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a membrane remodeling during viral infection,

parasite invasion, and apoptosis and components and

kinetics in exocytosis


Joshua Zimmerberg, MD, PhD, Head, Section on Cellular and Membrane Biophysics

Paul S. Blank, PhD, Staff Scientist

Subrata Biswas, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Mukesh Kumar, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Samuel Hess, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Victoria Chang, AB, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Ivan V. Polozov, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Dan Yin, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Laura Bakas, PhD, Guest Researcher

Ludmila Bezrukov, MS, Guest Researcher

Alexander Chanturiya, PhD, Guest Researcher

Vadim A. Frolov, PhD, Guest Researcher

Glen Humphrey, PhD, Guest Researcher

Dimitry Karpunin, MD, PhD, Guest Researcher

Shu-Rong Yin, MD, Guest Researcher

Myriam Cherif, MS, Student

Elena M. Kapnik, MS, Biologist

Vladimir A. Lizunov, MS, Student


In an effort to understand viral and parasite infection, exocytosis, and apoptosis, we study membrane mechanics, intracellular molecules, membranes, viruses, organelles, and cells. To this end, we have organized various techniques and approaches into an interdisciplinary attack on the mechanisms of membrane remodeling, using the physics of continuum bilayers and direct observations of biological fusion, analytic and numerical calculations of membrane energetics, and experiments on phospholipid bilayers, purified proteins, cell expression systems, purified organelles, cell surface complexes, and the actual physiological and pathogenic events of fertilization and viral infection. In a collaboration over the past year, we discovered that a novel frame-shifted protein encoded by the influenza genome causes the same apoptotic pores as those formed by Bax and truncated Bcl and Bid, that direct intra-preterminal membrane recordings in the squid giant synapse show a different type of channel, that molecular shape determines solid amphiphile macroscopic structure from nanodiscs to punctuated icosohedra, and that the N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive fusion protein NSF is not required for the fusion of purified secretory granules to each other. We also discovered why membrane bending is predicted to lower the energy for protein insertion into membranes. We have begun to investigate the role of membrane microdomains in membrane fusion.

Apoptotic pores in planar lipid bilayers caused by a new pro-death protein encoded by a frame-shifted influenza genome

Chanturiya, Bakas, Karpunin; in collaboration with Yewdell

The apoptotic pore A frame-shifted region of the influenza A virus PB1 gene encodes a novel mitochondrial protein, termed PB1-F2, that can induce cell death. Many pro-apoptotic proteins are believed to act at the mitochondrial outer membrane to form an apoptotic pore with lipids. We studied the interaction of isolated, synthetic PB1-F2 peptide with planar phospholipid bilayer membranes. The presence of nanomolar concentrations of peptide in the bathing solution induced a transmembrane conductance that increased in a potential-dependent manner. Positive potential on the side of protein addition resulted in a several-fold increase in the rate of change of membrane conductance. Membranes treated with sPB1-F2 became permeable to monovalent cations, chloride, and, to a lesser extent, divalent ions. Despite varying experimental conditions, we failed to detect distinctive conductance levels typical of large, stable pores, protein channels, or even partially proteinaceous pores. Rather, membrane conductance induced by sPB1-F2 fluctuated and visited almost all conductance values. Consistent with a decrease in the line tension of a lipidic pore, sPB1-F2 also dramatically decreased bilayer stability in an electric field. Given that we see similar membrane-destabilizing profiles with pro-apoptotic proteins (e.g., Bax) and the cytoplasmic helix of HIV gp41, we suggest that the basis for sPB1-F2-induced cell death may be the permeabilization and destabilization of mitochondrial membranes, leading to macromolecular leakage and apoptosis.

Chanturiya AN, Basaez G, Schubert U, Henklein P, Yewdell JW, Zimmerberg J. PB1-F2, an influenza A virus-encoded proapoptotic mitochondrial protein, creates variably sized pores in planar lipid membranes. J Virol 2004;78:6304-6312.

Membrane pores in the presynaptic terminal of the squid giant synapse

Zimmerberg; in collaboration with Hardwick, Jonas, Kaczmarek

Neuronal death is often preceded by functional alterations at nerve terminals. The BCL-2 family protein BCL-xL is an anti-apoptotic protein found in the adult nervous system, including the giant presynaptic terminal of the squid stellate ganglion, where it is known to form ion channels in the outer mitochondrial membrane. The protein’s naturally occurring N-truncated protease cleavage product delta-N BCL-xL is pro-apoptotic. Application of delta-N Bcl-xL to mitochondria inside the squid presynaptic terminal rapidly induced the opening of large multiconductance channels in mitochondrial membranes. The maximal conductance of the channels was significantly larger than that of control recordings or that obtained with full-length BCL-xL. Mutants of delta-N (DN) Bcl-xL lacking a C-terminal mitochondrial anchor region, or in which the death-producing BH3 domain was mutated, failed to induce channel activity. Moreover, delta-N Bcl-xL failed to produce channel activity when applied to plasma membranes, suggesting that a component of mitochondrial membranes is necessary for its actions. NADH, an inhibitor of the outer mitochondrial membrane voltage-dependent anionic channel (VDAC), reduced the occurrence of the large conductance openings. Pharmacological and genetic experiments on yeast mitochondria lacking VDAC indicated that the NADH-sensitive DN Bcl-xL-induced channel activity results from a functional interaction between DN Bcl-xL and VDAC. Furthermore, exposure of squid ganglia to hypoxia, a death stimulus to neurons, rapidly induced proteolysis of full-length BCL-xL, which was blocked by the protease inhibitor zVAD, suggesting that proteolysis of BCL-2 family proteins may contribute to the induction of large conductance activity in the outer mitochondrial membrane.

Jonas EA, Hickman JA, Chachar M, Polster BM, Brandt TA, Fannjiang Y, Ivanovska I, Basaez G, Kinnally KW, Zimmerberg J, Hardwick JM, Kaczmarek LK. Proapoptotic N-truncated BCL-xL protein activates endogenous mitochondrial channels in living synaptic terminals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:13590-13595.

A general scheme for shape control of surfactants

Lizuno; in collaboration with Dubois, Kuzmin, Zemb

When crystallized at various ratios in the absence of added salt, mixtures of cationic and anionic surfactants form micron-sized colloids. We proposed and tested a general mechanism to explain how the ration controls the shape of the resulting colloidal structure, which can vary from nanodiscs to punctured planes. During co-crystallization, excess (nonstoichiometric) surfactant accumulates on edges or pores rather than being incorporated into crystalline bilayers; molecular segregation then produces a sequence of shapes controlled solely by the initial mole ratio. Using freeze-fracture electron microscopy, we identified three of these states and their corresponding coexistence regimes. Fluorescence confocal microscopy directly showed the segregation of cationic and anionic components within the aggregate. The observed shapes were consistently reproduced upon thermal cycling, demonstrating that the icosahedral shape corresponds to the existence of a local minimum of bending energy for facetted icoshedra when the optimal amount of excess segregated material is present.

Dubois M, Lizunov VA, Meister A, Gulik-Krzywicki T, Verbavatz J, Perez E, Zimmerberg J, Zemb T. Shape control through molecular segregation in giant surfactant aggregates. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101:15082-15087.

Modeling membrane deformations upon protein insertion

Frolov; in collaboration with Chizmadzhev, Dunina-Barkovskaya, Kozlov

The effects of calcium and the ensuing fusion depend on protein moieties embedded into the lipid bilayer. To model this aspect of exocytosis, we considered the elastic behavior of a flat lipid monolayer embedding cylindrical inclusions oriented obliquely with respect to the monolayer plane. An oblique inclusion models a fusion peptide, a part of a specialized protein capable of inducing merger of biological membranes in the course of fundamental cellular processes. Although the crucial importance of the fusion peptides for membrane merger is well established, the molecular mechanism of their action remains unknown. Our analysis aimed at revealing mechanical deformations and stresses of lipid monolayers induced by the fusion peptides, which can potentially destabilize the monolayer structure and enhance membrane fusion. We calculated the deformation of a monolayer embedding a single oblique inclusion and subject to a lateral tension and analyzed the membrane-mediated interactions between two inclusions, taking into account bending of the monolayer and tilt of the hydrocarbon chains with respect to a line drawn perpendicular to the surface. In contrast to a straightforward prediction that the oblique inclusions should induce tilt of the lipid chains, our analysis showed that the monolayer accommodates the oblique inclusion solely by bending. We find that the interaction between two inclusions varied nonmonotonically with the interinclusion distance and decayed at large separations as the square of their distance, similar to the electrostatic interaction between two electric dipoles in two dimensions. We predict that this long-range interaction will dominate the other interactions previously considered in the literature.

Frolov VA, Lizunov VA, Dunina-Barkovskaya AY, Samsonov AV, Zimmerberg J. Shape bistability of a membrane neck: a toggle switch to control vesicle content release. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100:8698-8703.

Kozlovsky Y, Zimmerberg J, Kozlov MM. Orientation and interaction of oblique cylindrical inclusions embedded in a lipid monolayer: a theoretical model for viral fusion peptides. Biophys J 2004;87:999-1012.

Zimmerberg J, McLaughlin S. Membrane curvature: how BAR domains bend bilayers. Curr Biol 2004;14:R250-252.

Role of the N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein in egg exocytosis

Bezrukov, Blank, Humphrey; in collaboration with Rahamimoff, Whalley

The role of cytosolic ATPases such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)–sensitive fusion protein (NSF) in membrane fusion is controversial. We examined the physiology and biochemistry of ATP and NSF in the cortical system of the echinoderm egg to determine if NSF is an essential factor in membrane fusion during Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. Neither exocytosis in vitro nor homotypic cortical vesicle (CV) fusion required soluble proteins or nucleotides, and both occurred in the presence of nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP. While sensitive to thiol-specific reagents, CV exocytosis is not restored by the addition of cytosolic NSF, and fusion and NSF function are differentially sensitive to thiol-specific agents. To test participation of tightly bound, nonexchangeable NSF in CV-CV fusion, we cloned the sea urchin homolog and developed a species-specific antibody for Western blots and physiological analysis. Despite being functionally inhibitory, the antibody had no effect on CV exocytosis or homotypic fusion. NSF is detectable in intact cortices, cortices from which CVs had been removed, and in isolated CVs treated with ATP-gamma-S and egg cytosol to reveal NSF binding sites. In contrast, isolated CVs, though all capable of Ca2+-triggered homotypic fusion, contain less than one hexamer of NSF per CV. Thus, NSF is not a required component of the CV fusion machinery.

Coorssen JR, Blank PS, Albertorio F, Bezrukov L, Kolosova I, Chen X, Backlund PS, Zimmerberg J. Regulated secretion SNARE density, vesicle fusion and calcium dependence. J Cell Sci 2003;116:2087-2097.

Whalley T, Timmers K, Coorssen J, Bezrukov L, Kingsley DH, Zimmerberg J. Membrane fusion of secretory vesicles of the sea urchin egg in the absence of NSF. J Cell Sci 2004;117:2345-2356.

Membrane microdomains in viral fusion

Blank, Chang, Cherif, Hess, Kapnik, Kumar, Polozov, Yin

We have embarked on a new subproject to investigate the role of membrane microdomains in the fusion of membranes critical to syncytium formation and infection by the influenza virus. We find that, by dint of its transmembrane domain, the virus selects and concentrates microdomain lipids for both viral assembly and viral fusion. From the perspective of both physical chemistry and cell membrane biology, we are investigating various hypotheses that posit the reason behind formation of the domain.


Laura Bakas, PhD, Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas La Plata (INIBIOLP), La Plata, Argentina

Yuri Chizmadzhev, PhD, Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Monique Dubois, PhD, Service de Chimie Moléculaire, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Antonina Dunina-Barkovskaya, PhD, Moscow State University, Russia

Marie J. Hardwick, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Elizabeth Jonas, PhD, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Len Kaczmarek, PhD, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Michael Kozlov, PhD, School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Peter Kuzmin, MS, Frumkin Institute of Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Rami Rahamimoff, MD, University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Timothy Whalley, PhD, University of Stirling, UK

Jonathan Yewdell, MD, PhD, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID, Bethesda, MD

Thomas Zemb, PhD, Service de Chimie Moléculaire, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

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