United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Web Automated Reference Material System (WARMS)

Vocational Rehabilitation

Part 1 - General Program Information
Part 2 - Office Administration
Part 3 - Individuals' Rights and Responsibilities
Part 4 - Chapter 31 Case Management
Part 6 - Other Benefits Case Management
Part 7 - Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Manual

Part 1 - General Program Information

Table of Contents Last Updated 3/14/06 

Chapter 1 - Manual Overview and Organizational Structure -- Rescinded by M28R, Part I 
Section A- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Manual
Section B- Organzational Structure of Department of Veterans Affairs

Chapter 2 - Partnerships and Memoranda of Agreement -- Rescinded by M28R, Part I 
Table of Contents
Chapter 3 - Performing Motivation and Outreach Activity, Last Updated 3/14/06
Table of Contents, Last Updated 3/14/06 
      Chapter 4 - Research and Development -- Rescinded by M28R, Part I
      Table of Contents
Changes: 03/14/06

Part 2 - Office Administration

Table of Contents, Last Updated 7/14/08 

Chapter 1 - Program Establishment and Office Requirements, Last Updated 10/28/06 (Rescinded by M28R, Part II, October 23, 2012)
Table of Contents, Last Updated 10/28/06 

Chapter 2 - Managing Folders and Forms (Rescinded by M28R, Part II, October 23, 2012)
Table of Contents, Last Updated 7/14/08 
Section A - Folder/File Maintenance, Last Updated 7/14/08 
Section B - Correspondence and Correspondence Files, Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section C - Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Forms and Forms Letters (FLs), Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section D - Test Supplies and Material, Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section E - Occupational and Educational Information and Professional Publications, Last Updated 10/28/06 

Chapter 3 - Setting Up Facilities and Contracts
Table of Contents, Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section A - Facilities and Contracts Overview, Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section B - Setting Up a Facility, Last Updated 10/28/06 

Chapter 4 - Hiring and Managing Office Staff (Rescinded by M28R, Part II, October 23, 2012)
Table of Contents - Last Updated 6/27/06 
Section A - Office Staffing, Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section B - Performance Standards and Evaluations, Last Updated 10/28/06 
Section C - Staff Development, Last Updated 6/27/06 

Changes: 10/28/05   6/27/06   7/14/08

Part 3 - Individuals' Rights and Responsibilities

Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/15/05 

Chapter 1 - Overview of Individuals’ Rights and Responsibilities, Last Updated 12/15/05 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/15/05 

Chapter 2 - Individuals' Rights, Responsibilities, and Due Process
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/15/05 
Section A - Providing Notification of Rights and Responsibilities, Last Updated 12/15/05 
Section B - Due process, Adverse Action Notification, and Award Action, Last Updated 12/15/05 
Section C - Duty to Assist, Last Updated 12/15/05 

Chapter 3- Administrative Reviews, Advisory Opinions, Appeals, and Equitable Relief, Last Updated 12/15/05 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/15/05 

Chapter 4- Responsibilities of the Individual, Last Updated 12/15/05 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/15/05 

Changes: 12/15/05

Part 4 - Chapter 31 Case Management
Subpt i - Chapter 31 Program Overview
Chapter 4 - Coordinating Interregional and Intraregional Transfers, Last updated 1/31/07 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 1/31/07 

Subpt ii - Application Processing
Chapter 1 - Application Processing and Basic Entitlement/Eligibility Determinations Overview, Last Updated 11/14/06 

Chapter 2 - Receiving Chapter 31 Claims, Last Updated 12/06/06 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/06/06 

Subpt iii - Initial Evaluation & Entitlement
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 1 - Initial Evaluation Under Chapter 31, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 2- Required Determination, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 3- Evaluation and Planning Guidelines, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 4- Required Documentation, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 5- Resources and Tools for Initial Evaluations, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 6 - Vocational Exploration, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 7- Outcome of the Initial Evaluation, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 6/8/06 

Subpt iv - Plan Development
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 1 - Rehabilitation Plan Development Overview, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 2 - Developing and Administering the Veterans Plan
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 
Section A - Determining and Documenting the Veterans Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Section B - Participation Rates in Plan Development, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Section C - Guidelines for Developing Planning Elements, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Section D - Administering the Veterans Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Section E - Vocational Rehabilitation Panel (VRP), Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 3 - Extended Evaluation, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 4 - The Five Track Employment Process, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 5 - Guidelines for the Administration of a Re-Employment Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 6 - Guidelines for the Administration of a rapid Access to Employment Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 7 - Guidelines for the Administration of an Employment Through Long Term Services Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 8 - Guidelines for the Administration of a Self-Employment Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Chapter 9 - Guidelines for the Administration of an Independent Living Plan, Last Updated 12/29/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 12/29/06 

Changes: 12/29/06 

Subpt v - Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

Chapter 4 - Leaves of Absense and Interruptions, Last Updated 03/16/07 

Changes: 03/16/07 

Subpt vii - Foreign Cases
Table of Contents Last Updated 4/5/06 

Chapter 1- Foreign Cases Overview, Last Updated 4/5/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 4/5/06 

Chapter 2- General Program Information on Foreign Cases, Last Updated 4/5/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 4/5/06 

Chapter 3- Case Management for Foreign Cases, Last Updated 4/5/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 4/5/06 

Subpt viii - Benefit Changes for Veterans with Special Circumstances
Chapter 1 - Overview of Benefit Changes for a Veteran with Special Circumstances Last Updated 10/10/06 
Table of Contents Last Updated 10/10/06 

Chapter 3 
Section A - Benefit Changes for Incarcerated Veterans, Last Updated 11/22/06 
Section B - Benefit Changes for a Fugitive Felon, Last Updated 9/22/06 

Chapter 4 - Benefit Changes Following the Death of a Veteran, Last Updated 10/06/06 

Changes: 06/21/05   11/14/06   04/05/06   06/08/06   09/22/06  
10/06/06   10/10/06   11/22/06   12/06/06   01/31/07  

Part 6 - Other Benefits Case Management
SubPt i - Chapter 36, Benefits Provided by VR&E
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/30/05 

Chapter 1- Chapter 36 Counseling for Transitioning Servicemembers and for Current Beneficiaries and Individuals Eligible under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, 1606 or 1607, Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/30/05 

Chapter 2 - Providing Counseling Services under Chapter 36, for Transitioning Servicemembers and Current Beneficiaries and Individuals Eligible under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, 1606 or 1607
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/30/05 
Section A - Processing Requests for Counseling under Chapter 36 for Transitioning Servicemembers and for Current Beneficiaries and Individual Eligible under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, 1606 or `1607, Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Section B - Providing Counseling under Chapter 36 for Transitioning Servicemembers and for Current Beneficiaries and Individuals Eligible under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, 1606 or 1607, Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12

SubPt ii - Chapter 35 Benefits Provided by VR&E
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/28/05 

Chapter 1- Chapter 35 Benefits Provided by VR&E Overview, Last Updated 12/28/05 
Table of Contents, Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Chapter 2 - Chapter 35 Benefits and Services Provided by VR&E
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/28/05 
Section A - Chapter 35 benefits Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Section B - Chapter 35 Services Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12

SubPt iii - Chapter 18 Benefits Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E)
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/30/05 

Chapter 1, Chapter 18 benefits Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Overview, Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/30/05 

Chapter 2 - Chapter 18 Benefits and Services Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E)
Table of Contents, Last Updated 12/30/05 

Section A - Chapter 18 Benefits Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E), Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Section B - Chapter 18 Services Provided by Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E), Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12
Section C - Chapter 18 Administration, Rescinded by M28R, Part VII, 12/27/12

Changes: 12/28/05   12/30/05   03/13/06

Part 7 - Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Manual
Chapter 2 - Quality Assurance Program, Last Updated 6/8/06 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 6/8/06 

Chapter 3 - Overview of the Site Visit Program, Last Updated 3/15/06 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 3/15/06 

Chapter 5 - Systematic Analysis of Operations (SAO), Last Updated 6/29/06 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 6/29/06 

Chapter 6 - General Information on Veterans Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation, Last Updated 1/8/07 
Table of Contents, Last Updated 1/8/07 (Rescinded by M28R, Part II, October 23, 2012)

Changes: 03/15/06   06/08/06   06/29/06   10/18/06   01/08/07