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applications of mass spectrometry to biophysics,

biochemistry and medicine


Alfred L. Yergey, PhD, Head, Section on Metabolic Analysis and Mass Spectrometry

Jozsef Antal, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Peter S. Backlund, PhD, Staff Scientist

Peter deB Harrington, PhD, Contractor

Matthew Olson, BS, Predoctoral Fellow

Daniel Spellman, BS, Graduate Student

Nancy E. Vieira, MS, Biologist



We carry out research in areas of chemistry, biochemistry, and medicine in which mass spectrometry (MS) is the primary analytic tool. Our current research focuses on the reaction energetics of gas phase ions, protein characterization, and the quantification of endogenous molecules.

Reaction energetics of gas phase ions

Yergey; in collaboration with Blank, Campbell, Stein, Vestal

The principal aim of our work is to understand the relationship between the energy applied to the formation of a gas phase peptide ion and the nature of the ion’s fragmentation. The type and extent of fragmentation are the determining factors of MS-MS spectra, which are the foundation on which mass-spectrometric characterization of proteins is based.

We are using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) of peptides as a model system to study peptide ion fragmentation and ion energetics relationships between laser fluence and peptide ion fragmentation. Such a study is fundamental to optimizing MALDI Time-of-Flight (TOF)/TOF experiments for the purpose of peptide sequencing. In our studies, we obtain peptide fragmentation spectra, typically after 5,000 laser shots, in both the unimolecular decomposition and collision-induced dissociation (CID) modes. We have the ability to follow two time points for each peptide decomposition, i.e., the in-source fragmentation consisting of ions formed within one microsecond after the laser firing and the longer, mass-dependent fragmentation occurring within the instrument’s collision cell. We have used the fragmentation of the YGGFL model peptide (leucine enkephalin;  LeuEnk) over the full range of laser fluence as the basis for our initial studies. While not a peptide of the type normally encountered in protein characterizations, LeuEnk is an excellent model for studies of short-lived processes in the laser plume.

We have acquired LeuEnk fragmentation spectra in both MS and MS-MS modes of operation as a function of laser fluence beginning at the onset of ionization and extending to the maximum fluence available in the instrument. The spectra reveal several distinct processes in LeuEnk fragmentation. First, the MS mode spectra show a region of extensive fragmentation occurring in what must be a markedly short time frame following the onset of ionization. We have been able to associate these rapid fragmentations, leading to immonium ions, with what is widely accepted to be the laser pulse–induced direct vaporization of molecules from the sample surface. A second set of processes takes place within the first several hundred nanoseconds following the laser pulse. These processes are most likely associated with desorption of LeuEnk ions from particles ablated from the surface. The desorbed ions undergo a large number of collisions with the high-temperature gases present in the laser plume and begin to fragment; the fragmentations proceed in a series of consecutive reactions in which the amide backbone bonds are ruptured. Our spectra show that the initial direct desorption processes reach a maximum and then increase no further and that they are supplanted in intensity by the consecutive fragmentation reactions. Finally, the MS-MS mode spectra exhibit little fragmentation, most likely because of depletion of the high-energy portions of the energy distributions associated with the second-stage particle desorption processes described above.

We are simultaneously developing a kinetic model for the decompositions by using the Rice-Ramsberger-Kassel-Marcus formalism for gas phase kinetics. In addition to modeling fragmentation, the calculations will define a lower limit of the peptide ion temperatures. With this information, we will be able for the first time to estimate the fraction of laser energy delivered to gas phase ions. Furthermore, we will have a means, other than pure empiricism, to select and optimize both the MALDI matrix and laser frequency.

Gilligan JJ, Lampe FW, Nguyen VQ, Vieira NE, Yergey AL. Hydration of alkylammonium ions in the gas phase. J Phys Chem A 2003;107:3687-3691.

Gilligan, JJ, Vieira NE, Yergey AL. Solvation of propanediol ions by water molecules in the gas phase. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2004;15:1123-1127.

Protein characterization

Antal, Backlund, Harrington, Olson, Spellman, Vieira, Yergey; in collaboration with Blank, Coorssen, Crouch, DePamphilis, Epstein, Garland, Howard, Humphrey, Leppla, Robbins, Rouault, Sackett, Schneerson, Schuck, Sheeley, Spiegel, Zimmerberg

As our first priority, we conduct research collaboratively with various NICHD groups on the mass spectrometric characterization of proteins, but we also conduct independent investigations in mass spectrometric protein characterization. A major aspect of our work is the identification of proteins isolated in the biochemical investigations of other investigators.

To identify unknown proteins, we use the MS data to query genomic databases to determine whether any of the protein sequences present in those databases have the expected proteolytic cleavage products with theoretical masses that match the empirically determined masses of the peptides generated from the unknown. Three MS approaches are available for this effort: MALDI with TOF mass analysis; liquid chromatography (LC) followed by electrospray ionization with mass analysis in an instrument capable of using fragmentation reactions to generate peptide sequences, i.e., LC-MS/MS; and MALDI followed by tandem TOF analysis for the determination of peptide sequences from fragment ion spectra. With this combination of instrumentation, we are confident that, given sufficient material in a gel band to allow as much as 100 fmole to be available for analysis, we can make a positive identification for a protein described in a database.

Within the past year, we started a project to characterize the protein mass fingerprints of amniotic fluid from patients who have undergone premature labor. We hypothesize that mass spectra can be used to differentiate premature labor leading to pre-term delivery from such labor that does not result in pre-term delivery. The methodology under development employs comparisons of MALDI mass spectra in the range of 2 to 20kDa obtained from diluted amniotic fluid samples that have been desalted and then applied directly to the MALDI sample stage. We developed an experimental design that allows us to characterize the variance of the spectra arising from a variety of parameters in the experiment. We have developed a mathematical/statistical approach in MatLab to automate both ANOVA and Principal Component Analysis and reliably differentiate between classes of samples. Preliminary results show that we are able to differentiate between the sources of amniotic fluid in groups of patients.

Jeong HS, Backlund PS, Chen HC, Karavanov AA, Crouch RJ. RNase H2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a complex of three proteins. Nucleic Acids Res 2004;32:407-414.

Li W, Backlund PS, Boykins RA, Wang G, Chen H-C. Susceptibility of the hydroxyl group in serine and threonine to beta-elimination/Michael Addition under commonly used moderately high temperature conditions. Anal Biochem 2003;323:94-102.

Complete de novo sequencing of peptides

Backlund, Yergey

We are pursuing several areas of development in order to improve protein characterization capabilities. First, we are addressing the issue of sequence information on proteins that, as a consequence of database error or incompleteness, are not described in databases; the incompleteness is most frequently associated with organisms with unknown or partially characterized genomes. We are taking an approach we have termed Complete de Novo Sequencing of Peptides, which is novel as compared with the other widely used methods in which the so-called “sequence tag� for a peptide is found. The sequence tag approach consists of determining between two and five amino acid residues from a peptide fragmentation mass spectrum along with the parent mass, which then allows us to search a database. Our approach requires the determination of the amino acid sequence of the entire peptide and requires the use of a MALDI tandem TOF. We use software we have written to analyze the MALDI tandem TOF spectra, giving us a unique ability to sequence proteins. Our procedure relies on the decomposition of metastable peptide ions, without subsequent collisions, in the time frame established by the selection of candidate ions after the first mass analyzer, but prior to the so-called “collision cell.� The method yields highly reliable sequences for as many as seven peptides in the range of seven to 18 residues taken from the tryptic proteolysis of proteins analyzed as unknowns; in the case of a 30kD protein, the method would yield an absolute determination of about 30 percent of the entire sequence of the protein. In the past, one limitation of the approach related to near-isobaric interferences, i.e., precursor ion masses that cannot be resolved by the mass selection electronics, thus leading to fragmentation spectra arising from multiple precursor ions that are unintepretable. The use of a recently installed sample-spotting robot to enable spatial separations of LC gradients onto a MALDI target plate should reduce the number of such interferences, thereby allowing more extensive coverage of absolute sequences.

In an area closely related to the Complete de Novo Sequencing work, we have developed and implemented software that increases our ability to pinpoint certain types of peptides: those containing post-translational modifications and those arising from less commonly used proteases, particularly pepsin. In addition, we have made substantial progress in the detection of phosphorylation sites by using a differential MALDI spectra approach that compares positive and negative ion spectra. The method employs the esterification of carboxylic acid sites with methanolic HCl; the esterified acidic residues do not ionize efficiently in negative ion MALDI, but the phosphorylated peptides are unaffected.

Publications Related to Other Work

Ben-Menachem G, Kubler-Kielb J, Coxon B, Yergey A, Schneerson R. A newly discovered cholesteryl galactoside from Borrelia burgdorferi. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100:7913-7918.

Buzas Z, Antal J, Gilligan JJ, Backlund PS, Yergey AL, Chrambach A. An electroelution apparatus for sequential transfer of dodecyl sulfate proteins into agarose and mass spectrometric identification of Li- Na-dodecyl sulfate-proteins from solubilized agarose. Electrophoresis 2004;25:966-969.

Naslavsky N, Boehm M, Backlund PS Jr, Caplan S. Rabenosyn-5 and EHD1 interact and sequentially regulate protein recycling to the plasma membrane. Mol Biol Cell 2004;15:2410-2422.

Nelson TJ, Backlund PS, Alkon DL. Hippocampal protein-protein interactions in spatial memory. Hippocampus 2004;14:46-57.

Schneerson R, Kubler-Kielb J, Liu T-Y, Dai A-D, Yergey A, Backlund P, Shiloach J, Leppla S, Majadly F, Robbins JB. Poly-g-D-glutamic acid protein conjugates induce IgG antibodies in mice to the capsule of Bacillus anthracis: a potential addition to the anthrax vaccine. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100:8945-8950.


Paul Blank, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Jennifer Campbell, PhD, Applied Biosystems, Framingham, MA

Jens Coorssen, PhD, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

Robert Crouch, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Melvin DePamphilis, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Growth Regulation, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Jonathan Epstein, MS, Office of the Scientific Director, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Donita Garland, PhD, Laboratory of Mechanisms of Ocular Diseases, NEI, Bethesda, MD

Bruce Howard, MD, Laboratory of Molecular Growth Regulation, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Glen Humphrey, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Steven Leppla, PhD, Bacterial Toxins and Therapeutics Section, NIAID, Bethesda, MD

Sergey Radko, PhD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

John Robbins, MD, Laboratory of Developmental and Molecular Immunity, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Tracey Rouault, MD, Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Dan Sackett, PhD, Laboratory of Integrative and Medical Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Rachel Schneerson, MD, Laboratory of Developmental and Molecular Immunity, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Peter Schuck, PhD, Division of Bioengineering and Physical Science, Office of Research Services, NIH, Bethesda, MD

Douglas Sheeley, ScD, Division of Biomedical Technology, NCRR, Bethesda, MD

Alan Spiegel, MD, Director, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

Stephen Stein, PhD, NIST MS Data Center, Gaithersburg, MD

Akos Vertes, PhD, George Washington University, Washington, DC

Marvin Vestal, PhD, Applied Biosystems, Framingham, MA

Joshua Zimmerberg, PhD, MD, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

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