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Growing up on a ranch outside of Helena, I’ve watched and learned about the success of farmers, ranchers and other businesses in Montana.  Today, a growing part of their success depends on opportunities in foreign markets.  Two out of every three bushels of wheat produced in Montana are exported to foreign markets.  Foreign beef sales are critical to our ranchers.

In Montana’s manufacturing and high-tech sectors, a growing number of small Montana companies find more than a quarter of their business abroad. As a nation, America is exporting more than ever before in our history.

International markets hold enormous promise for Montana, but we need to go about seizing international trade opportunities the right way.

First, we need to make sure American workers hurt by trade are taken care of, provided retraining, and given a leg up to another job.

Second, we need to prevent unfairly traded goods, such as Canadian softwood lumber and counterfeit Chinese goods, from overrunning U.S. markets.

Third, we must open new global markets for Montana and keep them open with vigorous enforcement of our trade laws.

Finally, we need to make sure our trading partners abide by the highest labor and environmental standards possible.