Policy Memorandum #34

Ownership and Control of Pets

IMHM-PWH                                                                                              1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys, Policy Letter #34, Ownership and Control of Pets

1. The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works, Family Housing Division.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

 a. AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 12 Feb 08.

 b.  AR 735-5, Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability, 28 Feb 05.

 c. USFK Regulation 40-5, Pet Control and Veterinary Services for Domestic Pets, 21 Jun 07.

 d. USFK Command Policy Letter # 49, Microchip Program for Privately Owned Animals, 13 Feb 07.

 e. Eighth United States Army Command Policy Letter # 9, Living Standards for Soldiers in Barracks, 5 May 04.

4. Purpose.  To establish policy for ownership and control of pets with USAG Humphreys.

5. Definitions.

 a. Domestic pets for the purpose of this policy include domesticated dogs, domesticated cats, small caged mammals (such as guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, ferrets and hamsters), non dangerous birds and aquarium fish and non-snapping turtle.

 b. Exotic pets include non-domesticated dogs and cats (such as wolves, foxes, dingoes and ocelots), most reptiles (such as snakes, lizards and snapping turtles), spiders, scorpions, dangerous birds (raptors), dangerous fish (piranha and sharks), ferrets and other wild animals.

 c. Domestic farm animals include pot-bellied pigs, miniature horses, goats, chickens, ducks and other similar type animals.

 d. Dangerous dog breeds to include but not limited to:  American Pit Bull, Stafford Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiffs, Dogo Argentino, Rhodesian Ridge Back, Dogu- de-Bordeaux, Chinese fighting dog, Doberman Pincher and crossbreeds of these dogs.

6. Pets are an integral part of many households.  However, pets in dwelling units can be problematic.  Pet owners will ensure that pets are controlled so that they do not become a public nuisance or menace.  For this reason the following rules have been established concerning pet ownership.

 a. Ownership of exotic pets, farm animals and dangerous dog breeds is strictly forbidden for any dwelling unit.

 b. In accordance with Eighth United States Army Command Policy Letter # 9, Living Standards for Service Members in Barracks, pet ownership in enlisted quarters is forbidden.  Reasons for this restriction include consideration for roommates, disposition and care upon deployment and the humane care for pets.  The only exception to this policy is for units that have unit mascots (dogs).  It is the chain of command’s responsibility to ensure that these animals are housed and cared for properly.

 c. Pet ownership in Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) to include Senior Leaders Quarters (SLQ), Bachelors Officers Quarters (BOQ) and Senior Enlisted Quarters (SEQ) is forbidden.  Exceptions may be made for small aquarium (not to exceed 20 gallons in size).  The UPH Manager will process requests to have an aquarium in UPH units.  Owner will provide a plan as to the care of the fish and aquarium creatures during times of absence and a disposal plan when the owner leaves.

 d. Pet ownership in Army Family Housing may include two pets (cat, dog and/or ferret).  You may have no more than four (4) small caged animals or birds. Aquariums are allowed but not to exceed 50 gallons in size.

7.  The following rules apply to dog owners.
 a. Dogs will be leashed and controlled by an individual 16 years of age or older whenever they are outside the owners dwelling unit

 b. Dogs are restricted from the area immediately adjacent to buildings 510, 511 and 512, playgrounds and gazebo areas.

 c. Dogs will be allowed to relieve themselves only in designated dog green spaces provided.  All fecal matter will be immediately picked up and properly disposed of in the waste receptacles.  Families are responsible to provide appropriate pet waste disposal bags.

 d. Dogs that habitually bite or nip will be muzzled when outside Family Housing.  A serious bite or attack incident is cause for removal of the animal from the installation.  The USAG Humphreys Commander will review the incident and make a decision to the disposition of the animal after the mandatory ten day quarantine period at the Osan Veterinary Clinic.  The owner of the dog is responsible for any expenses incurred during the quarantine period.

8.  Pet supervision requirements.

 a. Pet owners will be responsible for making sure that their pets do not disturb the peace and tranquility of Family Housing.  Pets should not be a nuisance to the neighbors.  Any complaints of pets disturbing the peace due to excessive noise from barking or squawking, foul smells, diseased animals or flea/tick infestation will be investigated by the Housing Office staff and dealt with appropriately.

 b. Dogs will not be left alone in quarters overnight.  Owners will make appropriate arrangements for the care of their animal when they will be away for an extended period of time.  During the summer months and periods of warm weather, pets of any type will not be left alone in a car or in quarters without the air condition running.

 c. Pets are allowed on balconies only when accompanied by a resident of the quarters.  Balconies are not to be used as a pet relief area or as a kennel.

9. SOFA status personnel are required to register each domestic pet in their possession, at the appropriate VTF 10 days of arrival on the Korean peninsula or upon acquisition of the pet.  They are also required to notify their installation housing office of their pet ownership at the same time frame.  They must receive and keep current the appropriate vaccinations and comply with the microchip program per USFK Policy # 49. Pet owners will provide a copy of the pet registration to the Housing Office.

10.  The Housing Office will be informed of pet ownership upon in-processing and kept up to date on any changes in status or if pet has caused damages to government property.  Pet owners are responsible for any damages their pets may cause. Damages will be assessed as outlined in AR 735-5, Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability when dealing with loss, destruction or damage to government property. The cleaning and damage fees will be identified and paid after the pre-termination inspection by housing inspector.

11.  Eviction Process for non compliance of Pet Owner Policy in AFH.

a. Pets are an integral part of many households.  However pets in dwelling units can be problematic.  Pet owners must ensure that pets are controlled so that they do not become a public nuisance or menace.  Additionally, residents with pets are responsible for ensuring their children follow the pet policy. 

b. There are a growing number of complaints of pet owners not adhering to the rules.  Some pet owners are allowing their pets to relieve themselves in inappropriate areas, to include urinating inside buildings, elevators, and on building exteriors.  Also some pet owners are not picking up their pets’ waste in the designated dog green spaces provided.  The Housing Office cannot take action against the violators unless residents are willing to provide written details, such as violator’s name, residence, dog breed, time of day of occurrence, description of the offense, witnesses of the incident, and/or photos.  All residents are encouraged to report such violations of the pet policy to the Housing Office.

c. Violators of the pet policy set forth are subject to a variety of sanctions to include eviction from AFH.

12.  As of 1 March 2010, the following process will be implemented by the Housing Office when violators are reported or identified.

a. First Offense:  The violator will be issued a letter of warning outlining the offense and a chance to respond within 72 hours to the Housing Office.

 b. Second Offense:  The violator will be referred to the Family Member and Civilian Misconduct Review Board for a review of the facts and a recommendation of potential eviction.  See USAG Humphreys Policy Memorandum #3 Procedures and Guidelines for Processing of Civilian and Family Member Misconduct for more information.  If sufficient evidence exists to indicate a violation of the policy the family may have to choose between giving up their pet or being evicted from AFH!

13.  The command has zero tolerance of this policy. Violators of the rules set in paragraph six (6) of this policy are subject to a Service Member and Civilian misconduct board for a review of the facts and if found to be at fault, irresponsible pet owner’s assigned to Army Family Housing (AFH) quarters will be terminated within 30 days after the first violation of the rules.

14.  Residents or other personnel in the housing area are encouraged to report violators of the pet policy to the Housing Office.  Any report information is treated as confidential and the pet owner will not be told who filed the report.

15.  Personnel authorized to reside off-post will abide by their respective building, unit owner, and/or landlord’s policy on pets.  All pet owners are expected to be good neighbors and be considerate of other residents of the community.

16.  Supplements to this policy are not permitted without written approval of the Commander, USAG-H.

17.  POC is the DPW, Housing Division Chief at 753-7358.


                                                                         DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                         COL, SF

A & B

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