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Current and Upcoming Veterans Issues in Congress:
I have been working hard with my colleagues in the Senate to help our Nation’s veterans and their families.

Relief for Rural Veterans in Crisis:
Thousands of veterans are returning from service overseas with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues. I was proud to include in my Medicare bill a new program, called the Relief for Rural Veterans in Crisis Act of 2008, which would establish a new grant program to help improve the ability of rural hospitals and clinics to provide emergency care to veterans suffering from mental health issues.

The Hire a Hero Act:
It is so important to help troops returning from combat re-integrate into life back home.  That’s why I co-sponsored the Hire a Hero Act which would authorize the military to work together with volunteer organizations to help troops find work after they leave the service.

Protecting our Flag:
I'd also like you to know that I continue to support the prohibition of burning our American flag. I'm a proud supporter of a bill allowing Congress the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the U.S. flag.