Sick Call

Is a service provided to the Soldier. It is defined as a non routine, non emergent, non chronic visit to the clinic.


Sick Call Hours are 0700-0800 Mon-Wed & Fri (for non 2 CAB Soldiers) and at 1300 Thursday .  Signed DD 689 (sick call slip is required E-6 and below, must be signed by an E-7 or above)

All 2 CAB Soldiers Sick Call Hours are Mon-Wed & Fri 0700-0800, Thurs 1300-1400.

For more information about hours and procedures (not to make appointments) call 753-7656.


Sick call hours at Humphreys Dental Clinic are from 0730 hrs to 1030 hrs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; 1300hrs to 1500hrs on Thursday.

Sick call is primarily for acute illnesses/injuries that might prevent service members from performing their assigned duties. Chronic dental problems, profile renewal, and medication refills should not be seen at sick call. Service members should report in duty uniform, hand carry their dental records, and have a DD Form 689 (sick call slip) from their unit.

The Individual Sick Slip is issued by the unit to a soldier who requests dental treatment at any Army Medical Treatment Facility. The slip is a means of communication between the attending Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel and the service member’s unit commander. Examples are: To assign a temporary profile, not to exceed 30 days, under AR 40-501, Chapter 9. To furnish information concerning height and weight, as required in AR 600-9. To communicate to a patient’s commander any limitations when DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile Board Proceedings Medical Condition Physical Profile Record) is inappropriate. The Individual Sick Slip is prepared in duplicate and hand carried by the patient or the patient’s escort, when completed, the original copy is given to the patient and the duplicate is maintained by the patient’s commander.

Total pageloads: 6/63 (9/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 11/24/2010 3:05:01 PM
Date last updated: 11/22/2011 5:17:20 PM