STAR GOES-R Algorithm Working Group website National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website

Radiation Budget Data Products

The radiation budget accounts for the amount of electromagnetic energy (including light) received by the earth (primarily from the sun) and the energy radiated from the Earth into space. Two GOES-R data products measure two components of the radiation energy balance.

Downward Shortwave Radiation: Surface

Downward shortwave radiation budget at the surface

Downward shortwave radiation at the surface. The proxy data from the Terra satellite contains gaps that will not be present in the GOES-R product.

The incoming total solar radiation received at the earth's surface from the components of the direct solar radiation and the solar radiation diffused by the atmosphere and clouds.

Reflected Shortwave Radiation: Top of Atmosphere

Reflected shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere

Reflected shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere. The proxy data from the Terra satellite contains gaps that will not be present in the GOES-R product.

The solar irradiance reflected off the earth's surface back to the top of the atmosphere. The upward longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere is the total thermal infrared radiative flux density emitted from the earth/atmospheric system. It is usually referred as the outgoing longwave radiation in scientific and academic publictions.