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Public Meetings and Hearings

JUMP TO: 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 
 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 


March 14, 2013, Board Public Meeting and Hearing on Safety Culture, Emergency Preparedness, and Nuclear Explosive Operations.

  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]


October 2, 2012, Board Public Meeting and Hearing on factors that could affect safety for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) project.

  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Notice of Public Meeting (Updated) [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [PDF]

May 22, 2012, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on Unresolved Technical Safety Issues in the design of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant and DOE’s Implementation Plan - Supplemental Panel Session

  • Notice of Supplemental Panel Session [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [PDF]

March 22, 2012, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on Unresolved Technical Safety Issues in the design of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant and DOE’s Implementation Plan for Board's Recommendation 2011-1.

  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Amended Federal Register Notice - March 8, 2012 [PDF]
  • Session 1 Agenda [PDF]      Session 2 Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript - Session I [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript - Session II [PDF]


November 17, 2011, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on the topic of public and worker health and safety for defense nuclear facilities at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript - Session I [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript - Session II [PDF]

June 16, 2011, Board Public Meeting and Hearing on Public Health and Safety, including that of the Workers, at the Savannah River Site.

  • Board announcement [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [PDF]

May 25, 2011, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on DOE's Implementation of Recommendation 2004-1, Oversight of Complex, High-Hazard Nuclear Operations.

  • Board announcement [PDF]
  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Board intends to reschedule the Public Hearing and Meeting and will publish a Notice of the Rescheduled Date [PDF]
  • Board announcement (Updated) [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]


October 7-8, 2010, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on safety-related aspects of the design and construction of the Department?s Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant at the Hanford Site.

  • Board Announcement [PDF]
  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement to provide written responses to the enclosed questions to be used to prepare for the October 7-8, 2010 WTP public meeting. [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Notification of Change in Location [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]

May 12, 2010, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on DOE's implementation of Recommendation 2004-1

  • Board Announcement [PDF]
  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Presentations
    -Chairman's Opening Statement [PDF]

    Statement of Mr. Glenn Podonsky [PDF]
    Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer,
    U. S. Department of Energy
    -Statement of Thomas P. D’Agostino [PDF]
    Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration
    -Statement of Mr. Richard H. Lagdon, Jr. [PDF]
    Chief of Nuclear Safety,
    Office of the Under Secretary


November 24, 2009, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on Oversight of Complex, High Hazard Nuclear Operations.

  • Board Announcement [PDF]
  • Federal Register Notice [PDF]
  • Board letter providing an outline of topics to be addressed at the public meeting on Recommendation 2004-1. [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Presentations
    -Vice Chairman's Opening Statement [PDF]
    -Statement of Dr. Ines Triay [PDF]
    Assistant Secretary,
    DOE Office of Environmental Management

    Statement of Mr. Glenn Podonsky [PDF]
    Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer,
    U. S. Department of Energy
    -Statement of Garrett Harencak, BRIG GEN, USAF [PDF]
    Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Military Application,
    Office of Defense Programs
    -NNSA Written Reponse to DNFSB Lines of Inquiry [PDF]


December 5, 2008, Board Public Hearing and Meeting regarding the incorporation of safety into the design and construction of new DOE defense nuclear facilities and into modification of existing facilities.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


December 5, 2007, Board Public Hearing and Meeting regarding the safety posture at Los Alamos National Laboratory, including actions taken in response to the Board's letter, dated February 1, 2007, to the Acting Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration.

March 22, 2007, Board third Public Hearing and Meeting regarding the incorporation of safety into the design and construction of new DOE defense nuclear facilities and into modification of existing facilities.


July 19, 2006, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on the incorporation of safety into the design and construction of new and existing Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities.

March 22, 2006, Board Public Meeting regarding NNSA's plans and actions to follow through with improvements in safety management identified prior to, during the suspension, and resumption of operations at DOE defense nuclear facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory.


December 7, 2005, Board Public Hearing and Meeting regarding Safety in Design.


February 27, 2004, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department's plans to address the Board's comments on the proposed 10 CFR 851 rule.

  • Board Announcement [PDF]

February 9, 2004, Board Public Meeting

  • Board Announcement [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]

    Ms. Beverly A. Cook [PDF]
    Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health
    -Comments/Questions [PDF]
    -Final Remarks and Recess [PDF]
    -Attachment: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations
    -Ms. Beverly A. Cook [Bio] [Testimony]
    Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health
    -DOE Management Challenges for 2004 [PDF]
    -DNFSB Lines of Inquiry for February 9, 2004 Hearing [PDF]
    -DNFSB Information Request for February 9, 2004 Hearing [PDF]
    -January 29, 2004, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement for a DOE briefing on DOE plans for addressing the Board's comments on proposed rule 10CFR851, Worker Safety and Health. [PDF]

February 3, 2004, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight.

  • Board Announcement [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]

    Ronald J. Haeckel [PDF]
    Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Military Application
    National Nuclear Security Administration
    -Final Remarks and Recess [PDF]
    -Attachment: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations.
    -Ronald J. Haeckel [Bio] [Testimony] [Summary]
    Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Military Application
    National Nuclear Security Administration
    -DNFSB Lines of Inquiry for February 3, 2004 Hearing [PDF]


December 16, 2003, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight.

  • Board Announcement [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -Board Member Remarks [PDF]
    -Ralph P. Erickson Los Alamos Site Office [PDF]
    -George Peter Nanos, Los Alamos National Laboratory [PDF]
    -Camille C. Yuan-Soo Hoo, Livermore Site Office [PDF]
    -Michael R. Anastasio, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [PDF]
    -Final Remarks and Recess [PDF]
    -Attachment: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations
    -Ralph E. Erickson [Bio] [Testimony]
    Manager, Los Alamos Site Office
    -George Peter Nanos [Bio] [Presentation]
    Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    -Camille C. Yuan-Soo Hoo [Bio] [Presentation]
    Manager, Livermore Site Office
    -Michael R. Anastasio [Bio] [Presentation]
    Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

December 4, 2003, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight

  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -Board Member Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -Jeffrey M. Allison, Savannah River Operations Office [PDF]
    -Robert A. Pedde, Westinghouse Savannah River Company [PDF]
    -Keith A. Klein, Richland Operations Office [PDF]
    - Ronald G. Gallagher, Fluor-Hanford, Inc. [PDF]
    -Roy J. Schepens, Office of River Protection [PDF]
    -Edward S. Aromi, Jr., CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc. [PDF]
    -James P. Henschel, Bechtel National, Inc. [PDF]
    -Frazer R. Lockhart, Rocky Flats Field Office [PDF]
    -Alan M. Parker, Kaiser-Hill Company [PDF]
    -Jessie Roberson, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management [PDF]
    -Final Remarks and Adjourn [PDF]
    -Attachment: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations.
    -Jeffrey M. Allison [Bio] [Presentation] [Testimony]
    Manager, Savannah River Operations Office
    -Robert A. Pedde [Bio] [Presentation]
    President, Westinghouse Savannah River Company
    -Keith A. Klein [Bio] [Presentation]
    Manager, Richland Operations Office
    -Ronald G. Gallagher [Bio] [Presentation]
    President & CEO, Fluor-Hanford, Inc.
    -Roy J. Schepens [Bio] [Presentation] [Testimony]
    Manager, Office of River Protection
    -Edward S. Aromi, Jr. [Bio] [Presentation]
    President & General Manager, CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc.
    -James P. Henschel [Bio] [Presentation]
    Project Director, Bechtel National, Inc.
    -Frazer R. Lockhart [Bio] [Presentation]
    Technology Site Manager, Rocky Flats Field Office
    -Alan M. Parker [Bio] [Presentation]
    President & CEO, Kaiser-Hill Company

December 3, 2003, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight

  • Board announcement of a series of Public Meetings regarding the Department of Energy's oversight scheduled for December 3 and December 4, 2003 at 9:00 A.M. at the DNFSB Headquarters. [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board lines of inquiry for the December 3 & 4, 2003 public meetings. [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -Board Member Remarks [PDF]
    -Daniel E.Glenn, Manager, Pantex Site Office [PDF]
    -Michael B. Mallory, General Manager, BWXT Pantex, LLC. [PDF]
    -William J. Brumley, Manager, Y-12 Site Office [PDF]
    -Dennis R. Ruddy, General Manager, BWXT Y-12, LLC. [PDF]
    -William L. Hicks, Member of the Public [PDF]
    -Attachment: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations.
    -Daniel E.Glenn [Bio] [Testimony]
    Manager, Pantex Site Office
    -Michael B. Mallory [Bio] [Testimony]
    General Manager, BWXT Pantex, LLC.
    -William J. Brumley [Bio] [Testimony]
    Manager, Y-12 Site Office
    -Dennis R. Ruddy [Bio] [Testimony] [Presentation]
    General Manager, BWXT Y-12, LLC.
    -William L. Hicks [Testimony]
    Member of the Public

October 23, 2003, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight.

  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [One Page Summary]
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -Lessons Learned from the Aerospace Industry [PDF]
    -Board Questions and Answers [PDF]
    -Final Remarks and Recess [PDF]
    -Attachment 1: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
    -Attachment 2: Columbia Accident Investigation Report [Link]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations.
    -Lessons Learned from the Aerospace Industry
    John L. Barry, USAF, Board Member, Columbia Accident Investigation Board
    [Presentations] [Bio]

October 21, 2003, Board Public Meeting regarding the Department of Energy's oversight.

  • Board announcement of a series of Public Meetings regarding the Department of Energy's oversight scheduled for October 21 and October 23, 2003 at 9:00 A.M. at the DNFSB Headquarters. [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [One Page Summary]
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -DOE Safety Oversight Policy, Practices, and Implementation [PDF]
    -NNSA Safety Oversight Policy, Practices, and Implementation [PDF]
    -ESE Safety Oversight Policy, Practices, and Implementation [PDF]
    -DOE Independent Safety Oversight [PDF]
    -Public Comments [PDF]
    -Final Remarks and Recess [PDF]
    -Attachment 1: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
    -Attachment 2: Kyle E. McSlarrow, Deputy Secretary of Energy [PDF]
    -Attachment 3: Linton Brooks, Administrator National Nuclear Security Administration [PDF]
    -Attachment 4: Robert G. Card Under Secretary of Energy Science and Environment [PDF]
    -Attachment 5: Examples of Federal Intervention [PDF]
    -Attachment 6: Glenn Podonsky Director, Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations
    -DNFSB Staff Remarks
    Jim McConnell, Deputy Technical Director [PDF]
    -DOE Safety Oversight Policy, Practices, and Implementation
    Kyle McSlarrow, Deputy Secretary of Energy
    Testimony: [PDF]
    -NNSA Safety Oversight Policy, Practices, and Implementation
    Linton Brooks Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration
    Testimony: [PDF]
    -ESE Safety Oversight Policy, Practices, and Implementation
    Bob Card, Under Secretary of Energy, Science and Environment
    Testimony: [PDF]   Slides: [PDF]
    -DOE Independent Safety Oversight
    Glenn Podonsky, Director, Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance
    Testimony: [PDF]    Slides: [PDF]

September 10, 2003, Board Public Hearing and Meeting on the Department of Energy's oversight.

  • Board announcement [PDF]
  • Agenda [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Transcript [One Page Summary]
    -Board Opening Remarks [PDF]
    -Naval Reactors Approach to Oversight [PDF]
    -Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approach to Oversight [PDF]
    -Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Davis-Besse Lessons Learned [PDF]
    -Public Comments by the Government Accountability Project [PDF]
    -Attachment A: Opening Remark of Chairman Conway [PDF]
    -Attachment B: Letter to Admiral Frank Bowman from Chairman Conway [PDF]
    -Attachment C: Letter to Secretary Abraham from Chairman Conway [PDF]
  • Board Public Meeting Speaker Presentations
    -Opening Remarks from Jim McConnell,
    The Deputy Technical Director for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board [PDF]
    -Naval Sea Systems Command Oversight [PDF]
    -Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reactor Nuclear Oversight Process [PDF]
    -Lessons Learned from Nuclear Power Industry [PDF]

August 2003, Columbia Accident Investigation Report Volume I

-Intro/Summary [PDF]
-Accident Description [PDF]
-Accident Causes [PDF]
-Path Forward [PDF]
-Whole Report [PDF]


September 26, 2002, Board Public Meeting on defense nuclear activities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  • Board announcement [PDF]


August 15, 2001, Board Public Meeting on Quality Assurance.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

May 23, 2001, Board Public Meeting on Quality Assurance.

May 28, 2001, Board Public Meeting on Quality Assurance.

February 22, 2001, Board Public Meeting on Recommendations 95-2, 98-1, and 2000-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

February 13, 2001, Board Public Meeting on Recommendation 95-2, 98-1, 2000-1, and 2000-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


November 30, 2000, Board Public Meeting relative to Savannah River Site.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

May 31, 2000, Board Public Meeting on Recommendations 95-2 and 98-1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

April 5, 2000, Board Public Meeting relative to Y-12 Plant.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

February 9, 2000, Board Public Meeting relative to the Pantex Plant.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

January 20, 2000, Board Public Meeting on Recommendations 95-2 and 98-1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


December 8, 1999, Board Public Meeting review DOE's progress on the stabilization and clean-up activities at the Hanford site1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

September 29, 1999, Board Public Meeting on the status of progress of activities associated with the Department's implementation plans for the Board's recommendations 95-2 and 98-1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

September 9, 1999, Board Public Meeting regarding the status of the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 94-1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

May 25, 1999, Board Public Meeting regarding the status of the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 94-1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

February 3, 1999, Board Public Meeting regarding Recommendations 95-2 and 93-3.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


September 22, 1998, Board Public Meeting regarding Recommendations 95-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

August 5, 1998, Board Public Meeting regarding Recommendations 93-5.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

August 4, 1998, Board Public Meeting regarding Recommendations 92-4.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

June 24, 1998, Board Public Meeting regarding Recommendations 95-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

June 2, 1998, Board Public Meeting regarding Recommendations 94-1.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

May 7, 1998, Board Public Meeting on the status of Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 94-1.

  • Board rescheduling the Public Meeting to May 7, 1998.
  • Board announcement [PDF] 

March 24, 1998, Board Public Meeting on Department of Energy's progress report on activities associated with the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 95-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


October 23, 1997, Board Public Meeting on Department of Energy's progress report on activities associated with the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 95-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

May 28-29, 1997, Board Public Meeting on Department of Energy's progress report on activities associated with the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 95-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

April 16, 1997, Board Public Meeting on status of Department of Energy's Implementation Plan for Recommendation 95-2.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


March 11, 1996, Board Public Meeting on Safety Issues Related to Commencement of Radioactive Sludge Operations at DWPF (SRS).

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

January 23, 1996, Board Public Meeting to review Department progress on issues related to recommendation 93-3.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 


December 6, 1995, Board Public Meeting on Status of Public Health and Safety Issues Pertaining to Safety in Defense Nuclear Research and Development Activities at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

November 7, 1995, Board Public Meeting on the status of public health and safety issues pertaining to K-East Basin activities at the Hanford Site.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

September 20, 1995, Board Public Meeting on the status of public health and safety issues pertaining to K-East Basin activities at the Hanford Site.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

July 18, 1995, Board Public Meeting on the Department's standards-based safety management program.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 

February 13, 1995, Board Public Meeting on DOE Plutonium Vulnerability Study.

  • Board announcement [PDF] 
U.S. Department of Energy   l    1000 Independence Avenue, SW   l    Washington, DC 20585   l    1.800.dial.DOE
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