STAR GOES-R Algorithm Working Group website National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website

Clouds, Precipitation, & Lightning Products

There are 5 Cloud and Precipitation products that are grouped as follows.

Cloud and Moisture Imagery

Images of hurricane Katrina representing each of the spectral bands on the GOES-R imager

Simulated images from each of the spectral bands showing hurricane Katrina

Digital maps of clouds and moisture for the 16 spectral bands provided by the Advanced Baseline Imager and provided in two different formats, resulting in 16 cloud and moisture imagery products. This group of products is critical to the success of the GOES-R mission.

Clear Sky Mask

Images of hurricane Katrina representing each of the spectral bands on the GOES-R imager

Four-level cloud mask using proxy data from SEVIRI on Met-8. Clouds are indicated in white. The colors represent the surface temperature (Kelvin) for the cloud-free areas.

For many of the other products, it is important to determine which portions of the sky have clouds and which do not. More formally, the Clear Sky Mask product provides the location of the cloud free vertical columns of the atmosphere.


Cloud Top Properties

The cloud top properties consist of three categories based upon the algorithms used for processing the data.

Cloud Optical Depth and Cloud Particle Size Distribution

These products are based upon the amount of light scattering and absorption due to water vapor and ice particles.

Cloud Top Phase

This product whether the water at the top of the cloud is liquid, supercooled liquid, mixed, or solid.

Cloud Top Height and Cloud Top Pressure and Cloud Top Temperature

These three products are closely related by Boyles Law about the physics of gases. Boyle's Law is often included in high school chemistry and physics classes as PV=nrT.

Cloud particle size data illustration Cloud type data illustration Cloud height data illustration Cloud optical depth data illustration

Particle size, Type, Height, and Optical depth (left to right)


Rainfall Rate and Quantitative Precipitation Estimation

Rainfall rate data illustration

Quantitative precipitation estimate for 24 hour period

A quantitative estimate of instantaneous rainfall rate.


Lightning Cluster Filter Algorithm

Lightning detection data illustration

An illustration of possible values for the "eye scene", one of pieces of data in the product.

The location of lightning discharges. The product includes cloud to cloud lightning and cloud to ground lightning when detectable by the GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instrument.