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Leonid Margolis, PhD, Head, Section on Intercellular Interactions

Jean-Charles Grivel, PhD, Staff Scientist

Angelique Biancotto, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Yoshinori Ito, MD, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Wendy Fitzgerald, Special Volunteer

Yana Kiselyeva, MS, Visiting Fellow

Elke Rucker, Contractor


Critical events of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease occur in lymphoid tissue, where infection leads to T cell depletion and immunodeficiency. Therefore, we study HIV pathogenesis in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo. We found that noninfectious virions are immunosuppressive, indicating that defective virions in vivo that constitute the majority of viral particles may contribute to immunodeficiency. In contrast, T cell depletion ex vivo requires productive infection. Work conducted in our laboratory has suggested that triggering in vivo viral production in latently infected cells in combination with the delivery of therapies may be a meaningful strategy to purge latent viral reservoirs. To identify adequate activators of latent infection, we showed that prostratin, which reactivates HIV-1 from latency and restricts HIV infection but does not stimulate cell cycling, is a promising activator. We also investigated the role of HIV accessory genes in CD4 T cell depletion. Using HIV constructs deleted of individual accessory genes or their combinations, we found that nef, vpr, and vpu are relevant for efficient viral infection and for CD4 T cell depletion in HIV-1-infected human lymphoid tissues.

Effect of accessory genes on HIV-1 replication and CD4+ T cell depletion in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo

Rücker, Grivel, Margolis; in collaboration with Kirchhoff

HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) contain several genes that are not required for viral spread in cell lines and are therefore called accessory genes. However, work has suggested that these genes might play important roles in infected hosts in vivo as well as in primary cells. The relevance of the accessory vpr, vpu, and nef genes for HIV-1 replication in human lymphoid tissue (HLT), the major site of viral replication in vivo, is largely unknown. We investigated the role of accessory genes by infecting blocks of human tonsillar tissue with HIV-1 mutants containing single or combined deletions of vpu, vpr, and nef and evaluating virus replication and CD4+ T cell depletion.

A single deletion of any of the accessory genes nef, vpr, and vpu decreased viral replication in ex vivo–infected human lymphoid tissues to the levels of 13 ± 7 percent, 38 ± 9 percent, and 32 ± 16 percent, respectively, of that of the wild-type parental virus. Combined deletion of vpr and vpu impaired HIV-1 replication even more severely, and additional deletion of either vpr or vpu further attenuated replication of the nef-deleted HIV-1 variant. However, only the combined deletion of all three accessory genes completely disrupted HIV-1 replication.

The progressive loss of CD4+ T lymphocytes is a major characteristic of HIV-1 infection and AIDS. We evaluated this loss in tissues infected with wild-type virus and accessory gene–deleted HIV-1 variants by means of flow cytometry. Consistent with findings in a previous study, parental NL4-3 HIV-1 depleted ex vivo–infected tissues of 40 to 50 percent of these cells within 15 days of infection. In contrast, the deletion mutants caused less CD4+ T cell depletion with a maximum of about 15 percent, with a strong correlation between the number of productively infected CD4+ T cells and the level of their depletion. Thus, although molecular mechanisms for low viral infectivity and virus production may differ for different mutants, they all result in a lower number of infected cells and hence less CD4+ T cell depletion in infected tissues.

Many of the suggested mechanisms underlying facilitation of HIV-1 infection by accessory genes are related to their involvement in cell activation. Therefore, we tested whether these genes change the sensitivity of the system to IL-2. Our results demonstrate that although IL-2 stimulates replication of both wild-type NL4-3 and its mutants, exogenous IL-2 increased, on average, NL4-3 wild-type virus production about 13-fold, whereas production of the vpr or vpu deletion mutants was enhanced only 2.5- to 5.4-fold. Thus, all three accessory genes, nef, vpr, and vpu, are important for efficient replication and CD4+ T cell depletion in ex vivo–infected human lymphoid tissues. Some effects of the genes may be related to cell activation. Most important, our data suggest that, similarly to Nef, Vpr and Vpu are relevant for efficient viral infection and for CD4 T cell depletion in HIV-1–infected individuals.

Rücker E, Grivel J-C, Münch J, Kirchhoff F, Margolis L. Vpr and Vpu are important for efficient HIV-1 replication and CD4+ T cell depletion in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo. J Virol 2004;78:12689-12693.

Rücker E, Münch J, Wildum S, Brenner M, Eisemann J, Margolis L, Kirchhoff F. A naturally occurring variation in the proline-rich region does not attenuate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef function. J Virol 2004;78:10197-10201.

Immunosuppressive activity of noninfectious HIV-1 virions in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo

Fitzgerald, Sylwester, Grivel,a Margolis; in collaboration with Lifson

Ex vivo HIV-1 infection of human lymphoid tissue recapitulates some aspects of in vivo HIV-1 infection, including a severe depletion of CD4+ T cells and suppression of humoral immune responses to recall antigens or to polyclonal stimuli. These effects are induced by infection with X4 HIV-1 variants, whereas infection with R5 variants results in only mild depletion of CD4+ T cells and no suppression of immune responses. The mechanisms of immunosuppression observed both in vivo and ex vivo and the contribution of various factors to disease progression are not fully understood. The vast majority of HIV-1 virions circulating in HIV-1–infected patients are not infectious. Therefore, cells are more likely to interact with noninfectious particles than with their infectious counterparts, raising the question of the pathogenesis of noninfectious virions in human lymphoid tissue. To answer this question, we used HIV-1 virions rendered noninfectious by treatment with aldrithiol-2 (AT-2). The AT-2–treated virions retain both the structure and function of the viral envelope glycoproteins, allowing authentic interactions with a variety of target cells, but are not infectious and, in human tissues ex vivo, do not induce CD4+ T cell loss. However, we found that the inactivated HIV-1 virions impair the ability of ex vivo human lymphoid tissue to produce IgG in response to stimulation.

In particular, we found that exposure of the cultures to AT-2–inactivated X4LAV.04 resulted in inhibition of antibody responses to tetanus toxoid (TT) and/or pokeweed mitogene (PWM) similarly to productive infection of lymphoid tissues by X4LAV.04. In contrast, no inhibition of anti-TT IgG or total IgG was observed when stimulated tissues were exposed to comparable or higher amounts of AT-2–inactivated R5SF162 virions. Inactivated R5SF162 thus behaved similarly to its infectious counterpart, which does not inhibit antibody responses in ex vivo human lymphoid tissues. Furthermore, we found that virion-free medium conditioned by tissues exposed to AT-2–inactivated X4LAV.04 inhibited anti-TT IgG and total IgG responses of fresh cultures, indicating that AT-2–inactivated X4LAV.04 virus induced the secretion of an immunosuppressive factor. This factor(s) was inactivated by heat, whereas freezing and thawing did not affect its immunosuppressive activity. To evaluate the size of this factor, or factor-containing complex, we size-fractionated virion-free conditioned medium. The inhibitory activity of the media conditioned by tissue exposed to AT-2–inactivated X4LAV.04 is associated with the fraction containing molecules of MW greater than 50 kDa. To identify the cellular source of the factor, we fractionated tonsillar cells. The supernatants of cultures of the CD4+ T cell–enriched fraction exposed to AT-2–inactivated X4LAV.04, inhibited immune responses, whereas the fraction depleted of CD4+ T cells was not immunosuppressive. Finally, we found that the immunosuppressive factor secreted by tissues treated with AT-2–inactivated X4LAV.04 significantly suppressed production of IgG in B cells isolated from lymphoid tissue.

In conclusion, neither productive viral infection nor CD4+ T cell depletion seems to be necessary to mediate HIV-induced inhibition of antibody production in human lymphoid tissue in ex vivo. Moreover, the virus itself is only required to trigger suppression of B cell responses; its suppressive activity is maintained without its continuous presence and can be transferred by virion-free conditioned medium. We conclude that medium conditioned by tissue incubated with AT-2–inactivated X4 HIV-1 contains soluble factor(s) that are responsible for suppression of B cell responses. Given that the majority of the virions circulating in vivo are not detectably infectious, it is reasonable to speculate that some of the defective HIV-1 virions may suppress immune responses, similar to what we have shown for AT-2–inactivated virus. Identification and isolation of the immunosuppressive factor and elucidation of the exact mechanism(s) by which it inhibits humoral immune responses may help to explain the immunopathogenesis of HIV-1 infection and AIDS and may suggest avenues for therapeutic intervention.

Ito Y, Grivel J-C, Kiselyeva Y, Reichelderfer P, Margolis L. CXCR4-tropic HIV-1 suppresses replication of CCR5-tropic HIV-1 in human lymphoid tissue by selective induction of CC-chemokines. J Infect Dis 2004;189:506-514.

Fitzgerald W, Sylwester AW, Grivel J-C, Lifson D, Margolis L. Non-infectious X4 but not R5 HIV-1 virions inhibit humoral immune responses in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo. J Virol 2004;78:13:7061-7068.

Reactivation of HIV-1 replication and CD4+ T lymphocyte depletion and in human lymphoid tissue infected ex vivo with doxycycline-dependent HIV-1

Kiselyeva, Biancotto, Ito, Grivel, Margolis; in collaboration with Das, Berkhout, Hirsch

The hallmark of HIV infection is the depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes. It is well established that HIV productive infection kills CD4+ T cells. However, it is believed that CD4+ T cells that do not produce virus but nonetheless reside in infected tissues (infected latently or “bystanders�) are killed as well. To address this problem, we used human lymphoid tissues infected ex vivo with HIV-rtTA, a newly developed virus construct  that can infect cells and establish an integrated provirus in the absence of doxycycline but whose transcription and replication depend on the presence of the antibiotic doxycycline. To evaluate T cell depletion in latently and productively infected tissues and to study the effect of free virions on cell depletion, we compared CD4+ T cell numbers in tissues inoculated with HIV-rtTA in the presence and absence of doxycycline. In the productively infected tissues (that is, those inoculated with HIV-rtTA and cultured in the constant presence of doxycycline), more than 60 percent of CD4+ T cells were depleted after 12 days of culture. In contrast, we observed no significant CD4+ T cell depletion in matched tissues that were similarly inoculated but cultured in the absence of doxycycline (and thus without viral replication). Moreover, when the amount of virus present in latently infected cultures was matched to that in productively infected (doxycycline-treated) tissues by multiple inoculation of tissue (13 times over the nine days), we observed no significant depletion of CD4+ T cells in the absence of doxycycline. It seems that nonproductive infection does not contribute significantly to the death of CD4+ T cells. In conclusion, HIV is sufficient to deplete tissue of productively infected CD4+ T cells but is not sufficient to cause a significant death of uninfected or latently infected CD4+ T cells in the context of human lymphoid tissue; thus, additional factors seem to contribute to bystander cell death in vivo. Given that, unlike in vivo–infected tissues, ex vivo–infected tissues do not respond to HIV infection by general immunostimulation, such an immunostimulation may be the main additional factor for CD4+ T cell depletion in HIV-infected individuals.

Nevertheless, despite general stimulation, some of the infected CD4+ T cells in HIV-infected individuals continue to harbor a replication-competent HIV but do not constantly produce virus. These cells constitute a major obstacle for anti–HIV therapy. To design strategies to purge latent HIV reservoir, we investigated mechanisms by which a non–tumor-promoting phorbol ester, prostratin (12-deoxyphorbol-13-acetate, which was originally extracted from the Samoan medicinal plant Homalanthus nutans), stimulates cells. First, we investigated the effects of prostratin on cellular susceptibility to the virus by using ex vivo human lymphoid tissue. Prostratin induced expression of the activation markers CD25 and CD69 but inhibited cell cycling. HIV-1 uptake was reduced in prostratin-stimulated CD4 T cells consistent with a down-modulation of CD4 and CXCR4 receptors in PBMC and lymphoid tissue. At post-entry level, prostratin reduced completion of reverse transcription of the viral genome in lymphatic tissue. However, prostratin facilitated integration of the reverse-transcribed HIV-1 genome in nondividing CD4+ T cells and expression of already integrated HIV-1, including latent forms. Thus, while prostratin stimulation restricts susceptibility of primary resting CD4 T cells to HIV infection at the virus cell-entry and at the reverse-transcription levels, it efficiently reactivates HIV-1 from pre- and post-integration latency in resting CD4+ T cells. This dual role makes prostratin an excellent candidate for the elimination of persistent HIV infection from latent reservoirs. A system of human lymphoid tissue infected ex vivo with doxycycline-dependent HIV-1 provides a model for studying viral latency under controlled experimental conditions.

Biancotto A, Grivel J-C, Gondois-Rey F, Bettendroffer L, Vigne R, Brown S, Margolis L, Hirsch I. Dual role of prostratin in inhibition of infection and reactivation of human immunodeficiency virus from latency in primary blood lymphocytes and in lymphoid tissue. J Virol 2004;78:10507-10515.

Grivel J-C, Biancotto A, Ito Y, Gomes RD, Margolis L. Bystander CD4 T lymphocytes survive in HIV-infected human lymphoid tissue. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2003;19:211-216.

Kiselyeva Y, Ito I, Lima RD, Grivel J-C, Das AT, Berkhout B, Margolis L. Depletion of CD4 T lymphocytes in human lymphoid tissue infected ex vivo with doxycycline-dependent HIV-1. Virology 2004;328:1-6.

aAndrew Sylwester, PhD, former Postdoctoral Fellow


Atze T. Das, PhD, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ben Berkhout, MD, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ivan Hirsch, PhD, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Marseille, France

Frank Kirchhoff, PhD, Universität Ulm, Germany

Jeffrey D. Lifson, PhD, AIDS Vaccine Program, SAIC Frederick, Inc., NCI, Frederick, MD

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