Policy Memorandum #39


IMHM-RM                                                                                                   1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #39, Travel

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Resource Management Office. 

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3.  References.

    a.  Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) Volume 1, 1 Jun 09.

    b.  Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) Volume 1, 1 Jun 09.

    c.  US Forces Korea (USFK) Regulation 37-1 - Travel, Policies and Procedures, 31 Jun 05.

    d.  Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Travel Pay Services: Army, Split Disbursement, Military http://www.dfas.mil/travelpay/armytravelpay/ splitdisbursement.html.

    e.  Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Travel Pay Services: Army, Split Disbursement for Civilian Travelers http://www.dfas.mil/civilianpay/travel/ splitdisbursementforciviliantravelers.html.

4.  Purpose.  To assign responsibility and provide procedural guidance and consideration in issuance and performance of travel.

    a.  It is mandatory for US military and DA civilian employees to use the Defense Travel System (DTS) to request travel authorization/orders and submit settlement vouchers.

    b.  Personal Leave in Conjunction with Official Travel (PLOT).  Official travel may be combined with leave or personal travel but the leave location cannot be included in the official travel itinerary.  Include leave dates and location information in the remarks section of DD Form 1610 (Request and Authorization of TDY Travel of DoD Personnel) or comments section in DTS to the Approving Official (AO).

    c.  Blanket and repeated Temporary Duty (TDY) orders are authorized by position, not by individual.  Currently, only five positions in USAG Humphreys, Area III are authorized:  Garrison Commander, the Commander’s driver, Command Sergeant Major (CSM), the CSM’s driver, and Deputy Garrison Commander (DGC).

5.  Responsibilities.

    a.  The Commander or delegated representative.  Serves as the travel-authorizing officer or travel-approving officer with signature authority in DTS or block number 18 of DD Form 1610.  All supporting documents that substantiate the TDY must be affixed for the Commander’s or delegated representative’s approval determination. 

    b.  Resource Management Officer or delegated representative.  Provides and monitors funding allocation to ensure sufficient funds are available prior to approval.  Assigns a document control number and obligates the associated amount into the financial data base system for payment.  The reviewer examines each request against appropriate substantiating documents for regulatory and policy compliance. 

    c.  Unit Commander(s)/Staff Principals.  Monitors and reviews the travel program to ascertain that travel is mission essential and accomplished in the most cost effective method.  Serves as the Approving Officer (AO) for both TDY Authorization/Order request and voucher submission in DTS or the Accountable Officer who approves travel as the TDY Requesting Officer in Block No 17, DD Form 1610 and Block No 21a, DD Form 1351-2 (Travel Voucher or Subvoucher). 

    d.  Traveler.  Provides all appropriate substantiating documents.  Examples of substantiating documents for TDY Authorization/Order requests include, but not limited to, internal coordination within a Directorate, TDY general information with agenda, administrative instructions, registration confirmation, air travel reservation with estimated cost, pre-approved rental vehicle authorization, and an approved DA Form 31, (Request and Authority for Leave) or OPM Form 71, (Request for Leave or Approved Absence), if PLOT is taken in conjunction with the TDY.  Exercises prudent judgment when incurring expenses.  Submits a DD Form 1351-2 with all required substantiating documents within five working days after the completion of the TDY.  Examples of substantiating documents for travel vouchers include, but not limited to, airline itinerary receipt provided by the Commercial Travel Office (CTO), lodging receipts, itemized laundry/dry-cleaning receipts, gasoline receipts for rental vehicles, and receipts on reimbursement expenses in compliance with JFTR/JTR requirements.

6.  General.  Prior to approving TDY requests, managers at all levels will explore other options (VTC, telephone, or correspondence) to help minimize expenses.  Leaders will establish internal controls that limit TDY to the minimum number of personnel and days required to accomplish the mission.  To guarantee efficient and effective use of travel dollars, the requesting officials, reviewing officials, and approving officers will follow relevant guidance:

    a.  Question the rational and reasonableness of each TDY request based on stated purpose and other information available.

    b.  Plan trips as far in advance as possible, to include airline ticket reservations in order to take advantage of discount fares.  Process and route TDY requests at least ten (10) working days but not less than five (5) working days, prior to TDY departure.

    c.  Maximize the use of government quarters and mess unless a certificate of non-availability is obtained. 

    d.  Use government transportation when possible, Non-Tactical Vehicles or military aviation transport.  Limit the use of privately owned vehicles unless the constructive travel cost work sheet results in a lesser cost to the government than the use of public transportation.   Reimbursement for in and around travel taxi expenses will not be approved at installations where post-run shuttle services are available. 
    e.  The Deputy to the Garrison Commander (DGC) is the approving official for
rental vehicles and POV’s use.  Requests for rental vehicles and POV in or out of
country travel must be approved prior to the start of TDY.  Requests for rental vehicles and/or POV with justification must be based on demographics and a lack of public transportation, e.g., bus, taxi, etc, in-and-around the TDY location.  A Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) for POV and Rental vehicles must be submitted with the approval request.

    f.  All travelers traveling to Seoul on a government orders must first contact the DRM for availability of Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) contracted hotel.  If not available, the traveler may book lodging from another source.

    g.  No overtime or compensatory time is authorized when a traveler is at their temporary duty attending conference, seminars, or training.  Employees are not considered to be on a normal work schedule when attending these events.

7.  One Day Travel.

    a.  Local commuting area is defined as Area II and Area III to include Camp Long/Eagle, Suwon, Osan, Yongsan, and Seoul.  Travel to local commuting areas will be conducted within one calendar day.  Travelers are not authorized per diem entitlement for one day travel.  In lieu of TDY orders, memorandums will be issued to obtain train/bus tickets and authorize access permission to the TDY location or submit a DTS local voucher, SF 1164 (Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business) for reimbursement.  Transportation cost will be reimbursed at the most economical mode of transportation to the Government.

    b.  If a TDY/training activity requires two (2) or more consecutive days, or exceeds eight (8) hours, excluding travel time and meal time in a calendar day, the traveler is authorized to request a TDY order with per diem entitlement. 

    c.  Travel to other areas, ie, Daegu, Chinhae, Kunsan, should be completed without per diem when possible.  To substantiate TDY orders to these areas, provide supporting documentation such as work schedule or training schedule when requesting TDY orders.  

8.  Government Travel Card (GTC).  All travelers are highly encouraged to use GTCs for official travel, to include TDY and Permanent Change of Station (PCS): 

    a.  TDY.  Regardless of the voucher submission or reimbursement of claimed TDY expenses, the traveler is responsible for paying GTC charges, to include the airline ticket fare charge upon receipt of the monthly billing statement or 30 days from the date of the charge.  Delinquent accounts over 30 days are reportable to IMCOM-Korea.  60-day delinquent accounts are reported via “By Individual Name” list to the Region Director, IMCOM-Pacific Region and may result in administrative consequences. 

    b.  PCS.  To participate in the PCS program, GTC cardholders must be registered in the program.  Contact the DRM Agency Program Coordinator (APC) for registration.  Accession or separation is excluded from this program.  Authorized charges are transportation, lodging, meals, Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses (TQSE), approved house hunting expenses, and travel advances.  While in PCS status, accounts will not be suspended, incur late fees, or report against command delinquency percentages. 

9.  Travel Compensatory Time.  Travelers may request travel compensatory time for overseas official TDY and mandated training.  Eight (8)-work hours and one (1)-hour meal time must be deducted from computation if traveled on a regular workday.  Authorized travel compensatory time to claim is limited to actual or maximum:

    a.  Two-hour travel time between residence/duty station and airport.

    b.  Two-hour pre-departure time for international flights.

    c.  One-hour pre-departure time for domestic flights.

    d.  Two-hour intervening airport wait time for connecting flights.  Long layovers or other delays do not qualify as creditable travel compensatory time. 

10.  Emergency Visitation Travel (EVT) authorizes either the Garrison US civilian employee or one Family member accompanying the employee in Korea to travel at Government expense to the CONUS or non-foreign OCONUS area in certain Family emergency situations:  Member of employee’s or employee spouse’s immediate Family is seriously ill or injured and faces imminent death; death of employee’s or employee spouse’s immediate Family; incapacitated parent; or unusual personal hardship.  For weekends or holidays, contact the Garrison Humphreys Operation Center at DSN 754-6111.

11.  Point of contact is the Resource Management Officer at 754-3884.


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF

A & B

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