Defense Environmental Programs Annual Report to Congress-Fiscal Year 2006

The Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) has released the Fiscal Year 2006 Defense Environmental Programs Annual Report to Congress. The report details the accomplishments and progress in DoD's Environmental Programs during FY2006. The Environmental Management Office oversees DoD's conservation, environmental restoration, compliance, and pollution prevention programs.

2006 DEP ARC Cover

Letter to Congress (DEP FY06) (PDF)

Defense Environmental Programs (DEP FY06) (PDF)

Environmental Management

Appendix A: Envrionmental Management Systems (PDF)


Appendix B:  Environmental Management Budget Overview (PDF)

Appendix C: Conservation Budget Overview (DEP FY06) (PDF)

Appendix D: Restoration Budget Overview (PDF)

Appendix E: Compliance Budget Overview (PDF)

Appendix F: Pollution Prevention Budget Overview (PDF)


Appendix G: Natural Resources (PDF)

Appendix H: Cultural Resources (PDF)

Appendix I: Native Americans (PDF)


Appendix J: Active Installations Environmental Restoration Progress (PDF)

Appendix K: BRAC Installations Environmental Restoration Progress (PDF)

Appendix L: Formerly Used Defense Sites Environmental Restoration Progress (PDF)

Appendix M: Installation Narrative Summaries (PDF)

Appendix N: Installation Restoration Program and Military Munitions Response Program Status Tables (PDF)

Table N-1:  Status of DoD Installations and FUDS Properties IRP/MMRP Summary as of September 30, 2006 (PDF)

Table N-2:  Status of DoD Installations and FUDS Properties IRP/MMRP Summary as of September 30, 2006 (PDF)

Table N-3:  Status of Component Active Installations IRP/MMRP Summary as of September 30, 2006 (PDF)

Table N-4:  Status of Component Closing Installations IRP/MMRP Summary as of September 30, 2006 (PDF)

Table N-5:  Status of State IRP/MMRP Summary as of September 30, 2006 (PDF)

Table N-6:  Status of Installations with FY07 to Completion Cost Estimate Greater Than $10,000,000 (PDF)

Table N-7:  IRP/MMRP Status of Installations with FY07 to Completion Cost Estimate Less Than or Equal to $10,000,000 (PDF)

Table N-8:  IRP/MMRP Status of Installations with Response Completed at all Sites as of September 30, 2006 (PDF)

Table N-9:  Status of Potentially Responsible Party with Costs Incurred Through FY06 Greater Than $100,000 (PDF)

Appendix O: Restoration Advisory Boards (PDF)

Appendix P: Restoration Partnerships (PDF)

Appendix Q: Cost Recovery (PDF)

Appendix R: Sea Disposal of Military Munitions (PDF)


Appendix S: Air Quality (DEP FY06) (PDF)

Appendix T: Water Quality (DEP FY06) (PDF)

Appendix U: Enforcement Actions (DEP FY06) (PDF)

Pollution Prevention

Appendix V: Solid and Hazardous Waste (PDF)

Appendix W: Green Procurement (PDF)

Appendix X: Toxics Release Inventory for Calendar Year 2005 (PDF)

Appendix Y: Ozone-Depleting Substances (PDF)


Appendix Z: References and Index (PDF)

Last Modified: 13 December 2010 at 13:30