Office of the Comptroller of the Currency - Ensuring a Safe and Sound Federal Banking System for all Americans. Site Map | Text Size: S M L

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Upcoming Web and Telephone Seminars

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Current Web and Telephone Seminars

None currently planned.

Materials from Past Web Conferences and Telephone Seminars


12/03/2012Telephone Seminar: Stress Testing for Community Banks
Handouts (PDF) | Transcript (PDF) | Recording (WMA)
04/12/2012Web and Teleconference Seminar: Concentrations of Credit
Handouts (PDF) | Transcript (PDF) | Recording (WMA)
02/15/2012Web and Telephone Seminar: Small Business Investment Companies: An Investment Option for Banks
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF)


11/07/2011Telephone Seminar: Supervisory Expectations for Interest Rate Risk Management
Handouts (PDF) | Transcript (PDF) | Recording (WMA)
10/13/2011Telephone Seminar: Migration from the TFR to the Call Report; Allowances, Accounting, and Credit; and Other Supervision Topics
Handouts (PDF) | Transcript (PDF) | Recording (WMA)


10/13/2010Web and Telephone Seminar: How Community Banks Can Finance Small Business Exporters
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF)


09/21/2009Web and Telephone Seminar: SBA Lending Programs and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF) | Q's and A's (PDF)


09/10/2008Web and Telephone Seminar: Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Funds: Investment Opportunities for Banks
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF) | Reading Materials (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF)
06/17-18/2008Web and Telephone Seminar:  The FACT Act: An Overview of the Final Rulemaking on Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF)


01/31/2007Web and Telephone Seminar: Small Business Administration 504 Certified Development Company Loan Program: Small Businesses' Window to Wall Street
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF) | Q's and A's (PDF)


01/24-25/2006Web and Telephone Seminar: The New CRA Perspective for You and Your Bank
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF)


08/2-3/2005Web and Telephone Seminar: Corporate Governance and the Community Bank: A Regulatory Perspective
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF) | Audit Rating Guidance (PDF) | Risk Management Summary (PDF) | Additional Reference Materials (PPT)
06/23/2005Web and Telephone Seminar: The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: A Regulatory Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF)
03/15-16/2005Web and Telephone Seminar: Meeting the challenges of BSA/AML Risk Management: A Regulatory Perspective
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | OCC Advisory Letter (PDF)


09/28/2004Web and Telephone Seminar: Financing Minority Businesses
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF)
07/20-21/2004Web and Telephone Seminar: Outsourcing Technology Services: A Management Decision
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)
04/20-21/2004Web and Telephone Seminar: Condition of the Banking Industry
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF)


09/25/2003Telephone Seminar: Rural Economic Development Lending Opportunities for Community Banks
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF)
05/06-07/2003Web and Telephone Seminar: Information Security Management for Community Banks
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF)


12/11-12/2002Telephone Seminar: USA Patriot Act and Its Impact On Sound Anti-Money Laundering Programs
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF)
08/21-22/2002Telephone Seminar: Risk Management Principles for Third-Party Relationships
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)
4/2-3/2002Telephone Seminar: Outsourcing Your Audit Function
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF) | Polling PDF) | Transcript PDF)


12/13/2001Telephone Seminar: Work Papers and Audit Committee Reporting
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)
11/15/2001Telephone Seminar: Risk Assessment and Internal Controls
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)
7/18-19/2001Telephone Seminar: Internet Banking Security: Safeguarding Customer Information
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Polling Results (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)
5/15-16/2001Telephone Seminar: The Challenges of Sound Liquidity Risk Management
Brochure (PDF) | Handout (PDF) | Polling Results (PDF) | Questions and Answers (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)
2/13-14/2001Telephone Seminar: Privacy Regulation Compliance
Brochure (PDF) | Handout Part 1 (PDF) | Handout Part 2 (PDF) | Handout Part 3 (PDF) | Questions and Answers (PDF) | Transcript (PDF)


11/1/2000Telephone Seminar: Issues in Community Bank Audit and Internal Controls: The OCC Approach
Brochure (PDF) | Handouts (PDF) | Questions and Answers (PDF)