, employment contract, etc), which will be used to determine who is a sponsor.  The Area Commander has the responsibility for approving or disapproving request for exceptions to the vehicle registration eligibility requirements on a case by case basis.

7. The Area Commander will use his discretion to determine the merits of a request to register a second POV.  Pursuant to USFK Policy 190-1, personal convenience will not be a basis for approval.  Examples of situations that may warrant a request to register a second POV are:

 a. Where the spouse is a community volunteer for more than 20 hours a week, or is a part time or full time employee.

 b. The sponsor has a family member enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program.

 c. A family member is diagnosed with a serious health condition.

 d. The exception to policy will substantially contribute to the military mission.

 e. Compelling personal reasons that make the exception to policy a necessity.

8.  Personnel requesting an exception to policy are required to submit a memorandum of justification through the first O-6 in their chain of command to the Vehicle Registration Office located in building S-544 or S-724.  Requests will be forwarded to the Garrison Commander for consideration.

9.  Point of contact is the Security Division, Directorate of Emergency Services at DSN 753-5924.

                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF

A & B

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