Goddard Space Flight Center
           Pressroom - NASA Fact Sheets Pressroom Page Media Page           

Browse this collection of fact sheets on space and earth sciences at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The NASA Goddard fact sheets are divided into the following categories:

General Information

Space Science

Earth Science


HST Servicing Mission 3A Fact Sheets 

Additional Earth Science Fact Sheet resource

Factsheets are available in three file types:  HTML, PDF and Postscript - Where noted -



Document Number/ 
Document Title PDF Postscript
FS-2002-04-041-GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center (Updated 2003) 207KB N/A
FS-2002-2-038-GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center Missions for 2004 - 2006
(Updated 2004)
500KB N/A
FS-2000-8-001-GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt) Facilities Master Plan 2.77 Mb N/A
FS-1999 (01)-003 GSFC NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
The First Forty Years
85N/A N/A
  ASTRO - ASTRO Mission Objectives N/A N/A


Coqui Dos - Suborbital Rocket 

Coqui Dos - Spanish Version



FS-2001-03-017-GSFC Goddard - Robert H. Goddard: American Rocket Pioneer N/A N/A
  Hitchhiker - The Hitchhiker Project N/A N/A
  ROMPS - Robot Operated Materials Processing System (ROMPS)  N/A N/A
  Satellites - Satellites  N/A N/A
  Satellites - Application Satellites  N/A N/A
  Scout - NASA's Scout Launch Vehicle  N/A N/A
FS-1999-06-021-GSFC NASA Sounding Rockets 73KB N/A
FS-2001-9-025-GFSC TDRS-H, -I, -J - New Tracking and Data Relay Satellites to Help Replenish Existing On-Orbit Fleet 521.5 Kbytes NA
  TDRSS - The Era of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System N/A N/A
April 1995 Wallops - Flight Facility 1945-1995 N/A N/A
FS-1998 (07)-015-GSFC Wallops - NASA's Ballon Program N/A N/A

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Document Number/ 
Document Title PDF Postscript
June 2002 CONTOUR - Looking at the heart of a comet 608 Kbytes N/A
FS-2001-09-026-GSFC TIMED - Exploring One of the Atmosphere's Last Frontiers 93.1 Kbytes N/A
FS-2001-05-21-GSFC RHESSI - Exploring the Most Powerful Explosions in the Solar System 506.8 Kbytes N/A
NP-1997-12-049-GCPS MAP - Project Office fact sheet 753 Kb  
May 2001 MAP - Microwave Anistropy Probe is part of the Explorers Program to probe conditions in the early universe. MAP measures temperature differences ("anisotropy") in the cosmic microwave background radiation. N/A N/A
November 2000 SAC-C -  is an international cooperative mission to provide multispectral imaging of terrestrial and coastal environments N/A  
FS-2000-7-008-GSFC Cluster II- Earth's Magnetic Field Stands Off the Solar Wind 95 Kbytes  
  HETE-2  - HETE 2 Will Find Titanic Explosions at the Edge of the Cosmos N/A  
FS-2000-2-001-GSFC Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE)Exploring Earth's Inner Magnetosphere 271 Kbytes  
FS-1999-06-009-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - New Advanced Computer 382 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-010-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Crew Aids and Tools 125 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-011-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Fine Guidance Sensor 188 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-012-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Gyroscopes 626 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-013-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - A New Thermal Blanket Layer 39N/A  
FS-1999-06-014-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - S-Band Single Access Transmitter 721 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-015-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Solid State Recorder 9N/A  
FS-1999-06-016-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Voltage/Temperature Improvement Kit 193 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-017-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Service Call to Hubble 303 KBytes  
FS-1999-06-018-GSFC HST Servicing Mission 3A - Space Telescope Operations Control Center 19 KBytes  
  Text Only version of the above HST Servicing Mission 3A Fact Sheets    
FS-96(11)-023-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Cost to Taxpayers 32 KBytes N/A
FS-96(12)-025-GSFC HST - Hubble Space Telescope Second Servicing Mission (SM-2)  16N/A N/A
FS-96(11)-021-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) NASA Prepares for 1997 Mission  128 KBytes N/A
FS-96(11)-022-GSFC  HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Science Objectives 16N/A N/A
FS-97(01)-001-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Hubble Space Telescope Operations Control Center 512 KBytes N/A
FS-96(12)-024-GSFC  HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Astronauts Prepare for Spacewalks  352 KBytes N/A
FS-96(04)-007-GSFC  HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) N/A N/A
FS-96(03)-003-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Near Infrared Camera (NICMOS)  N/A N/A
FS-96(03)-004-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) N/A N/A
FS-96(04)-008-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Solid State Recorder (SSR) N/A N/A
FS-96(03)-005-GSFC HST - Second Servicing Mission (SM-2) Tools and Crew Aids N/A N/A
  EUVE - EUVE: Probing a newly opened window N/A N/A
FS-98(10)-018-GSFC EXPLORERS:   Searching the Universe Forty Years Later 411KBytes  
  FAST- FAST Satellite Probes Mysteries of the Aurora N/A N/A
FS-1999 (03)-008-GSFC FUSE - Will Further "Explore" the Big Bang N/A N/A
  GAS - NASA's Get Away Specials N/A N/A
  GRO - Gamma-Ray Observatory: Exploring The Mysteries of Time N/A N/A
  Hale-Bopp Comet - Hale-Bopp Comet  N/A N/A
  IUE - The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) N/A N/A
  ISTP - ISTP Unites Scientists for Study of Sun-Earth Interaction N/A N/A
  LAGEOS - LAGEOS: A tool for Understanding Our Constantly Changing Earth  N/A N/A
  POLAR - Polar Satellite Will Study Effects of Solar Plasma N/A N/A
  SAC-B - Satellite de Aplicaciones Cientificas (SAC-B) N/A N/A
  SAMPEX - Solar, Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX)  N/A N/A
FS-1998-09-022-GSFC SPARTAN - 201-05 To Fly on STS-95 12 KBytes 103 KB
FS-1998-08-017-GSFC SPARTAN - The Spartan Project Develops New Carriers 44 KBytes 249 KB
FS-1998(01)-002-GSFC SMEX - Small Explorer (SMEX) Program 219 KB 813 KB
  SWAS - SWAS Spacecraft Probes Mysteries of Star Formation  N/A N/A
FS-1998(01)-001-GSFC TRACE - Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) 
Exploring the Upper Regions of the Solar Atmosphere
53 KB 1.3 MB
  UIT - Goddard's Ultraviolet Imageing Telescope  N/A N/A
  WIND - WIND Spacecraft to Study Solar Breeze N/A N/A
FS-1999-01-001-GSFC WIRE - Wide Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE):  Surveying Starburst Galaxies 135KB 1.1MB
  XTE - X-Ray Timing Explorer Clocks High-Energy Universe N/A N/A

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Additional Earth Science Fact Sheet resource

Document Number/
Document Title PDF (Bytes K) Postscript (MB)
June 2002 NOAA-M-Continues Polar Orbiting... 127.7 Kbytes
June 2001  Solar X-Ray Imager 198K  
May 2001 GOES Fact Sheet 472 K  
May 2001 COSPAS - SARSAT Search and Rescue Litho 399K  
May 2001 GOES Lithograph of Hurricane Floyd 489K  
April 1999 GOES - Scientists See More Than Weather in Images From GOES    
FS-1999-08-028-GSFC TERRA-The Earth Observing System (EOS) AM-1 66Kbytes  
February 1999 TERRA - The Roles of the Ocean in Climate Change 176 Kbytes  
February 1999 TERRA - Earth's Energy Balance 9N/A  
February 1999 TERRA - Changing Global Land Surface 439 Kbytes  
February 1999 TERRA - Changing Global Cloudiness 28N/A  
February 1999 TERRA - Aerosols


FS-1998-03-008-GSFC NOAAK- NASA's Role as Development Agent for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental (NOAA-K) Satellite 67 KBytes  4.0KBytes
  EOS- The Greenhouse Effect N/A  
  GOES- NASA's Role as Development Agent for GOES (I-M) Satellites N/A  
  LAGEOS- Plate Tectonics: Looking at our Ever-Changing Earth N/A  
FS-1999(03)-004-GSFC LANDSAT - The Landsat Satellites: Unique National Assets 110 KB 2.1 KB


The Earth Science Enterprise Series

The Earth Science Enterprise Series of NASA Fact Sheets was produced in an effort to educate the general public on the major issues and natural phenomena
that scientists will be studying using data provided by the Earth Observing System. With this data, we hope to gain a greater understanding of how the Earth
works as a system.

Document Number/ 
Document Title PDF (Bytes K) Postscript (MB)
FS-1998-10-119-GSFC NASA’S Earth Science Enterprise and the Goddard Space Flight Center 183 KBytes 14 MBytes
  Earth Observing System (EOS) Spacecraft and Instruments N/A N/A
  Earth Observing System (EOS) Understanding Planet Earth N/A N/A
  Clouds and the Energy Cycle (April 1998) (NF-207) 109 KBytes N/A
  El Ni�o (May 1998) (NF-211) 11N/A N/A
  Global Warming (April 1998) (NF-222) 61 KBytes N/A
  Biosphere (April 1998) (NF-223) 232 KBytes N/A
  Polar Ice (April 1998) (NF-212) 93 KBytes N/A
  Volcanoes and Global Climate Change (April 1998) (NF-220) 104 KBytes N/A
  NASA Earth Science Enterprise Images and Video via the World Wide Web (May 1998) (FS-1998-02-007-GSFC) 49 KBytes  
  Ozone (April 1998) (NF-198) 82 KBytes N/A
  MTPE- Mission to Planet Earth: Space Based Missions, 1997-2000 N/A N/A
  OZONE- NASA's Ozone Studies N/A N/A
FS-97 (03)-004-GSFC SeaWiFS- Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor N/A N/A
  SSBUV- Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) Instrument N/A N/A
September 22, 1997 TOMS- Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer/Earth Probe N/A N/A
FS-1997(03)-003-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission N/A N/A
FS-1997(10)-012-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, From Rain Gauges to Radar: A History of Rainfall Measurement 39 KB 289 KB
FS-1997(10)-013-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Climate and Disease 39 KB 283 KB
FS-1997(10)-014-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Heat Transport and Global Atmospheric Circulation 40 KB 284 KB
FS-1997(10)-015-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, An International Effort 54 KB 284 KB
FS-1997(10)-016-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, El Nino Forecasting 54 KB 284 KB
FS-1997(10)-017-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Improving the Accuracy of Estimating Climate Change 53 KB 284 KB
FS-1997(10)-018-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, A Rain Gauge in Space 54 KB 233 KB
FS-1997(10)-020-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System 72 KB 475 KB
FS-1997(10)-021-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Visible Infrared Scanner 72 KB 2065 KB
FS-1997(10)-022-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Precipitation Radar 61 KB 192 KB
FS-1997(10)-023-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Microwave Imager 46 KB 52 KB
FS-1997(10)-024-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, Lightning Imaging Sensor 72 KB 192 KB
FS-1998-05-009-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission - Anatomy of a Storm: The Differences between Tropical and Mid-Latitude Storms 72 KB  
FS-1998-05-010-GSFC TRMM- Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission- Why We Study Tropical Rainfall 72 KB 192 KB
January 94 UARS- Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) N/A N/A

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Document Number/ 
Document Title PDF (Bytes K) Postscript (MB)
FS-2001-9-025-GSFC TDRS-H,I,J    
November 1996 Lewis and Clark N/A N/A

For more information on these subjects, try the Goddard Technical Report Server (GTRS). The GTRS contains detailed information about Technical Reports
authored by members of the scientific and technical community at the Goddard Space Flight Center.

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We are interested in what you think, so please send us your comments.

Curator: Lynn Jenner

Last Revised: January 07, 2003