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Federal Register Notices for NAAQS (Title I) - Proposed and Final Preambles and Rules

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Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants: New Source Performance Standards: Final Rule 04-16-09 federal register file
Aerosol Coatings: National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards: Proposed Amendments 03-26-09 federal register file
Predictive Emission Monitory System in Stationary Sources: Performance Specification 16: Final Rule 03-16-09 federal register file
Stationary Combustion Turbines: New Source Performance Standards: Direct Final Rule 03-16-09 federal register file
Particulate Matter Emissions Measurements from Stationary Sources: Methods 201A and Method 202: Proposed Rule 03-16-09 federal register file
Final Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds: Exclusion of Propylene Carbonate and Dimethyl Carbonate 01-13-09 federal register file
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings – Withdrawl of Direct Final Rule 12-19-08 federal register file
Petroleum Refineries: New Source Performance Standards: Proposed Amendments 12-12-08 federal register file
Petroleum Refineries: New Source Performance Standards: Interim Final Stay Extension for Certain Provisions 12-12-08 federal register file
Petroleum Refineries: New Source Performance Standards: Direct Final Stay Extension for Certain Provisions 12-12-08 federal register file
Petroleum Refineries: New Source Performance Standards: Parallel Proposed Stay Extension for Certain Provisions 12-12-08 federal register file
Proposed Amendments to New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Hospital, Medical, and Infectious Waste Incinerators – Proposed Rule 11-14-08 PDF file
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings – Amendments to Extend Compliance Date – Direct-Final Rule 10-31-08 PDF file
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings – Amendments to Extend Compliance Date – Parallel Proposal 10-31-08 PDF file
Revised Schedule for Submitting Exceptional Event Data to Support Initial Area Designations for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS: Direct Final Rule And Proposal – Direct Final Rule 09-30-08 PDF file
Revised Schedule for Submitting Exceptional Event Data to Support Initial Area Designations for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS: Direct Final Rule And Proposal – Parallel Proposal 09-30-08 PDF file
Consumer and Commercial Products, Group IV: Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Miscellaneous Metal Products Coatings, Plastic Parts Coatings, Auto and Light-Duty Truck Assembly Coatings, Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials, and Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives – Final Rule 09-30-08 PDF file
Performance Specifications for Continuous Monitoring Systems: Emissions Monitoring: Proposed Rule 09-21-08 PDF file
Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacuring: Area Source Air Toxics Standards: Proposed Rule 09-19-08 PDF file
Consumer & Commercial Products, Group IV: Control Technique Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Misc. Metal Products Coatings, Plastic Parts, Auto & Light-Duty Truck Assembly Coatings, Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing, Materials and Misc. Industrial Adhesives: Proposed Rule 07-03-08 PDF file
Update of Continuous Instrumental Test Methods: Technical Amendments – Final Rule 05-15-08 federal register file
New Source Performance Standards for Petroleum Refineries – Final Amendments 04-30-08 federal register file
NOx SIP Call Phase II -Final Rule to Remove Georgia from the NOx SIP Call Requirements – Final Rule 04-16-08 federal register file
Proposed Revisions to the Coal Preparation Plants New Source Performance Standards - Proposed Rule 04-16-08 federal register file
Proposed Revisions to New Source Performance Standards for Nonmetallic Minerals Processing Plants - Proposed Rule 04-16-08 federal register file
National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings - Final Rule 11-16-07 federal register file
Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry and Petroleum Refineries - Final Rule 11-08-07 federal register file
Update of Continuous Instrumental Test Methods: Technical Amendments - Withdrawl of Direct Final Rule 11-01-07 federal register file
Consumer and Commercial Products: Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings; Metal Furniture Coatings; and Large Appliance Coatings: Final Rule 09-28-07 federal register file
Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds: Exclusion of Compounds: Proposed Rule 09-25-07 federal register file
Consumer and Commercial Products -- Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations for Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings; Metal Furniture Coatings; and Large Appliance Coatings: Proposed Determination 06-29-07 PDF file
Consumer and Commercial Products -- Control Techniques Guidelines for Aerosol Coatings National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards: Proposed Rule 06-29-07 PDF file
General Provisions: Air Toxics Emissions – Unavoidable Performance Test Delays: Final Rule 05-10-07 federal register file
Ambient Air Monitoring Regulations: Corrections and Other Amendments: Proposed Rule 04-30-07 federal register file
Treatment of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data Influenced by Exceptional Events: Final Rule 03-14-07 federal register file
Treatment of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data Influenced by Exceptional Events: Proposed Rule 03-01-06 federal register file
Analyses of Event-Flagged Criteria Pollutant Data: Memo 03-01-06 PDF file
HFE-7399 Exemption as a Volatile Organic Compound: Proposed Rule: 02-03-06 federal register file
Air Emissions Reporting Rule: Preamble and Rule 12-22-05 federal register file
Metadata file California State Implementation Plan and Definition of Volatile Organic Compound: Removal of VOC Exemptions for CA's Aerosol Coating Products Reactivity-based Regulation: Final Rule 09-02-05 federal register file
Metadata file Limiting the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Soliciting Comments, Data and Information 08-24-05 federal register file
Metadata file Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems: Performance Specification 16 and Amendments to Testing and Monitoring Provisions: Proposed Amendments 07-26-05 federal register file
Metadata file Reconsideration of Final Rule to Implement the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS - Phase 1: Final Action: Federal Register Notice 05-20-05 federal register file
Metadata file New Source Review: Reconsideration of Implementation Under 8-Hour-Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Proposed Action 03-25-05 federal register file
Metadata file NOx SIP Call: Stay of the Findings of Significant Contriubtion and Rulemaking for GA: Proposed Rule 2-15-05 federal register file
Metadata file Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds--Exclusion of t-Butyl Acetate 2-1-05 federal register file
Metadata file Implementation of the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS: Phase I Implementation: Reconsideration, Proposed rule, Notice of public hearing 01-27-05 federal register file
Metadata file Early Action Compact Areas: Deferral of Effective Date of Nonattainment Designations for National 8-Hour Ozone Air Quality Standards: Proposed Rule and Corrections 6-21-04 federal register fileRule federal register fileCorrection
Metadata file Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules: Phase II: Final Rule 4-20-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Prevention of Significant Deterioration: Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans: Final Rule 3-9-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Air Quality Proposed Rule: Additional Inadvertent Errors: Memo 3-9-04 PDF file
Metadata file Interstate Air Quality Proposed Rule: Inadvertent Errors: Memo 3-9-04 PDF file
Metadata file Interstate Air Quality: Reducing Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone: Proposed Rule 1-21-04 PDF file  
Metadata file Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Non-Attainment New Source Review: Equipment Replacement Provision of the Routine Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Exclusion: Final Rule 11-7-03 federal register file
Metadata file Exclusion of 4 Chemical Compounds from Control as Volatile Organic Compounds: Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds: Proposed Rule 9-4-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Guideline to Air Quality Models: Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51 and Corrections 6-5-03 federal register file federal register file
Metadata file 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Implementation: Proposed Rule 5-15-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Rule: Proposed Withdrawal Provision 4-14-03 PDF file  
Metadata file National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Particulate Matter Monitor Collocation Requirements: Direct Final Rule with Parallel Proposal 1-7-03 PDF file  
Metadata file Municipal Waste Combustion Units: Federal Plan Requirements for Small MWC Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999: Final Rule 12-24-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone: 1-Hour Standard: Proposed Stay of Revocation Authority 12-20-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Ozone: National Ambient Air Quality Standards: Final Response to Remand 12-19-02 federal register file
Metadata file Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators: Emission Guidelines: Federal Plan 11-19-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Consolidated Emissions Reporting: Final Rule 6-20-02 federal register file
Metadata file Response to Court Remand on NOx SIP Call and Section 126 Rule: Notice 4-29-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Rule: Revised Deadlines: Final Rule 4-29-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Revisions to Regional Haze Rule: Incorporating Sulfur Dioxide Milestones and Backstop Emissions Trading Program for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes Within that Geographic Area: Proposed Rule 4-26-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Ozone Transport: Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions from New York and Connecticut Regarding Sources in Michigan; Revision of Definition of Applicable Requirement for Title V Operating Permit Programs: Proposed Amendments 2-25-02 PDF file  
Metadata file Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules: Proposed Amendments 2-25-02 PDF file  
Metadata file National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone: Proposed Response to Court Remand of 8-hour Standard 11-14-01 federal register file
Metadata file Ozone Transport Cases: Availability of Documents in Response to the Remands Concerning the Method for Computing Growth for Electric Generating Units: Notice of Data Availiability 8-9-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units: Federal Plan for Units Constructed on or before Aug. 30, 1999: Proposed Rule 7-26-01 federal register file
Metadata file Regional Haze: Guidelines for Best Available Retrofit Technology Determinations: Proposed Amendment to Regional Haze Rule 6-22-01 federal register file
Metadata file St. Louis 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Status: Proposed Delay of Effective Date 3-16-01 PDF file  
Metadata file St. Louis 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Status: Final Determination and Reclassification 3-16-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Findings of Failure to Submit Required State Implementation Plans for the NOx SIP Call: Final Rule 1-26-01 html file
Metadata file National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Proposed Response to Court Remand of 8-hour Standard 1-19-01 PDF file  
Metadata file Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units: Standards of Performance for New Sources and Emission Guidelines for Existing Sources: Final Air Toxics Rule 11-17-00 federal register file
Metadata file Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators: Federal Plan Requirements for Incinerators Constructed on or Before June 20, 1996: Final Rule 8-15-00 federal register file  
Metadata file 1-Hour Ozone Standard: Reinstatement: Final Rule, Part 81 Table 7-17-00 PDF file  
Metadata file 1-Hour Ozone Standard: Reinstatement: Final Rule 7-6-00 PDF file  
Metadata file NOx SIP Call: Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone: Technical Amendment. 5-9-00 federal register file
Metadata file NOx SIP Call: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport: Stay of 8-Hour Portion. 5-9-00 PDF file  
Metadata file Architectural Coatings National VOC Rule Amendment 5-4-00 federal register file
Metadata file Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Final Rule 12-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Table of Pending Petitions 12-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Summaries of affected facilities, by state 12-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Summary Chart 12-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Chart of Petitions Granted 12-17-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units: Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources and Emission Guidelines for Existing Sources: Proposed Rule 11-18-99 federal register file
Metadata file Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Federal Plan Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills that Began Construction Prior to May 30, 1991 and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since May 30, 1991 11-16-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Reinstatement of the 1-Hour Standard for Ground-Level Ozone (Smog): Proposed Rule 10-21-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Exclusion of T-Butyl Acetate from Volatile Organic Compound Definition: Proposed Rule 10-8-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Municipal Waste Combusters: New Source Performance Standards for Small Units -- Proposed Rule 8-16-99 federal register file
Metadata file Municipal Waste Combusters:Emission Guidelines for Small Units -- Proposed Rule 8-16-99 federal register file
Metadata file Final Rule - Air Quality Index 7-23-99 federal register file
Metadata file Final Regional Haze Rule: Federal Register version 7-2-99 PDF file
Metadata file EPA response to petition filed by Citizens for Clean Air and Water on reactivation of Entergy Louisiana, Inc.'s Monroe Power Plant 6-15-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Determination That 1-Hour Ground-level Ozone Standard No Longer Applies for Seven Areas 6-9-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Determination That 1-Hour Ground-level Ozone Standard No Longer Applies for Ten Areas 6-9-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport: Final Rule 5-3-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport: Figures 5-3-99 zip file
Metadata file Final Regional Haze Regulations for Protection of Visibility in National Parks and Wilderness Areas 4-23-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Regional Haze Regulations for Protection of Visibility in National Parks and Wilderness Areas: Preamble 4-22-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Complete Visibility Protection Rules, including 4-22-99 Final Regional Haze Rule 4-22-99 federal register file
Metadata file History of Regional Haze Rule Development: Timeline 4-22-99 PDF file
Metadata file Milestones for State Implementation of the Regional Haze Rule: Timeline 4-22-99 PDF file
Metadata file Federal Class I Areas: Map 4-22-99 gif file pre file
Metadata file Haze -- How Air Pollution Affects the View: Brochure 4-22-99 PDF file
Metadata file Direct final revisions to monitoring method for Fine Particulate Matter 4-13-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed revisions to monitoring method for Fine Particulate Matter 4-13-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Electric ARC Furnace NSPS Amendment--Rule and Preamble 3-2-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Record Keeping and Reporting Burden Reduction 2-9-99 PDF file  
Metadata file February 2-3, 1999, Meeting on NSR Reform in Washington, DC 1-22-99 PDF file
Metadata file 2007 Seasonal and Daily VMT and Emissions By County 1-21-99 html file
Metadata file Ambient Air Quality Surveillance for Lead 1-20-99 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Rule - Identification of Additional Ozone Areas Attaining the 1-hr. Std. and to Which the 1-hr. Std. is No Longer Applicable 12-10-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Federal Plan Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills that Commenced Construction Prior to May 30, 1991 and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since May 30, 1991 12-9-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Air Quality Index Reporting 12-4-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Appendix J to Part 60 -- How to Determine Henry's Law Constants, Fm Values, Fr Values, and Fe Values for Organic Compounds 12-1-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Appendix C/State-by-State NOx Allocations 10-20-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Consolidated Federal Air Rule 10-2-98

federal register file
Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

Metadata file Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group Region for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Rule Text: Findings and requirements for submission of State implementation plan revisions relating to emissions of oxides of nitrogen 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Figure II-1. Ozone Transport Assessment Group Subregions(figure that accompanies the preamble text for Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group Region for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone) 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Short Federal Register Notice for Proposed Federal Implementation Plan and Proposed Findings on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport -- Details about the availability of proposed rule text,request for comment, and public hearing 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Federal Implementation Plans to Reduce the Regional Transport of Ozone 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposal -- Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Appendix A: NOx Allowance Allocation Tables For Affected Sources Under Section 126 Of The Act 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Appendix B: NOx Allowance Allocation Tables For Affected Sources Under Section 110 Of The Act In Georgia,South Carolina, And Wisconsin 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Appendix F of EPA's Proposed Action on Section 126 Petitions Containing Maps Depicting Areas Covered by Each of the 8 States' Section 126 Petitions 9-24-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Revision of Standards of Performance for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generating Units; Revisions to Reporting Requirements for Standards of Performance for New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Generating Units 9-4-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Preamble and Rule - National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Consumer Products 8-21-98 PDF file  
-- Fireplace Dimensions (graphic) PDF file  
Metadata file Medical Waste Incinerators Final Rule, Preamble, and Information Collection Request Info. 8-19-97
Metadata file Notice of Final Listing of Automobile Refinish Coatings, Consumer Products and Architectural Coatings for Regulation Under the Clean Air Act (Section 183(e)) 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Rule - National VOC Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings Note: If you downloaded this file prior to 4:00 p.m. on August 20, you received a file that had some inaccuracies that have since been corrected in the current version. 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Preamble to the Final Rule - National VOC Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Rule - National VOC Emission Standards for Automobile Refinish Coatings 8-18-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Preamble to the Final Rule - National VOC Emission Standards for Automobile Refinish Coatings 8-18-98 PDF file  
Proposed Implementation Requirements for Reduction of Sulfur Oxide (SO2) Emissions 8-11-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Rule - Identification of Additional Ozone Areas Attaining the 1-hr. Std. and to Which the 1-hr. Std. is No Longer Applicable 7-17-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Identification of Ozone areas Attaining the 1-hour Standard and to Which the 1-hour Standard is No Longer Appliacable 6-2-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Advanced notice of findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport 4-29-98

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Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

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Part 4

Metadata file Direct Final Rule and Proposed Rule:Hydrogen-Fueled Flare Specifications 4-28-98 federal register file
Metadata file Proposed Rule: Hydrogen-Fueled Flare Specifications 4-28-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Air Quality: Revision to Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds - Exclusion of Methyl Acetate 4-6-98 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Rule: Air Quality Planning & Management for Indian Tribes 2-25-98 html file federal register file
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Concerning Schedule for EPA Action on Sec. 126 Petitions 12-19-97 PDF file  
Highlights of the MOA Concerning Schedule for EPA Action on Sec. 126 Petitions 12-19-97 PDF file  
Litigation Agreement for MSW Landfill NSPS regulation 11-14-97 PDF file  
Metadata file Final Regulations: Municipal Waste Combustor (MWC) with 97 Amendments (redline/strikeout version) 11-05-97 PDF file  
Metadata file John Seitz 10/28/97 Senate Testimony on Proposed Regional Haze Rule 10-30-97 PDF file  
FINAL RULE: Ambient Air Quality Surveillance for Lead 10-30-97 PDF file  
Metadata file PROPOSED RULE: Ambient Air Quality Surveillance for Lead 10-30-97 PDF file  
PROPOSED RULE for Reducing Regional Transport of Ground-Level Ozone 10-10-97 html file
Metadata file CAM RULE: CAM Rule Signed 10/03/97 10-08-97 federal register file
Metadata file CAM RULE: Response to Comments (ZIP-WordPerfect) Signed 10/03/97 10-08-97 zip file
Metadata file CAM RULE: Response to Comments (ZIP-Adobe Acrobat) Signed 10/03/97 10-08-97 zip file
PROPOSED DETERMINATION: Wood Furniture, Aerospace, Shipbuilding, Repair Coating: CTG in Lieu of Regs 9-03-97 PDF file  
PROPOSED RULE: Exclusion of Methyl Acetate as a VOC 8-27-97 PDF file  
FINAL RULE: Exclusion of 16 Compounds as VOCs 8-27-97 PDF file  
Proposed Regional Haze Regulations 7-22-97 PDF file  
Complete Visibility Regulatory Language as Amended by 7/18/97 Proposal 7-22-97 PDF file  
Final Particulate Matter NAAQS 7-17-97 PDF file
Final Ozone NAAQS 7-17-97 PDF file
Metadata file Particulate Matter Monitoring Requirements 7-17-97 PDF file
Prop Rev - Stds of Perf for NOx Emissions from New Fossil-Fuel Fired Steam Gen Units; Prop Rev to Reporting Reqs for Stds of Perf 7-7-97 PDF file  
Revisions to the NSPS for the Granular Triple Superphosphate Storage Facilities in the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry 4-15-97 PDF file  
Revision to Def. of VOCs - Exclusion of 16 Compounds 3-21-97 PDF file  
Credible Evidence Preamble and Rule 2-13-97 PDF file  
Credible Evidence Response to Comments Doc 2-13-97 PDF file  
SO2 NAAQS Proposed Implementation Program 12-23-96 PDF file  
Announcement of Public Hearings on the Proposed O3/PM & PM Monitoring Reqs 12-19-96 PDF file  
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Implementation of New or Revised Ozone and PM NAAQS and Regional Haze Program 12-6-96 zip file
Proposed Ozone NAAQS (Corrected on 12/4!) 12-9-96 zip file
Corrections made to Ozone NAAQS on 12/4 12-9-96 PDF file  
Proposed Particulate Matter NAAQS (corrected on 12/4) 12-9-96 zip file
Corrections made to PM NAAQS on 12/4 12-9-96 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Particulate Matter Monitoring 12-3-96 zip file
Proposed Interim Implementation Policy 11-27-96 PDF file  
NO2 NAAQS Final Rule 10-8-96 PDF file  
Revision to Def. of VOC - Exclusion of HFC 43-10mee and HCFC 225ca and cb 10-8-96 PDF file  
8/13/96 CAM Federal Register Notice. 8-20-96 txt file
Draft CAM Rule 8/2/96. 8-2-96 PDF file  
Proposed Rule-NonMetallic Minerals NSPS Revs 7-18-96 PDF file  
Proposed National VOC Rule Architectural Ctgs 6-20-96 zip file
Preamble National VOC Rule Architectural Ctgs 6-20-96 zip file
ANPR - Ozone and PM NAAQS 6-7-96 PDF file  
NSPS Subpart Dc;Combustion Research Exclusion 5-21-96 PDF file  
Final Printing/Publishing NESHAP Preamble 5-17-96 zip file
Primary SO2 NAAQS - Final Decision Notice 5-15-96 zip file
Metadata file Exemption of HFC 43010 and HCFC 225 as VOCs 5-2-96 PDF file  
Rule-VOC Emission Std for Auto Refinish Ctgs 5-1-96 zip file
Preamble-VOC Std for Auto Refinish Ctgs 5-1-96 zip file
Direct Final Deletion Rule 4-16-96 PDF file  
Proposed Deletion Rule 4-16-96 PDF file  
NSR Reform Package:Preamble, Regs, Fac Sheet 4-3-96 zip file
Proposed VOC Rule for Consumer Products 3-28-96 zip file
Preamble VOC Rule for Consumer Products 3-28-96 zip file
Metadata file Final Rule; NSPS & EG for MSW Landfills 3-1-96 zip file
NSPS/EG Regulations for MWCs 11-6-95 zip file
Metadata file Promulgated 40 CFR Part 58 Revisions for Open Path Ambient Air Monitoring 10-25-95 zip file
General conformity, NOx RACT, and NSR 8-30-95 PDF file  
Metadata file Summary - Open Market Trading Rule Components 7-26-95 PDF file  
Metadata file Model Open Market Trading Rule (signed 7/26/95) 7-26-95 PDF file  
Metadata file Model Open Market Trading Rule Preamble (signed 7/26/95) 7-26-95 PDF file  
Metadata file Exclusion of Acetone as a VOC - Final Rule 6-23-95 PDF file  
Metadata file Proposed Rule SO2 Part 51 - 58 3-15-95 PDF file  
CAL FIP - Final Rules & Preamble 2-23-95 zip file
CAL FIP - Misc. Approval Proposals. 2-14-95 zip file
OTC LEV Preamble and Final Rule 1-4-95 zip file
Primary SO2 NAAQS Reproposal 11-8-94 PDF file  
Final VOC Rule Excluding VMS & PCBTF 10-17-94 PDF file  
Draft OSWR (Rule,BID,FR) 10-12-94 zip file
VOCs Excluding Acetone (Figures Not Included) 10-5-94 PDF file  
Indian Tribes: Air Qual Planning & Management 8-30-94 zip file
Final Rule: Industrial Process Cooling Tower 8-1-94 zip file
Final Rule: Order of CAA Mandatory Sanctions 7-25-94 zip file
Proposed Field Citation Program 5-9-94 zip file
Proposed Awards Under Section 113f 5-9-94 PDF file  
Final Economic Incentive Program Rule 3-16-94 zip file
California FIP Proposed Rules 2-17-94 zip file
California FIP Preamble 2-17-94 zip file
Read First - California FIP package 2-18-94 txt file
Criteria for Discretionary Sanctions 1-19-94 zip file
Lead Addendum to Title I General Preamble 12-16-93 zip file
New SO2 & PM-10 Nonattainment Areas 12-16-93 zip file
Final General Conformity Rule 11-16-93 zip file
Summary of Title I FR Notices 9-17-93 txt file
PM-10 PSD Increment Final Rule 5-17-93 zip file
Metadata file Enhanced O3 Monitoring Regulation- Final Rule 2-8-93 zip file
Final WEPCO Rule 7-7-92 zip file
Title One General Preamble 5-6-92 zip file

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