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Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) Offices

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Budget Justifications

2013 Budget Justifications

  • FY 2013 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (PDF - 1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (PDF - 1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Bureau of Reclamation (PDF - 9Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Bureau of Land Management (PDF - 9Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Fish and Wildlife Service (PDF - 10Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Indian Affairs (PDF - 6Mbs)
  • FY 2013 National Indian Gaming Commission (PDF - <1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 National Park Services (PDF - 5Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program (PDF - 2Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Office of Inspector General (PDF - <1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Office of Insular Affairs (PDF - 2Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Office of the Secretary Department-Wide Programs (PDF - 5Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Office of the Solicitor (PDF - 1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians (PDF - <1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (PDF - 1Mbs)
  • FY 2013 U. S. Geological Survey (PDF - 5Mbs)
  • FY 2013 Wildland Fire Management (PDF - 1mbs)

2012 Budget Justifications


2011 Budget Justifications

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

2010 Budget Justifications

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

2009 Budget Justifications

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

2008 Budget Justifications

Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies