Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials U.S. Department of Energy

CNM Management

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Amanda K. Petford-Long, Division Director
Phone: 630.252.5480, Fax: 630.252.6866, E-mail:

  • D.Phil., University of Oxford
  • Argonne Distinguished Fellow
  • 25 years experience in transmission electron microscopy applied to magnetic and optical nanostructures
  • Current research interests are in structure-property correlations in ferroic nanostructures, and in use of in situ TEM techniques to understand domain and transport behavior in these materials

Andreas Roelofs, Deputy Division Director and Industrial Relations Liaison
Phone: 630.252.2504, Fax: 630.252.6866, E-mail:

  • Dr. rer. nat., RWTH Aachen, Germany
  • Research interests include ferroic thin films and nanoparticles as well as dielectric thin films exhibiting resistivity-switching properties; development of micro-machined-electro-mechanical devices actuated by piezoelectric thin films (piezo-MEMS); and development and enhancement of scanning probe microscopy techniques applicable to nanomaterials.
  • 10 U.S. patents, 6 patent applications pending; authored or coauthored over 30 scientific journal articles, proceedings, and book chapters.

Deborah O'Rourke, Assistant Division Director
Phone: 630.252.3810, Fax: 630.252.6866, E-mail:

Sam Bader, Chief Scientist
Phone: 630.252.4960, Fax: 630.252.5219, E-mail:

  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
  • Argonne Distinguished Fellow
  • Application of nanotechnology to create novel permanent magnets (spring magnets); exploration of laterally confined nanomagnets; development of magnetic electronics; bio-inspired self-assembly of magnetic nanostructures; magnetic surfaces, films, wedges and superlattices, including hybrid structures, such as novel ferromagnetic-superconducting multilayers; giant magnetoresistance and exchange-coupled magnetic multilayers; colossal magnetoresistance in naturally layered manganites

Rachel Mirelez, Secretary to the Associate Director
Phone: 630.252.4651, Fax: 630.252.6866, E-mail:

Laurie Eichberger, Executive Secretary
Phone: 630.252.7570, Fax: 630.252.6866, E-mail:

Kathy Vanoskey, Administrative Secretary
Phone: 630.252.4106, Fax: 630.252.6866, E-mail:

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The Center for Nanoscale Materials is an Office of Science User Facility operated for
the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory