Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials U.S. Department of Energy

Nanophotonics Staff

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Gary Wiederrecht, Group Leader, Chemist
Phone: 630.252.4586, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Research in ultrafast excitation processes of plasmons and their interactions with organic molecular excitations
  • Explore new microscopies with spatial resolution below the diffraction limit
  • Study parallel near-field optical lithographies to create hybrid nanostructures over large areas

David Gosztola, Scientist
Phone: 630.252.3541, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., Purdue University
  • Research involves the development of laser-based instrumentation for investigating the interaction of light with nanoscale materials

Hayk Harutyunyan, Distinguished Postdoc (Supervisor, Gary Wiederrecht)
Phone: 630.252.3723, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

Yongxing Hu, Director's Postdoc (Supervisor, Yugang Sun)
Phone: 630.252.5286, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

Shengye Jin, Postdoc (Supervisor, Gary Wiederrecht)
Phone: 630.252.2981, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

Zheng Li, Postdoc (Supervisor, Yugang Sun)
Phone: 630.252.2788, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

Matt Pelton, Physicist
Phone: 630.252.4598, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., Stanford University
  • Research focuses on the new physical phenomena that can arise when light interacts with nanomaterials

Richard Schaller, Scientist
Phone: 630.252.1423, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
  • Current research focuses on optical experimental investigations of the electronic structure of quantum confined semiconductor materials, excitonic energy relaxation and dissipation, exciton fine structure, generation and fate of multiple electron-hole pairs, and charge manipulation.

Norbert Scherer, Senior Scientist with Argonne (Joint Appointment)
Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Chicago
Phone: 773.702.7069, Fax: 773.702.0805, E-mail:

Yugang Sun, Scientist
Phone: 630.252.3716, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China
  • Research focuses on design and synthesis/fabrication of functional nanostructures made of metals, semiconductors, oxides, and their hybrids and composites

Stefan Vajda, Chemist
Phone: 630.252.8123, Fax: 630.252.4954, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., Charles University, Prague
  • Research interest is in the area of physical and chemical properties of size-selected clusters and materials assembled of clusters
  • Adjunct professor, Yale University

Michael Wasielewski, Senior Scientist with Argonne (Joint Appointment)
Professor, Chemistry Department, Northwestern University
Phone: 847.467.1423 , Fax: 847.467.1425, E-mail:

Eva Stringer, Group Secretary
Phone: 630.252.6889, Fax: 630.252.4646, E-mail:

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The Center for Nanoscale Materials is an Office of Science User Facility operated for
the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory