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Current and Upcoming Environmental Issues in Congress

As Montana’s Senior Senator, I am fighting everyday to make Montana a better place to live, work, and raise a family.  A big part of what makes Montana so special is its wide open spaces, clean water, and big sky.  Montanans have an outdoor heritage of hunting, fishing, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors.  In the 110th Congress, I will continue to fight to protect our way of life.

Some of my top priorities are to lower gasoline prices, preserve public access, pass balanced climate change legislation, enact an energy tax incentives package, make sure that the Forest Service has adequate funding to fight wildfires, and continue to protect Montana’s outdoor heritage.  Our outdoor heritage and our economy depend on finding workable solutions to each of these issues.  Whether it is stopping British Petroleum from developing coal bed methane north of Glacier National Park or holding EPA’s feet to the fire to get the cleanup in Libby done right, I will continue to put Montana first.