STAR GOES-R Algorithm Working Group website National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website

Land and Ocean Data Products

Fire and Hot Spot Characterization

Fire mask showing southern California

Fire mask showing southern California. Red, orange, cyan indicate fire (with decreasing certainty). Yellow is a pixel hotter than can be accurately measured in the proxy data. Green is a biome not likely to burn.

Indicates the location of active wild fires as well as areas that cannot be analyzed, for example due to opaque cloud coverage or processing block-out zones. The data product also identifies locations where the ABI sensor received a stronger signal than it could record accurately.

Land Surface Temperature

Land surface temperature data illustration

Land surface temperature using proxy data. Blue and white colors are masks of ocean and cloud areas, respectively. The color scale bar indicates the temperature range from 230 K to 350 K.

The skin temperature of the uppermost layer of the land surface.


Sea Surface Temperature

Sea surface temperature data illustration

Sea surface temperature using proxy data

The temperature of the top 10 microns of the ocean water. This tempeature is important for mathematical modeling and weather forecasting.


Fractional Snow Cover

Fractional Snow Cover data illustration

Snow cover using proxy data from MODIS for March 1, 2009

The fractional area of each image pixel (typically 2 km by 2 km) covered by snow.