Reports and Technical Memos

The NOAA Marine Debris Program has a suite of scientific reports for download, including technical memos, topic papers, and workshop summaries.


Cover of the Florida Marine Debris Reduction Guidance Plan

Florida Marine Debris Reduction Guidance Plan

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PDF icon FMDRGP_2017.pdf (26.95 MB)
An Analysis of Marine Debris in the US.

An Analysis of Marine Debris in the US

Cover of the 2017 Accomplishments Report.

Accomplishments Report

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Quantification of Microplastics on National Park Beaches report cover.

Quantification of Microplastics on National Park Beaches

Cover of the 2018 California Ocean Litter Prevention Strategy.

California Ocean Litter Prevention Strategy

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Cover of Ecological and Economic Effects of Derelict Fishing Gear in the Chesapeake Bay report.

Effects of Derelict Fishing Gear in the Chesapeake Bay Assessment Report

Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan.

Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan

Cover of Marine Debris as a Potential Pathway for Invasive Species report.

Marine Debris as a Potential Pathway for Invasive Species

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Cover of the "Assessing Ecological and Economic Effects of Derelict Fishing Gear: A Guiding Framework" report.

Assessing Ecological and Economic Effects of Derelict Fishing Gear: A Guiding Framework

Screen shot of the cover of "Marine Debris Impacts on Coastal and Benthic Habitats" document.

Marine Debris Impacts on Coastal and Benthic Habitats

Screen shot of cover of Modeling Oceanic Transport of Floating Marine Debris document.

Modeling Oceanic Transport of Floating Marine Debris

Entanglement of Marine Species in Marine Debris Report.

Entanglement of Marine Species in Marine Debris with an Emphasis on Species in the United States

Marine debris ingestion report.

Occurrence and Health Effects of Anthropogenic Debris Ingested by Marine Organisms

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Fish caught in a derelict trap.

Impact of “Ghost Fishing“ via Derelict Fishing Gear

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2016-2020 Strategic Plan Cover.

2016-2020 Strategic Plan

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Screen shot of first page of the Best Management Practices for Removal of Debris from Wetlands and Other Intertidal Areas document

Best Management Practices for Removal of Debris from Wetlands and Other Intertidal Areas

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Screen shot of first page of Programmatic Environmental Assessment document.

Marine Debris Program - Programmatic Environmental Assessment

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PDF icon mdp_pea.pdf (4.45 MB)
Marine Debris Economic Study.

Economic study shows marine debris costs California residents millions of dollars

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Severe Marine Debris Event Report: Superstorm Sandy.

Severe Marine Debris Event Report: Superstorm Sandy

Report Cover.

Response to the Misawa Dock on the Washington Coast

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Report Cover

The Honolulu Strategy

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Technical Memoranda

Report Cover

Proceedings of the Workshop on State-level Responses to Abandoned and Derelict Vessels

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PDF icon TM_NOS-ORR_37.pdf (14.88 MB)
Report Cover

Detecting Japan Tsunami Marine Debris at Sea: A Synthesis of Efforts and Lessons-Learned

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Report Cover

Proceedings of the Great Lakes Land-Based Marine Debris Workshop

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Report Cover

Marine Debris Emergency Response Planning in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico

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Report Cover.

NOAA Marine Debris Shoreline Survey Field Guide

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Report Cover

Marine Debris Prevention Projects and Activities in the Republic of Korea and United States

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Report Cover

Proceedings of the Second Research Workshop on Microplastic Marine Debris

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Report Cover

Proceedings of the Workshop on At-sea Detection and Removal of Derelict Fishing Gear

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Monitoring and Assessment Report Cover

Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment: Recommendations for Monitoring Debris Trends in the Marine Environment

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JTMD Proceedings Report Cover

Proceedings of the Japan Tsunami Marine Debris Summary Meeting

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NOAA Submerged Derelict Trap Detection Methods Workshop Report Cover

NOAA Submerged Derelict Trap Detection Methods Workshop

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Report Cover

Proceedings of the International Research Workshop on Microplastic Marine Debris

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Report Cover

Development of the Gulf of Mexico Marine Debris Model

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Report Cover

Technical Proceedings of the Fifth International Marine Debris Conference

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PDF icon TM_NOS-ORR_38.pdf (18.52 MB)
Laboratory Methods for the Analysis of Microplastics in the Marine Environment.

Laboratory Methods for the Analysis of Microplastics in the Marine Environment

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