NBPL Miramar Pipeline Repair and Relocation

Construction Update (as of December 2, 2016)

Construction activities are currently occurring in the following area:

  • On Scott Street at the Keats Street intersection
  • On Pacific Highway, under the Interstate 8 (I-8) overpass
  • On Rosecrants Street, in the southbound lanes between Lytton Street and Seville Street

Both lanes of Scott Street will be closed south of Keats Street. Keats Street will experience temporary lane closures, but two-way traffic will be maintained. The southbound lane of Rosecrans Street will also be closed between Lytton Street and Seville Street, but two-way traffic will be maintained.

Construction activities are currently occurring at night in the following areas:

  • On Rosecrans Street, under the Interstate 5 (I-5) overpass (near the intersection of Rosecrans Street and Pacific Highway)

Night construction hours are 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Thursday. Residents and businesses will receive advance notice of night construction activities. Day construction hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. There will not be construction work on holidays or weekends.   Although there will be noise and heavy construction equipment on site, construction crews will work to maintain safety and minimize disruptions to residents, businesses, commuters and surrounding neighborhoods.

For your own safety, please do not enter the construction work zone.

Click here to see a map of the current and upcoming project areas of the pipeline route.

Pipeline construction requires several steps and occurs in phases. The phases include traffic control, potholing to locate existing utilities, saw-cutting and trenching of the road, laying and welding new pipe sections including coating and testing of the welds, backfilling of the trench, and base paving. Final road paving will occur after pipeline construction and testing are complete.

Future Milestones

  • Final paving is planned to begin in January 2017, (near La Playa) and May 2017, (near San Diego River).
  • La Playa waterfront construction begins in January 2017.


La Playa Bayside Trail

Beginning in January 2017, segments of the existing pipeline along the La Playa Bayside Trail will be removed.  In the project area, 1,175 feet of pipeline will be removed, the trail will be restored, eroded banks will be stabilized, and vegetated areas will be re-planted with native plant species. The pipeline segments designated for removal along the La Playa trail do not have a minimum of 24 inches of soil cover or are in close proximity to the shoreline and are at risk for exposure from erosion. Users, residents and businesses near the trail should expect construction noise, as well as temporary closure of portions of the trail while construction activities are occurring. Construction activities in La Playa are expected to take approximately 2 months to complete.

For more information, click here to see the La Playa flier. Click here to see the La Playa map with addresses.

Traffic control

Signage, cones and other traffic control measures maintain safe traffic flow in the construction zone. Two-way traffic will be maintained to the maximum extent practicable, but sometimes may be modified temporarily to one-way traffic. Construction activities will be scheduled to avoid congestion during peak hours in peak direction of travel. Segments of open trench will be less than 700 feet in length, and after each construction day, trenches will be covered with steel plates so that normal traffic patterns can resume after each work day.

Temporary traffic impacts, driveway access restrictions, and on-street parking restrictions may occur in front of properties as construction passes through. No-Parking signs for affected areas will be posted at least 48 hours prior to work. If driveway access restrictions are anticipated for your property, you will be notified ahead of time. For assistance with access during construction, please call the project information line at 844-409-9846 or contact the on-site construction crew.

Emergency and delivery access will be maintained during construction. Although there will be noise and heavy construction equipment on site, construction crews will work to maintain safety and minimize disruptions to residents, businesses, commuters and surrounding neighborhoods. 

The construction schedule is subject to change without notice.

For more information, click here to see the project highlights fact sheet. Click here to see the frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheet.


Contact Us
The Navy has a project email address and information phone line for inquiries. Updates will also be posted here on the project website, and on Twitter and Facebook.

Community Outreach

The Navy is committed to keeping the public informed and has completed formal and informal community outreach pertaining to the Miramar Fuel Pipeline, including mailing, emailing and posting notices.

Formal Miramar Pipeline Outreach:

Public Open House Meetings for the Environmental Assessment – Jan. 29, 2014, and Dec. 3, 2014

Peninsula Community Planning Board – Jan. 15, 2015

Midway/Pacific Highway Community Planning Group – Jan. 21, 2015

Community Liaison Group – July 16, 2014, and March 25, 2015

Councilmember District 2 Lorie Zapf – April 15, 2015

Point Loma Association – May 6, 2015

Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Assessment – May 8, 2015

Councilmember District 5 Mark Kersey – May 12, 2015

Community Presentation at Portuguese Hall – Dec. 9, 2015

            To view the brief used during the presentation, click here.

Community Presentation at San Diego Public Library – Jun. 22, 2016

            To view the brief used during the presentation, click here.

Informal Miramar Pipeline Outreach:

Councilmember District 3 Todd Gloria – Sent Pipeline Brief

Councilmember District 7 Scott Sherman – Sent Pipeline Brief

Naval Base Point Loma Rotary Club – May 8, 2015

Naval Submarine League – May 12, 2015

Point Loma Yacht Club – Aug. 18, 2015

RAB Meeting – May 18, 2016

Community Stakeholders – May 26, 2016

Rotary Meeting - July 29, 2016

La Playa Residents - Sep. 21, 2016


About the Miramar Fuel Pipeline

The Miramar Fuel Pipeline is an existing Navy-owned and operated fuel pipeline that extends approximately 17.3 miles between Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The pipeline provides fuel for Navy ships and aircraft and is critical for supporting the Navy’s fueling needs and operational mission.

Project Overview

The Navy will repair and relocate portions of the Miramar Fuel Pipeline to maintain its safe, consistent and continuous use in support of our nation’s military readiness.  Approximately five miles of the southern end of the Miramar Fuel Pipeline in the Point Loma area will be repaired and relocated to address pipeline anomalies, such as dents, corrosion and metal loss, and to provide more seismic protection by installing isolation valve stations. Construction will start at Naval Base Point Loma and proceed northeast along Rosecrans Street to Lytton Street.

Specifically, the Navy will: 

  • Relocate approximately 3.5 miles of pipeline from the La Playa area (Naval Base Point Loma to Lytton Street) to the Rosecrans Street right-of-way, with segments in portions of Talbot Street, Scott Street and Keats Street

  • Relocate approximately one mile of pipeline at the San Diego River crossing

  • Install five isolation valve stations

The Navy needs to repair and relocate portions of the Miramar Fuel Pipeline to: 

  • Promote its safe and long-term use

  • Provide more seismic protection with installation of isolation valve stations

  • More effectively maintain and repair the pipeline in the future

Construction Activities

The Navy designed construction activities to minimize impacts on the community. Construction activities began in January 2016. Permitting, surveying and the final stages of administration began the week of Jan. 11, 2016. Off-base construction on Rosecrans Street began the week of Feb. 22, 2016.

Anticipated project completion: Summer 2017

  • Projected construction hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, in residential areas

  • Construction hours in commercial areas may vary to minimize impacts to traffic flow

  • Locations: Rosecrans Street from Naval Base Point Loma to Lytton Street; San Diego River crossing at Pacific Highway; La Playa waterfront

Residential, commercial and high-traffic areas will be affected. Residents, businesses and commuters should expect: 

  • Traffic impacts

  • Lane closures and detours

  • Street parking reductions

  • Temporarily blocked driveways (for a few hours)

  • Access restrictions to La Playa Bayside Trail (during pipeline removal)

  • Construction noise

  • Large, heavy construction equipment


Project Maps

Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Miramar Pipeline Repair and Relocation

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Navy evaluated the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed repair and relocation of approximately five miles of the Navy’s Miramar Fuel Pipeline in the Point Loma area. In April 2015, the Navy completed the Environmental Assessment and issued a Finding of No Significant Impact. To provide the public with information about the proposed project and to solicit public comments, the Navy held public comment periods and public meetings in January/February 2014 and November/December 2014. Public comments were reviewed and responded to in the Final Environmental Assessment.

The following links open project documents:

Final Environmental Assessment

Finding of No Significant Impact

Traffic Analysis

Part 1

Part 2 

Part 3

A printed copy of the Final EA and FONSI is available at the San Diego Central and Ocean Beach public libraries.  To request a copy of the Final EA or FONSI, contact

NBPL Miramar Pipeline EA Project Manager

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest

Attention: OPUE2.GW

2730 McKean St., Building 291

San Diego, CA 92136-5198

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