Policy Memorandum #21

Environmental Officer (EO) Program

IMHM-PWE                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #21, Environmental Officer (EO) Program

1. The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3.  References.

a. AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, 13 Dec 07, effective date 23 Dec 07.

b. US Forces Korea (USFK) Regulation 201-1, Environmental Governing Standards, 18 Jun 12.

4. Applicability.  This policy applies to:

a. All USAG-Humphreys Headquarters directorates and organizations, all installation support activities and organizations, and tenant units and organizations within USAG-Humphreys and Area III.

b. All permanently or temporarily active duty military and reserve components at USAG-Humphreys and Area III.

c. All appropriated and non-appropriated funded US and Local National civilian employees working permanently or temporarily within USAG-Humphreys and Area III.

d. All Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) and all Defense Commissary Agency (DECA) employees working permanently or temporarily within USAG-Humphreys and Area III.

5. Purpose.  To establish a unit and organizational environmental officer program that:

a. Provides trained environmental points of contact at each unit or organization at the various levels of command.

b. Ensures unit and organizational compliance with US Army and Host Nation environmental rules, regulations, and laws.

c. Provides for an Environmental Officers Council (EOC) at USAG-Humphreys.

6. EO Assignment.

a. Each brigade, battalion, company, and separate detached unit will appoint a primary and alternate EO in writing on appropriate orders to act as the unit’s point of contact (POC) for environmental concerns.  This includes all separate detachments, units, and detachments from other US Armed Forces tenant to USAG-Humphreys.  Forward a copy of the assignment orders to the Directorate of Public Works (DPW), Environmental Division.

b. Each Directorate, support activity, and organization will appoint a primary and alternate EO at each level of supervision (i.e. division, branch, shop, etc.) in writing on appropriate orders to act as the organizational POC for environmental concerns.  Forward a copy of the assignment orders to DPW, Environmental Division.

 c.  All US military units and organizations, participating in exercises and utilizing any  USAG-Humphreys installation, site, Logistics Support Area (LSA) supported by USAG Humphreys, facility, training area, or range facility longer than 14 days will appoint an EO to act as POC for environmental concerns.  The appointed EO must contact the DPW, Environmental Division within two working days after arrival on USAG-Humphreys, with location, spill contingency plan, and other contact information. 

 d. EO Ranks or Grades:

          (1)  The Primary EO must be a Sergeant (E-5)/ Civilian equivalent or higher. The preferred  rank/grade for primary EO described in Paragraph 6a and 6c of this policy is Sergeant First Class (E-7)/Civilian equivalent or higher. EO appointment orders are required at the course site for in-processing.

          (2)  EO students must have at least six months retention (twelve months preferred) in Korea to be given a slot and attend the course. Appointment orders must specify if the soldier/civilian is a primary or alternate EO.

          (3)  Soldiers and civilian employees of lower rank and pay grade may be assigned the duties of Primary EO after successfully completing the EO Certification Course, and they are given the authority and support to:

          (a)  Monitor compliance with all environmental regulations and policies and update and maintain environmental portion of SOP.

          (b)  Report to the command any and all violations that must come into compliance, not limited to, requiring higher ranking personnel to correct a noncompliant issue without any negative reprisals.

          (c)  Represent and speak for the unit commander or senior civilian supervisor concerning environmental compliance during training, operations, and logistics functions.

          (d)  Advise and updates the commander on the unit’s environmental consideration integration and performance standards.

          (e)  Coordinate between the unit and higher/installation headquarters environmental staffs.

          (f)  Manage information concerning unit environmental training and certification requirements.

          (g)  Conduct unit environmental self assessments.

          (h)  Conduct environmental risk assessments and applies Environmental Management  Systems  to all operations.

          (i)  Serve as the SME to the commander on the integration of environmental considerations into OPLANs/OPORDs.

          (4)  The Alternate EO must be a Specialist (E-4)/ Civilian equivalent or higher. The preferred rank/grade for an alternate EO described in Paragraph 6a and 6c of this policy is Staff Sergeant (E-6)/Civilian equivalent or higher. EO appointment orders are required at the course site for in-processing.

          (5)  Soldiers and civilian employees of lower rank and pay grade may be assigned the duties of Alternate EO after successfully completing the EO Certification Course, and they are given the authority and support to perform the tasks in 6d(3)(a-i).

7. EO Duties and Responsibilities.  The EO is the unit commander’s “eyes and ears” for the unit’s environmental programs, ensuring compliance with USFK Reg 201-1, Environmental Governing Standards (EGS), and Army environmental regulations.  The EO:

 a. Advises unit commanders or organizational supervisors on matters related to the implementation of this policy.

b. Advises management in developing and implementing the environmental management and compliance program in their unit or organization.

c. Organizes, plans, and implements an effective environmental management and compliance program at the local level.

d. Develops and maintains Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for environmental management and compliance program elements.

e. Provides program coordination with USAG-Humphreys Environmental Division.

f. Publicizes environmental management and compliance policies and procedures.

g. Maintains spill response supplies and equipment.

h. Implements and maintains an environmental awareness campaign.

i. Maintains proficiency in environmental management and compliance topics.

j. Maintains access to environmental reference publications and regulations, including USAG-Humphreys environmental policies, and applicable Army and USFK rules and regulations.

k. Inspects or coordinates the periodic inspection of facilities for compliance with applicable environmental policies and regulations using DPW Environmental Division approved inspection checklists.

l. Documents audit data and tracks corrective actions through final abatement.

m. Assists management in assuring that all environmental accidents or incidents are investigated and reported in accordance with Environmental Governing Standards (EGS) and USAG-Humphreys policies.

n. Serves as member of the EOC and advisor to environmental work groups as assigned by the unit commander, supervisor, or the USAG-Humphreys Environmental Quality Control Committee (EQCC).

o. Conducts training, and coordinates and maintains training records of environmental training for unit personnel.

p. Administers environmental management and compliance programs for applicable functional areas:

  (1)  Hazardous waste storage/disposal.

  (2)  Spill cleanup activities.

  (3)  Recycling.

  (4)  Water quality.

  (5)  Wastewater.

  (6)  Air pollution.

  (7)  Above ground and underground storage tanks.

  (8)  Cultural resource management.

  (9)  Natural resource management.

  (10)  Pesticide management.

  (11)  Solid waste management.

  (12)  Environmental noise.

 q. Serves as the unit or organization Hazardous Waste Manager.

 r. Advises unit commanders or organizational supervisors of any environmental problems or potential violation of the environmental rules, regulations, policies, or directives.

 s. Facilitate integration of the installation EMS into the organization’s operational practices

8. EO Training.

 a. All personnel assigned as unit primary or alternate EO must successfully complete the 40 hour Environmental Officer Certification Course provided by the DPW, Environmental Division within three (3) months after assignment.

 b. All certified EOs will be recertified annually by successfully completing the eight hour EO Recertification Course provided by the DPW, Environmental Division.

 c. If an individual was trained by another installation or similar course, the training can be recognized as equivalent training.  To receive credit for previous training the following must be submitted to the DPW Environmental Division:

  (1)  A signed course completion certificate that includes the date(s) of the training.

  (2)  A description of the course completed.  The course description must be from the training provider.

9. EOC.

 a. Purpose.

  (1)  To provide grassroots feedback to the Environmental Division and the senior management EQCC of policies and procedures.

  (2)  To serve as the Environmental Management System (EMS) cross-functional team.

  (3)  To identify impacts associated with the EMS significant aspects.

  (4)  To identify targets and objectives to minimize or mitigate impacts identified in subparagraph (3).

  (5)  To make recommendations of program implementation to the senior management EQCC.

 b. Membership.

  (1)  All assigned unit and organizational EOs and all other personnel who have successfully completed the 40 hour EO Certification Course or the 24 hour Korean EO Certification Course.

  (2)  The USAG-Humphreys EOC will be co-chaired by the Chief, Cleanup, Conservation, Compliance, Pollution and Prevention Branch (C3P2) and Chief, Natural Resource Management Branch (NRMB), DPW, Environmental Division.
 c. Meetings.  EOC meetings will be conducted no sooner than one month before the scheduled EQCC or no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled EQCC.  The DPW Environmental Division will keep minutes and distribute them to the general membership within five working days after the completion of the meeting.

 d. Voting.  All members of the EOC present at the meeting have one vote regardless of what unit or organization they are representing, rank or pay grade.  The decision(s) of the majority of members present will be the decision(s) of the EOC.

 e. Cross Functional Team (CFT), Subcommittees, or Working Groups.  A majority of the business of the EOC will be conducted using CFT, Subcommittees, or Working Groups.

10.  Point of contact for this policy is the Chief, DPW Environmental Division, 753-7964.


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF


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