You are here: Home Schedule Governor Lingle's Public Schedule Public Schedule for the Week of May 26-30, 2008

Public Schedule for the Week of May 26-30, 2008

May 26, Governor Lingle will give the Memorial Day Address and lay a wreath at the Memorial Plaza Monument.

May 26, Governor Lingle and Lt. Governor will participate in the tenth Annual Lantern Floating Hawai‘i ceremony sponsored by Na Lei Aloha Foundation and the Buddhist order of Shinnyo-en Hawai‘i.  The floating of thousands of lanterns in a sunset ceremony known as Toro Nagashi is practiced in Japan to pay respect to ancestors and to comfort the spirits of the dead.

May 27, The Governor and state Transportation Director Brennon Morioka will dedicate the new Mokulele Highway on Maui. Governor Lingle will also deliver an address on the economy, with a focus on Maui County.

May 28, The Governor will deliver remarks at the Ready to Run Conference organized by the Commission on the Status of Women.  This workshop is designed to encourage and train women to run for public office.

May 30, Governor Lingle will deliver the commencement address at the Class of 2008 Kaua‘i High School graduation ceremony.

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