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Andreas C. Chrambach, PhD, Head, Section on Macromolecular Analysis

Zsuzsanna Buzas, PhD, Contractor

Sergey Radko, PhD, Contractor

While primarily focusing on a putative proteinaceous calcium sensor in studies on biological membrane fusion, calcium-induced modulation of the mechanical properties of the membrane and its role in fusion are often overlooked. As a first step in studying the effects of calcium binding to the lipid bilayer on the mechanical properties of the membrane, the elastic moduli of the membranes are being measured using both biological and artificial membranous vesicles exposed to calcium.

Elastic properties of the membranes of sea urchin yolk granules

Radko: in collaboration with Zimmerberg, Blank

The elastic modulus of the membrane can be derived from measuring the osmotic swelling of the vesicles. We have investigated osmotic swelling of isolated sea urchin yolk granules, which are fusion competent and are abundant in sea urchin eggs (Chestkov et al., J Biol Chem 1998;273: 2445). The osmotic gradient was produced by varying the concentration of glycine (within the range of zero to 0.5 M) in the medium. The size of those vesicles, measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS) was found to increase with decreasing medium osmolarity. However, the increase was too steep to be accounted for by swelling alone. Differential interference contrast and phase contrast microscopy showed that, in fact, the increase in mean size of the vesicles observed in DLS experiments resulted entirely from vesicle aggregation, given that the decrease in osmolarity did not affect vesicle mean size measured microscopically. The aggregation was presumably accelerated by a release of vesicle internal content of the vesicles as a consequence to their progressive rupture with decreasing medium osmolarity. Whether the elastic modulus may be derived for the membrane of cortical granules by their osmotic swelling is to be tested. It is also possible that the rupture of yolk granules masks their swelling, as assessed by averaging microscopically measured sizes of a changing vesicle population. We will clarify the point by microscopic sizing of the vesicles immobilized on a cover glass in a perfusion chamber.

Vesicle mobility in electrophoresis through polymer networks as a measure of membrane elasticity

Radko, Chrambach

When the mesh size of a polymer network is close to the particle size, the particle may penetrate into the network by either of two mechanisms: squeezing through the mesh and occupying the available space or disrupting polymer entanglements and locally deforming the polymer network. The latter mechanism dominates the penetration of rigid particles while the former mechanism may dominate that of the elastic ones (Radko and Chrambach, 2002). Different dependencies of particle retardation on particle size, rate of penetration, and polymer concentration are expected for those mechanisms (Radko and Chrambach, J Chromatogr B 1999;722:1; Radko et al., Anal Chem 2000;72:5955). For membranous vesicles, the switch between the mechanisms of penetration may depend on the elastic modulus of the membrane. To test that hypothesis, we investigated the dependencies of retardation of extruded liposomes (80 to 200 nm in mean diameter, PC:PS: cholesterol ratio of 3:1:1), subjected to capillary zone electrophoresis in PEG solutions, on their size, applied voltage, and PEG concentration. We found that retardation of the liposomes increases with vesicle size within the size range studied, thus differing from that of rigid polystyrene latex spheres. The dependence of retardation on membrane elasticity modulated by cholesterol content or by lipid composition (producing lipid bilayers in either a gel or liquid state at the experimental temperature of 25oC) is under investigation.

Radko SP, Chrambach A. Separation and characterization of submicron- and micron-sized particles by capillary zone electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 2002;23:1957-1972.

Publications Related to Other Work

Buzas Z, Antal J, Gilligan JJ, Backlund PS, Yergey AL, Chrambach A. An electroelution apparatus for se­quential transfer of sodium dodecyl sulfate-proteins into agarose and mass spectrometric identification of Li-Na-dodecyl sulfate-proteins from solubilized agarose. Electrophoresis 2004;25:966-969.

Buzas Z, Chrambach A. Moving boundaries in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 2004;25:970-972.

Cabanes-Macheteau M, Chrambach A, Taverna M, Buzas Z, Berna P. Resolution of 8-aminonaphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid-labeled glucose oligomers in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at low gel concentration. Electrophoresis 2004;25:8-13.

Chiu TC, Lin YW, Huang CC, Chrambach A, Chang HT. A simple, rapid, and sensitive method for analysis of SYPRO Red labeled sodium dodecyl sulfate-protein complexes by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence. Electrophoresis 2003;24:1730-1736.

Wheeler D, Chrambach A, Ashburn P, Jovin TM. Discontinuous buffer systems operative at pH 2.5 - 11.0, 0 degrees C and 25 degrees C, available on the Internet. Electrophoresis 2004;25:973-974.


Paul S Blank, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Joshua Zimmerberg, MD, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

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