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Public Schedule: May 4-16, 2008

May 4, The Governor will participate in festivities to mark the 60th anniversary of Israel’s independence.  The festival will showcase Israeli art, books, music, entertainment and food. 

May 5, Foreign Minister of Timor-Leste, Zacarias Da Costa will call on the Governor.

May 5, The Governor will deliver remarks to business leaders at a conference aimed at fostering business partnerships between Hawai‘i and Israel.

May 7, Governor Lingle will discuss state issues on her monthly radio show from 7-8 a.m.  Listeners are invited to call 808-521-8383 from O‘ahu or 888-565-8383 from the Neighbor Islands with questions and comments.  The show can be heard live statewide on O‘ahu (KHVH 830 AM), Maui/Kona (KAOI 1110 AM), Hilo (KPUA 670 AM), and Kaua‘i (KONG 570 AM).  Recordings of past shows are archived on the Governor’s website

May 7, Governor Lingle will join KSSK’s Michael W. Perry and Larry Price, in selling special edition “Kids Day” Honolulu Advertiser newspapers to benefit Parents and Children Together (PACT).  Lt. Governor Aiona will sell Kids Day newspapers from 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. at the same location.

May 7, The Governor will present a proclamation in honor of Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard’s 100 years of service to the U.S. Navy and the State of Hawai‘i.  The shipyard will hold its official centennial celebration on May 13, the day in 1908 that Congress passed an Act officially creating the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard, Territory of Hawai‘i.

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