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Public Schedule March 10-14, 2008

March 11, Governor Lingle and State Adjutant General Major General Robert Lee will meet with Dr. John “Jack” Hayes, assistant administrator for weather services, and director, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and Jeff Ladouce, director, National Weather Service Pacific Region.

March 12, Governor Lingle will convene the Turtle Bay Advisory Working Group, which she formed to advise the Administration on how to acquire and preserve for public use the Turtle Bay property on O‘ahu’s North Shore. 

March 13, Governor Lingle will deliver the keynote address at the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting.  The Governor will update members and their guests on the Administration’s legislative priorities, including energy independence, the Hawai‘i Innovation Initiative, tax relief, affordable housing and protecting Hawai‘i’s natural resources.

March 14, The Governor will meet with students from La Pietra Hawai‘i School for Girls as they prepare to travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Close Up Program, which is designed to educate, inspire, and empower young individuals to become active citizens in our democracy.  The students will discuss with Governor Lingle various issues that will be addressed in Washington as part of the Close Up program, including public transportation, immigration and illegal aliens, population growth and the pressures on the environment, and international human rights.

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