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Taking Care of our Troops

Whether they are serving in Iraq or living here at home, supporting the troops is my top defense priority. 

Raising Military Pay

Despite opposition from the White House, I fought for the 3.5 percent pay raise for the troops included in the 2008 Defense Authorization bill.   I think this is the least we can do for the men and women who do so much to secure our freedom.  I’m also a strong supporter of a 3.9 percent pay increase included in the 2009 Defense Authorization Bill.

Tax Relief for the Troops

To help offer our nation’s service members a tax relief, I introduced the Defenders of Freedom Tax Relief Act.  The bill helps members of the military when they receive combat pay, save for retirement, or purchase their own homes.  I’ve introduced this legislation out of deep respect for our nation’s military. This bill honors and values the sacrifices that the men and women of the armed services make for our country every single day. This legislation puts dollars in the pockets of soldiers and veterans, and gets rid of unnecessary tax restrictions for military families who have more important things to worry about than red tape.  I was proud to see these important provisions passed into law this year.

Providing Better Mental Health Care for our Troops

Our troops deserve the best mental health care possible.  Last December, After carefully reviewing the recommendations of the Post-Deployment Health Reassessment Task Force Report and consulting with Major General Mosley, the Adjutant General of the Montana National Guard, Jon Tester and I met with the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Dr. David Chu, to urge him to allow the Montana National Guard to provide a second mental health screening for troops returning from combat after they had time to settle back into life in Montana. I was happy when I recently learned of the National Guard’s approval for this important program. The additional screening will help detect mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder so troops can get the treatment they need more effectively and efficiently. 

Protecting Soldiers Abroad

I also fought for billions more in funding for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAP) vehicles within the 2008 Defense Authorization bill.   This vehicle is Defense Secretary Gates’ top acquisition priority because it offers five times the protection from Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) than is currently available with armored HMMWV.  The MRAPs reduce American casualties by two-thirds as compared to an up-armored HMMWV.   These vehicles are critical to help keep our troops safe from IEDs.  

My Work to Boost the Nation's Defense

Fighting Terrorism

In the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks, I've vigorously supported legislation to make defense officials better equipped to combat terrorism.
Each year through the Defense Appropriations bill, I fight to bring millions of dollars to help make Montana more secure. You can bet that I'll continue to push for funding for Montana’s outstanding projects. The fiscal year 2006 Defense Appropriations bill included $80 million in federal funds for Montana.  The fiscal year 2007 Defense Appropriations bill included $28.5 million for Montana.  I was proud to help secure over $30 million in the 2008 Defense Appropriations bill.

Protecting Montana’s Role in National Defense

It's important that we consistently secure money for defense-related projects in the state. Some projects that have received funding include: Bozeman's LigoCyte for research to combat biological warfare terrorism, a weapons delivery system used by military ground vehicles and helicopters, MSE Technologies in Butte for development of the MARIAH Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Project, and research projects with NASA.

I also helped secure an additional $4.8 million for an emergency wireless communication network among the Montana National Guard bases. The funds will allow the National Guard to hire engineers to design the emergency wireless communications system, and to purchase equipment such as dishes, repeaters and towers necessary to provide wireless, uninterrupted communications among the Montana National Guard bases.

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U.S. Department of Defense